BB, HIS010000, LIT003000, LIT004290, Palgrave Macmillan, PSY031000, SOC010000, SOC028000, SOC032000
Female Exiles in Twentieth and Twenty-first Century Europe
A number of historical events of the twentieth century gave rise to migration, immigration, and exile to and within the European continent. This collection represents an effort to raise consciousness…
BC, Berg Publishers, SOC032000
Gender and Migration in Southern Europe
The important role women play in the process of migration to the Western bloc – and in particular to Southern Europe where they often find jobs in the domestic service,…
BC, LAN015000, Paperback, SOC032000, Southern Illinois University Press
Gender Influences
Donnalee Rubin examines the responses of thirty-one freshman composition teachers to student writing and shows the negative effects of gender bias on assessment to prove that gender perceptions and expectations…
BB, Berg Publishers, Berg Publishers, SOC032000, With dust jacket
Gender, Sex and the Shaping of Modern Europe
Gender, Sex and the Shaping of Modern Europe explores the key transformations of sexual identities and sexuality in Europe from the French Revolution to the present day. Crucially, its focus…
BC, Bloomsbury Academic, SOC032000
Gender, Sex and the Shaping of Modern Europe
Gender, Sex and the Shaping of Modern Europe explores the key transformations of sexual identities and sexuality in Europe from the French Revolution to the present day. Crucially, its focus…
BC, HIS010000, SOC032000
Love, Sex, Intimacy and Friendship Between Men, 1550-1800
Top-drawer collection of international, interdisciplinary scholars reconfigure the history of sexuality and radically altering how we think about sexuality and how we write history. This book is a timely benchmark…
BB, Hardback, LAN015000, SOC032000, Southern Illinois University Press
Manly Writing
In this critical history of the gendered politics of rhetoric and the rise of composition, Miriam Brody argues that nothing about words or their arrangement is innately gendered. Yet since…