The Later Works of John Dewey, Volume 6, 1925 – 1953
Except for Dewey’s and James H. Tufts’ 1932 Ethics (Volume 7 of The Later Works), this volume brings together Dewey’s writings for 1931–1932.The Great Depression presented John Dewey and the…
The Later Works of John Dewey, Volume 8, 1925 – 1953
This volume also includes a collection of essays entitled The Educational Frontier, Dewey’s articles on logic, the outlawry of war, and philosophy for the Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, and…
The Middle Works of John Dewey, Volume 10, 1899 – 1924
Except for Democracy and Education, the 53 items in Volume 10 include all of Dewey’s writings from 1916–1917, the years when he moved into politics and began to write about…
The Middle Works of John Dewey, Volume 13, 1899 – 1924
Volume 13 in The Middle Works of John Dewey, 1899–1924,series brings together Dewey’s writings for 1921and 1922,with the exception of Human Nature and Conduct. A Modern Language Association Committee on…
The Middle Works of John Dewey, Volume 15, 1899 – 1924
Volume 15in The Middle Works of John Dewey, 1899–1924,series brings together Dewey’s writings for the period 1923–1924. A Modern Language Association Committee on Scholarly Editions textual edition.Volume 15 completes the…
The Middle Works of John Dewey, Volume 3, 1899 – 1924
Spanning the crucial years of Dewey’s move from the University of Chicago to Columbia University, Volume 3 collects thirty-six essays and reviews published at the very time Dewey determined that…
The Middle Works of John Dewey, Volume 4, 1899 – 1924
By 1907, the first of the three years embraced by Volume 4, Dewey had abandoned thoughts of a possible career in the administration of higher education and was firmly established…
The Middle Works of John Dewey, Volume 6, 1899-1924
William James, remarking in 1909on the differences among the three leading spokesmen for pragmatism—himself, F. C. S. Schiller, and John Dewey—said that Schiller’s views were essentially “psychological,” his own, “epistemological,”…
The Middle Works of John Dewey, Volume 7, 1899 – 1924
During the three years embraced by Volume 7, Dewey published twenty articlesand reviews, one of the articles of monograph-length, “The Psychology of Social Behavior,” one small book, Interest and Effort…
The Middle Works of John Dewey, Volume 8, 1899 – 1924
Volume 8 comprises all Dewey’s published writings for the year 1915—andonlyfor 1915,a year of typically elevated productivity, which saw publication of fifteen articles and miscellaneous pieces and three books, two…
The Middle Works of John Dewey, Volume 9, 1899-1924
John Dewey’s best-known and still-popular classic, Democracy and Education, is presented here as a new edition in Volume 9 of the Middle Works. Sidney Hook, who wrote the introduction to…