And The Beat Goes On (DVD)
Firefighters have got to stop killing themselves! They are heroic but do many non-heroic things that may result in injury and death. Deputy Chief Billy Goldfeder, Fire Engineering contributing…
Charisse Shumate
This 37-minute video was created in collaboration with the California Coalition for Women Prisoners and focuses on the life of Charisse Shumate and women in California State prisons. It includes…
Indies Under Fire
In the span of just a decade, over half of the nation’s independent bookstores vanished. This revealing documentary tells the stories of three such stores fighting for survival. In…
Legacy Of Torture
“In 2005 several former members of the Black Panther Party were held in contempt and jailed for refusing to testify before a San Francisco Grand Jury investigating a police shooting…
Pride & Ownership (DVD)
In this thought-provoking and inspirational session from FDIC 2001, Chief Rick Lasky gives an upfront and honest criticism about the need to reignite the love of the job on every…
The Art of Reading Smoke (DVD)
Often, smoke issuing from a building is the only clue available to predict fire behavior and the likelihood of a flashover or rapid fire spread. First-arriving officers must read smoke…