Medical Records for the South Wales Coalfield c. 1890-1948
The vast archives of the South Wales Coalfield Collection are a unique asset for researchers and an especially useful tool for medical historians. Until now the medical records contained within…
Medicine in Wales: 1800-2000
Medicine in Wales, c.1800–2000 is the first book to deal with the history of medicine in Wales in an interdisciplinary context. Drawing on a wide variety of sources, from documentary…
Medieval Blood
Medieval Blood is the first interdisciplinary account of one of the most crucial elements of the medieval imagination: blood. Taking blood and bodies seriously, this volume uses cutting-edge theory to…
Medieval Cultural Studies
This collection of newly commissioned essays celebrates the sixty-fifth birthday of Professor Stephen Knight in 2005 by paying tribute to his pioneering work in a discipline we call ‘medieval cultural…
Medieval Welsh Monasteries
Medieval Welsh Monasteries examines the nature of monastic life in medieval times and seeks to explore what kind of place a monastery was and how the religious houses developed in…
Modernism from the Margins
Modernism from the Margins is an accessible and challenging account of the 1930s writing of two of the most popular authors of the time. Locating the work of Louis MacNeice…
Modernity Reconstructed
This book is the reconstruction of a critical theory of modernity. The book is divided into four parts: freedom, equality, solidarity and responsibility. The first three follow the basic ideas…
Multiculturalism and Law
As recent controversies over satirical religious cartoons in Denmark and the wearing of traditional dress in France attest, multiculturalism is an increasingly contentious issue for contemporary democracies. The question of…
Multiculturalism and Law
As recent controversies over satirical religious cartoons in Denmark and the wearing of traditional dress in France attest, multiculturalism is an increasingly contentious issue for contemporary democracies. The question of…
Newspaper Russian
IntroductionVocabulary EntriesAcronyms and AbbreviationsNames of Russian Political Parties
Newspaper Spanish
This handbook, like its French and German sister volumes, is intended to fill a significant gap in the range of dictionaries available today. It is an up-to-date guide to current…
No Hiding Place
During the past fifty years the Neo-Darwinian synthesis of evolutionary theory with genetics has provided us with a powerful new model of what nature is. The model has much to…