Discontinuity of Man
The “Discontinuity of Man” along with the book which preceded it, “Cursed Above All Cattle” unlocks the end day prophecies in the books of Jeremiah, Isaiah, Daniel and Revelation. We…
Isaiah: An Introduction and Study Guide
C.L. Crouch and Christopher Hays introduce the Book of Isaiah by examining its structure and characteristics; covering the latest Biblical scholarship, including its composition history and key historical and interpretive…
Isaiah: An Introduction and Study Guide
C.L. Crouch and Christopher Hays introduce the Book of Isaiah by examining its structure and characteristics; covering the latest Biblical scholarship, including its composition history and key historical and interpretive…
Prophetic Otherness
This collection argues that the final form of prophetic texts attempts a picture of stability; of a new world that emerges in the aftermath of the turbulent experiences of Israel/Judah’s…