The Beasts of Tarzan

The Beasts of Tarzan


SKU: 9781640916555


Just when Tarzan, Lord of the Apes, looks to be settled happily into family life with his wife, Jane, and their son, Jack, Tarzan’s arch-enemy, Nikolas Rokoff, kidnaps the infant boy. With his son’s life set to be forfeit to a tribe of African cannibals, Tarzan enlists the help of the beasts of the jungle to rescue his son. Just when Tarzan, Lord of the Apes, looks to be settled happily into family life with his wife, Jane, and their son, Jack, Tarzan’s arch-enemy, Nikolas Rokoff, kidnaps the infant boy. With his son’s life set to be forfeit to a tribe of African cannibals, Tarzan enlists the help of the beasts of the jungle to rescue his son. EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS: MASTER OF ADVENTURE  
The creator of the immortal characters Tarzan of the Apes and John Carter of Mars, Edgar Rice Burroughs is one of the world’s most popular authors. His timeless tales of heroes and heroines transport readers from the jungles of Africa and the dead sea bottoms of Barsoom to the miles-high forests of Amtor and the savage inner world of Pellucidar, and even to alien civilizations Beyond the Farthest Star. Mr. Burroughs’ books are estimated to have sold hundreds of millions of copies, and they have spawned 60 films and 250 television episodes.

"Edgar Rice Burroughs was, and is, the most influential writer, bar none, of our century." -Ray Bradbury

Additional information

Dimensions 1 × 7 × 6 in