For Dust Thou Art
Running the gamut from traditional to radical forms, Timothy Liu’s sixth collection of poems, For Dust Thou Art, continues the trajectory of his previous books but extends his lyrical range….
Furious Lullaby
Furious Lullaby is both a celebration of and a eulogy to the body in the twenty-first century. The collection, which examines the larger concepts of salvation and temptation in a…
Giacomettis Dog
Celebratory or eligiac, these poems record the author’s “two-headed journey” to root herself – geographically and emotionally – in the world. Becker’s poems are from remote and familiar outposts: the…
Green Age
“Her spirit encompasses the exuberance of a girl, the vulnerability of someone in love, and wisdom of a mother who can allow her childern to leave home.”–Choice “Ostriker faces the…
Gregory Corso
Gregory Corso is the most intensely spiritual of the Beat generation poets and still by far the least explored. The virtue of Kirby Olson’s Gregory Corso: Doubting Thomist is that…
I Thought They’d Be Around Forever
Can a seemingly anachronistic literary form—the sonnet—resonate with today’s reader? Love, won and lost, is the sonnets mainstay—if not its reason for being. But the 114 sonnets in “I Thought…
If No Moon
If No Moon by award-winning author Moira Linehan documents the effects of profound loss and the dark withdrawal into grief. Wherever the author turns—the landscape of her backyard in Massachusetts,…
In Search of the Great Dead
With grim humor and humorous grimness, In Search of the Great Dead engages the great themes of poetry: death and fame. The title poem of this collection records Richard Cecil’s…