Updike and the Patriarchal Dilemma
Mary O’Connell examines the role of socially constructed masculinity in John Updike’s Rabbit tetralogy—Rabbit Run, Rabbit Redux, Rabbit Is Rich, and Rabbit at Rest—which comprises the longest and most comprehensive…
Vaudeville Humor
Vaudeville Humor: The Collected Jokes, Routines, and Skits of Ed Lowry contains vaudeville jokes, skits, and routines from the first three decades of the twentieth century originally compiled by comedian…
Whitman’s & Dickinson’s Contemporaries
Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman were not the poetic stars of their day; only a few friends knew that Dickinson wrote, and Whitman’s following was minuscule, if influential. But the…
With Walt Whitman in Camden, Volume 7
This is the seventh volume of the daily record, over the last four years of Walt Whitman’s life, of his conversations with his young friend and literary executor Horace Traubel.Traubel…