King Alfred School & The Progressive Movement 1898-1998
“The story is well told with both sympathy and a certain critical detachment.” –ISIS Magazine
Kith and Kin
C. C. Eldridge is Reader in History at University of Wales, Lampeter and the author of several volumes on the British Empire in the Victorian period, including Victorian Imperialism (1978),…
Kurt Merz Schwitters
Gwendolen Webster is a freelance writer and translator living in Germany. “. . . commendably thorough in her researches into the life of this remarkable man . . .Gwendolen…
Language and Community in the Nineteenth Century
This is the third volume in a pioneering series of authoritative studies on the social history of the Welsh language. It contains fourteen chapters, all written by acknowledged experts in…
Language Planning and Language Use
Glyn Williams is Director of Research Centre Wales and Reader in Sociology at University of Wales Bangor. His many publications include The Welsh in Patagonia: The State and the Ethnic…
Language Revitilization: Policy and Planning in Wales
Colin H. Williams is Research Professor in the Department of Welsh, Cardiff University and Adjunct Professor of Geography, University of Western Ontario. He is the editor of many books, including…
Language, Economy and Society
In this new edition the authors present new sets of language data both for individuals and for households in Wales and examine the impact of migration on the language, the…
Language, Self and Love
Language, Self and Love offers a unique insight into the development of the language of interiority in the medieval literature inspired by the Song of Songs and its commentaries. It…
Latin Writers of the Renaissance
From the Introduction to Latin Writers of the Renaissance: “Great is the solemn mystery of the Latin language, truly great its divine majesty: through so many centuries it has been preserved,…
Law, Order, and Government in Caernarfonshire, 1558-1640
“ . . . should find an eager readership among teachers of Welsh history and those teachers in English who want to develop a National Curriculum that truely has a…
Lawyers and Laymen
“The volume, while dealing with matters of legal history, is not addressed exclusively to legal historians. Its chief use must be for those scholars who require a knowledge of legal…
Layamon’s Brut and the Anglo-Norman Vision of History
Layomon’s Brut is a twelfth-century historical poem that includes the first account of King Arthur in English. Kenneth Tiller argues that Layamon uses the history of the ancient Britons to…