Law, Liberty and Livelihood
Going beyond mere macro-statistics and statistical controversies about the impact of liberalization on the poor, this study documents through primary research the ‘official’ as well as the ‘actual’ regulatory and…
Morality of Markets
Essays from distinguished economists, ethicists, and theologians are included in this unique collection, which explores the moral and ethical foundations of the free market. From the economic and philosophical perspective, the notion that…
Privatising Power Cuts?
Arguing that the emphasis on ownership in the privatization of State Electricity Boards of India (SEBs) is misleading, this inquiry looks deeply at the organizational structure of SEBs.
Reforming the Labour Market
Fourteen essays take up questions such as Is it necessary to reform the labour market to achieve employment growth? What labor reform is necessary in a country where 92 percent…
Terracotta Reader
Providing a counterpoint to the green movement, which depends upon greater government involvement in environmental issues, this selection of essays represents the philosophy of the terra-cotta movement. Literally named for…
Topics in Applied Economics (Tools, Issues and Institutions)
The research of Professor Sankar, one of the most versatile applied economists in India, served as the launching pad and inspiration for this collection of contributions made by some of…