Las 999 mujeres de Auschwitz / The 999 Women of Auschwitz
Una increíble historia de amistad, sororidad y supervivencia. La historia de las primeras 999 mujeres judías que fueron enviadas al campo de exterminio.«Todo comenzó con las chicas», dice Giora Amir,…
Maine’s Jewish Heritage
According to historian Benjamin Band, the first record of a Jew in Maine concerns Susman Abrams, a tanner who resided in Union until his death at 87 in 1830. Historical…
One Step Ahead
Through compelling personal accounts and family correspondence, One Step Ahead documents Alfred Feldman’s harrowing flight into exile as he and his family fled the pogroms that flooded across Nazi-occupied Europe….
Philo’s Portrayal of Moses in the Context of Ancient Judaism
Philo’s Portrayal of Moses in the Context of Ancient Judaism presents the most comprehensive study of Philo’s De Vita Mosis that exists in any language. Feldman, well known for his…