Do Elephants Jump?
The tenth book in David Feldman’s bestselling Imponderables® series, packed with even more answers to perplexing questions and solutions to everyday mysteries Every day, we are confronted with innumerable small…
Do Penguins Have Knees?
The fifth book in David Feldman’s bestselling Imponderables® series, packed with even more answers to perplexing questions and solutions to everyday mysteriesCulled from the thousands of letters submitted by desperate…
What Makes Flamingos Pink?
Do spiders sleep? Why are barns red? Why is there a crescent moon on outhouse doors? Are zebras white with black stripes or black with white stripes?As the Xerox Corporation’s…
When Do Fish Sleep?
Ponder, if you will …Why are tennis balls fuzzy? How come birds don’t tip over when they sleep on telephone wires?What makes yawning contagious?Why, oh why, do roosters have to…
Why Do Clocks Run Clockwise?
Ponder, if you will …What is the difference between a kit and a caboodle?Why don’t people get goose bumps on their faces?Where do houseflies go in the winter?What causes that…