Justin & Jessica and the Nation of Elation: A Bedtime Adventure
Justin & Jessica and the Nation of Elation: A Bedtime Adventure follows two siblings on an imaginary journey into the fantastical nation of Elation where the frog King, King Croaker…
Learn From My Experiences
Learn From My Experiences is a collection of essays penned by the author Norman B. Gildin who offers professional fundraisers, lay leaders, volunteers and the general public his perspective and…
Literally Horrible
“I feel dirty after reading this” – Authors ExGirlfriend. Hellitosis: Literally Horrible is a disgusting romp alongside a Serial Killer and their insane quest for a self fulfilling prophecy. A…
Love Letters From The Black Sea
Did you ever want to swim with the fish? Of course you haven’t, because you’re free. Your life is so much different from mine. You see a sea of water,…
Monday Morning Musings
In the early 2000s, Allan Kehrt, a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, and a founding partner of the architecture firm KSS Architects, began writing down ideas about architecture….
My Kufi and Me
What is your most prized possession? What do you wear that says the most about you? My Kufi and Me is a story about the relationship a boy has with…
My Momma’s Hands
This collection of Middle Eastern recipes was inspired by the childhood memories of my Momma’s Cooking. Being told I inherited my mother’s hands both physically and in the kitchen, I…
My Ride on the Planet Earth
This is the story of an Orlando boy who enlisted in the U.S. Air Force after high school graduation and became an airplane engine mechanic. At 82 years old, Charles…
New Life Power Action
New Life Power Action: Know Your Purpose and Put Your Spiritual Gifts to Work is a book that guides its readers into discovering the unique person God created them to…
Ni Siquiera Puedo Leer Mi Propia Mente
Espero que este libro te motive y te ayude en tu camino hacia la recuperación, ya sea por un derrame cerebral o por otros obstáculos que te han derribado. Mi…
Not Just Sunglasses and Autographs
My day was far from over. Every other Thursday that summer of 2004, I would finish shooting Jerry Bruckheimer’s acclaimed TV series Skin and then tack on a four-hour nightcap…
Phe and the Work of Death
When we die, do we die alone? Even when surrounded by loved ones, the dying person enters into an aloneness, a realm where the living cannot reach. But is it…