The Little Book of Love Magic

The Little Book of Love Magic


SKU: 9780349433271


The magical essence of love is at the heart of the universal energy that animates all things. This little book will enhance your connection to all forms of love by drawing on the power of symbols, herbs, flowers, crystals, moon, planets, and more. By using rituals, spells, practices, intentions and enchantments you can nurture and love your sacred self, promote sensual wellbeing, attract, improve or heal relationships, and align to universal love.

Divided into three main parts, the first is devoted to self-love to include nourishing the sensual witch inside you, understanding and developing your potentials, qualities and quirks by nurturing your authentic self. A second part covers the love of others: romantic love, desire, physical attraction, relinquishing love's illusions, invoking the love of family, friends and simply having fun with others. The last part focuses on practices concerned with universal or spiritual love, such as being at one with the universe; loving all of nature, loving what has been, what will be, what is now; expressing and sharing other qualities of love, such as compassion, forgiveness, gratitude and grace; and the joy of being here on Earth.

The Little Book of Love Magic enables you to connect and draw on the magical essence of love in its many guises to truly find the happiness you seek.

After studying for an Art degree at Middlesex University, Sarah Bartlett went on to become a consultant astrologer, first training at the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London, and then acquiring the Diploma in Psychological Astrology at the CPA, an in-depth 3-year professional training programme which cross-fertilizes the fields of astrology, mythology and depth, humanistic and transpersonal psychology.

She is the author of over twenty mainstream non-fiction books, including the best-selling The Little Book of Practical Magic, Tarot Bible and The National Geographic’s Guide to Supernatural Places, and has been astrologer for the London Evening Standard, as well as many women’s magazines such as Cosmopolitan and Spirit and Destiny.

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