
SKU: 9780448439617


When the summer ended, the girls from bunk 3C assumed that everything would be the same at home as when they had left. But with middle school starting, they couldn’t have been more wrong. Now Natalie and Jenna are finding their social lives rapidly changing, and Grace and Alex are working harder than ever at school and sports. But when they find out that their bunkmate is going through some really tough times, they are eager to do anything they can. But how can they help her when they all live so far away?Melissa J. Morgan started going to sleep away camp when she was eight years old and didn’t stop until her first job after grad school refused her request for eight weeks of summer vacation. She’s since quit that job to become a full-time author. The only reason she didn’t go back to camp is that her husband refused to join her. Melissa lives in New York with him and Bugle, their Chocolate Lab.US

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Dimensions 0.4400 × 5.0900 × 7.6500 in









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