The Middle Works of John Dewey, Volume 3, 1899 – 1924

The Middle Works of John Dewey, Volume 3, 1899 – 1924


SKU: 9780809307753


Spanning the crucial years of Dewey’s move from the University of Chicago to Columbia University, Volume 3 col­lects thirty-six essays and reviews pub­lished at the very time Dewey deter­mined that his professional future would lie in the field of philosophy. After resigning from Chicago, Dewey seriously considered a career in univer­sity administration before finally decid­ing to accept a professorship in the Department of Philosophy at Columbia, where he was to remain the rest of his professional life.

Darnell Rucker, author of The Chi­cago Pragmatists and “Dewey’s Ethics” in the Guide to the Works of John Dewey, is Professor of Philosophy at Skidmore College.

Jo Ann Boydston, General Editor of the Middle Works series, is Director of the Center for Dewey Studies, Southern Illinois Uni­versity at Carbondale.

“The variety of materials gathered here [presents] in a compelling way a variety of facets of a single philosophy—not single in doctrine or in completeness—but single in purpose, in effort, and in power. This relatively small portion of his whole output is genuinely representative of that philosophical vision that carried Dewey through his long and productive life.”—from the Introduction

Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 1 × 6 × 9 in