The Definitive Journals of Lewis and Clark, Vol 10
An accomplished carpenter and boat builder, Patrick Gass proved to be an invaluable and well-liked member of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Promoted to sergeant after the death of Charles…
The Definitive Journals of Lewis and Clark, Vol 11
Lively and curious, possessing a keen eye for detail and a knack for skin-dressing, Private Joseph Whitehouse produced an account that stands as the only surviving record by any army…
The Definitive Journals of Lewis and Clark, Vol 12
This landmark volume contains the most complete listing and presentation of the plant specimens collected by the Lewis and Clark expedition. All but one of the plants were collected by…
The Definitive Journals of Lewis and Clark, Vol 13
In twelve remarkable volumes, Gary E. Moulton has edited the journals of the Lewis and Clark expedition of 1804–6, thus making clear and accessible to all readers the plethora of…
The Definitive Journals of Lewis and Clark, Vol 9
The dependable and matter-of-fact John Ordway was one of the mainstays of the Corps of Discovery, promoted early on to sergeant and serving as an able leader during the captains’…