BC, Paperback, PHI019000, University of Wales Press
Ernest Gellner and Modernity
Michael Lessnoff is Reader in Politics at the University of Glasgow. He is the author of The Structure of Social Science (1973), Social Contract (1986), The Spirit of Capitalism and…
BC, PHI019000, POL010000, SOC022000, Verso, Verso Books
Everything, All the Time, Everywhere
“Erudite and entertaining … Everything, All the Time, Everywhere is a detailed and convincing horror story of the amalgamation of the two most dominant intellectual paradigms of the past half…
BC, HIS016000, Paperback, PHI019000, University of Wales Press
Francis Fukuyama and the End of History
Howard Williams is a Professor in the Department of Politics, University of Wales, Aberystwyth. Gwyn Matthews is a Lecturer at the University of Wales, Bangor. David Sullivan tutors in Philosophy…
BC, Paperback, PHI019000, University of Wales Press
Hegel and Marx after the Fall of Communism
The collapse of the Soviet Empire led many to think communism and perhaps socialism were no longer relevant to the modern world. Hegel and Marx after the Fall of Communism presents…
BC, Paperback, PHI019000, University of Wales Press
Hegel on Freedom and Authority
While Hegel’s political philosophy has been attacked on the left by republican democrats and on the right by feudalist reactionaries, his apologists see him as a liberal reformer, a moderate…
BB, Hardback, PHI019000, University of Wales Press
Hegel on Freedom and Authority
While Hegel’s political philosophy has been attacked on the left by republican democrats and on the right by feudalist reactionaries, his apologists see him as a liberal reformer, a moderate…
BC, Paperback, PHI019000, University of Wales Press
Ideology draws on the social, political and cultural theory of Jurgen Habermas, Gilles Deleuze and Slavoj Žižek in order to explore the possibility of developing a ‘critical conception of ideology’….
BB, Hardback, PHI019000, University of Wales Press
Ideology draws on the social, political and cultural theory of Jurgen Habermas, Gilles Deleuze and Slavoj Žižek in order to explore the possibility of developing a ‘critical conception of ideology’….
BB, Hardcover, LCO010000, LIT000000, PHI000000, PHI019000, University of Notre Dame Press
Integral Humanism, Freedom in the Modern World, and A Letter on Independence, Revised Edition
The three books presented in this volume, Integral Humanism, Freedom in the Modern World, and A Letter on Independence, were all written in the early 1930s, a time of dire…
BB, Palgrave Macmillan, PHI005000, PHI019000
Intellectual Property and Theories of Justice
This volume provides the first systematic exploration of intellectual property and theories of justice from a philosophical perspective. The book covers the diversity of relevant theories of justice (Lockean, Rawlsian,…