BC, Bloomsbury Academic, HIS026000, HIS027170, I.B. Tauris, POL000000, REL037040, REL084000, soc048000
A New Muslim Order
Nicolas Pelham explores how America’s overthrow of the Baath partyin Iraq, and the failures of Washington’s post-invasion regime spawned a Shiite revolution in the heartland of the Arab world. Through…
BC, HarperCollins, HarperOne, HIS036000, REL084000, SOC026000, Trade PB
Doubt: A History
In the tradition of grand sweeping histories such as From Dawn To Decadence, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, and A History of God, Hecht champions doubt and questioning as one…
BB, Palgrave Macmillan, POL029000, REL084000, SOC051000
Faith and Impiety in Revolutionary Mexico
While Mexico’s spiritual history after the 1910 Revolution is often essentialized as a church-state power struggle, this book reveals the complexity of interactions between revolution and religion. Looking at anticlericalism,…
HIS036000, history, Penguin Books, philosophy, REL084000, REL084000, religion, theology
God on Trial
$24.00 -
BC, Palgrave Macmillan, REL037010, REL084000
Islam and Muslim Politics in Africa
Political liberalization and economic reform, the weakening of the state, and increased global interconnections have all had profound effects on Muslim societies and the practice of Islam in Africa. The…
BB, PRH Grupo Editorial, REL010000, REL084000, Roca
Sodoma: Poder y escándalo en el Vaticano / In the Closet of the Vatican: Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy
Sodoma expone la decadencia y la corrupción en el corazón del Vaticano y de la actual Iglesia Católica.Más de un millón de ejemplares vendidos en todo el mundo.Este libro expone…