A LM IA Ceramic Kiln in South-Central Crete
An in-depth study of the Late Minoan IA cross-draft kiln found in excavations at Kommos, Crete. The kiln is of a type popular during the Neopalatial period, and its good…
Alexander the Great
Tough, resolute, fearless. Alexander was a born warrior and a ruler of passionate ambition who understood the intense adventure of conquest and of the unknown. When he died in 323…
Amphoras and the Ancient Wine Trade
Although this booklet is based on broken pottery found during the excavation of the Agora, the author ranges far beyond the confines of Athens in her discussion of the purpose…
Archaic Corinthian Pottery and the Anaploga Well
In the first section of this book, Amyx catalogues and discusses more than 200 fragments of Archaic Corinthian pottery with figure decoration, selected from those previously unpublished or inadequately published….
Attic Red-Figured and White Ground Pottery
This volume presents the inventoried red-figure and white-ground pottery found in the Agora Excavations between 1931 and 1967. Although many of these vases have already been published in various reports…
Between Venice and Istanbul
Despite growing interest, the archaeology of the so-called Post-Byzantine era in Greece remains a poor cousin of classical studies. The 13 papers in this volume survey the different regions of…