
  • 40th Century Man

    “Andy Clausen’s character voice is heroic, a vox populi of the democratic unconscious. The expensive bullshit of Government TV poetics suffers diminution of credibility placed side by side with Mr….

  • About Face

    Simone melds the theoretical insights of postmodernists like Lyotard, Baudrillard, and Derrida with Afrocentric ethnology, psychology, and anthropology to expose the political ethics of race and racial experience in contemporary…

  • Anarchitexts

    Radical essays from the global underground on art, technology, autonomous culture and the politics of the future. Writers and artists from Russia, Romania, India, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Italy, Germany, Mexico, Slovenia,…

  • Anarchy & Schizoanalysis, On

    Using the “anti-oedipal” insights of Deleuze and Guattari’s classic work on capitalism and schizophrenia, Perez argues for “anti-fascist strategies in everyday life.” This book is a first step in applying…

  • Arcane of Reproduction

    One of Italy’s leading feminist thinkers critiques the traditional Marxist category of “productive” labor and examines the effects on the capitalist “reproductive” roles of women’s labor and bodies, with illuminating…

  • Assassination Rhapsody

    A pataphysical interpretation of the Warren Report on the assassination of JFK, which Pell argues should stand as a hallmark of postmodernist fiction. We can testify that, in the annals…

  • Ayahuasca and Shamanism

    Michael Taussig first visited the Putumayo region of the Colombian Amazon in 1972, and has returned almost annually since 1976 to drink yage (the hallucinogenic vine ayahuasca) by the Mocoa…

  • Behind the Blip

    A far-reaching and strikingly original collection of essays on the “culture of software” by British new-media critic Matthew Fuller, Behind the Blip looks at the many ways in which the…

  • Between Dog and Wolf

    In these fierce and lyrical essays, David Levi Strauss calls for an art—and implicitly for an approach to art writing—that is passionately experiential, intellectually grounded, and politically fearless. He addresses…

  • Blood & Volts

    At the dawn of the twentieth century, General Electric (using Thomas Edison’s direct current) and Westinghouse (employing Nikola Tesla’s groundbreaking alternating current) were locked in combat to determine which would…

  • Blue Line, The

    In this novel of eco-sabotage, Max, a French architect, is running in the mammoth New York City Marathon. And, like the first Greek marathoner Pheidippides, the French communard Gustave Courbet,…

  • Blue Tide

    The Rig Veda, the earliest sacred text of the ancient Indo-Europeans, includes dozens of hymns in praise of this psychedelic plant which, when drunk, takes its subjects to the realm…
