
  • Blue Tide

    The Rig Veda, the earliest sacred text of the ancient Indo-Europeans, includes dozens of hymns in praise of this psychedelic plant which, when drunk, takes its subjects to the realm…

  • Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation

    Literary Nonfiction. CALIBAN AND THE WITCH is a history of the body in the transition to capitalism. Moving from the peasant revolts of the late Middle Ages to the witch-hunts…


    This anthology redraws Canada as a complex terraincognita of desire and dismay. “Eco-feminism, censorship, and the ‘queerness’ of the True North. Richly eclectic in tone and material, unrelentingly controversial, and…

  • Carnival of Chaos

    Congeries of heretical, drunken pirates from the Lower East Side roamed the country in 1995, stirring up guerilla parties and workshops, trying to build a new world from the waste…

  • Cassette Mythos

    Essays, stories, and manifestoes from the real musical underground. The cassette is an egalitarian communication tool that has given many the power to produce and distribute their own music and…


    This anthology of Fly’s zines from 1992-1996 contains equal amounts of surreal comix and twisted prose, describing her daily struggle to keep things going against powerful controlling forces and have…

  • Clipped Coins, Abused Words, Civil Government

    Caffentzis grounds this examination of Locke’s philosophy of economics, language, and history in the political crisis that resulted when monetary pirates “clipped” the silver currency of 17th-century England. His interventionist…

  • Conversations with Durito

    This collection of related communiqués and tales — 44 in all — comprise a broad political discourse of the Zapatistas’ struggle and their history as an organization and an international…

  • Cracking the Movement

    Compelling and instructive tales of autonomous adventure and humorous mayhem from within the Dutch squatter’s movement of the 1980s. Accounts of playful and spontaneous intransigence, theoretic burlesque, strategies of disappearance,…

  • Crimes of Culture

    Kostelanetz slashes and burns his way through the politics of American culture. Crimes of Culture examines the critical conflicts between literary institutions and the cultural apparatuses of the state. It…

  • Crimes of the Beats

    One evening, the Unbearables were bemoaning the sorry state of radical culture, and asked themselves what single act they could do to release themselves from their past, while at the…

  • Cyberfeminism

    If gender is not obsolete, there is a stake in reformulating it under conditions governed by the dominance of the Digital, and testing its capacities to subvert cultural practices….
