Study Guide for Human Anatomy & Physiology
- Description
- Additional information
About the Book
Guide students to focus on “big picture” concepts before exploring details
- Unique Chapter Roadmaps provide a visual overview of the key concepts in the chapter and show how they relate to each other. Each key concept “brick” in the roadmap corresponds to a numbered section within the chapter, beginning with a declarative statement that helps learners quickly grasp the “big idea” of the topic discussion.
- Key Concept Modular Organization helps students master the core material, easily navigate the chapter, and maintain their focus. This clear and succinct presentation delivers core concepts in manageable chunks that are easier for students to manage and reference.
- NEW! Text recall icons guide students to review specific pages where a concept was first introduced.
- EXPANDED! Making Connections questions appear in every chapter (except Chapter 1), and challenge students to relate different concepts across body systems and chapters.
Engage students in building visual literacy skills and interpreting visual information
- EXPANDED! 6 New Focus Figures (for a total of 26) Focus Figures walk students through complex processes using exceptionally clear, easy tofollow illustrations with integrated text explanations. Focus Figure Coaching Activities can be assigned through Mastering A&P as figure walkthrough videos with assessments and/or as multi-part coaching activities. New Focus Figures can be assigned with new “mini animation” coaching activities in Mastering A&P and include:
- Fig 3.1 The Plasma Membrane
- Fig 11.4 Postsynaptic Potentials and Their Summation
- Fig 16.2 Stress and the Adrenal Gland
- Fig 18.2 The Cardiac Cycle
- Fig 21.1 An Example of a Primary Immune Response
- Fig 28.2 Fetal and newborn Circulation
- EXPANDED! 31 unique In-Line Figures are strategically placed within the text to visually reinforce the text discussion. This innovation is the latest example of how the authors carefully integrate art and text, almost always presenting words and visuals on the same two-page spread so that readers can efficiently learn, visualize and remember concepts
- NEW! “Draw” questions ask students to create visuals that reinforce important concepts by drawing a structure, annotating a figure, or creating a summary table.Students can check their work using the expanded answer key at the back of the text.
- NEW! 47 Check Your Understanding questions include an illustration as part of the question and require students to practice visual literacy skills.
- Blue text annotations appear in selected figures and represent the voice of an A&P instructor, highlighting important points to remember. In some figures the text is broken into numbered steps to help students more easily understand processes one step at a time. Consistent visual presentation is applied throughout the text so that at least one figure, image, or table is included in every two-page spread.
Support learners at every level, from novice to expert
- EXPANDED! 13 NEW! Summary Tables present key information and serve as “one-stop shopping” student tools.
- NEW! Check Your Understanding sections in each chapter now include a greater variety and range of question types, including higher-level questions labeled Apply, Predict, What If?, Draw, and Make Connections questions. Dozens of new visual questions ask students to label structures or interpret visual information.
- NEW! All End of Chapter Review questions reinforce the main ideas of the chapter and are now organized into three levels of difficulty based on Bloom’s Taxonomy categories:
- Level 1: Remember/Understand
- Level 2: Apply/Analyze
- Level 3: Evaluate/Synthesize
Motivate and prepare students for careers in health care that require real-world problem solving
- UPDATED! Career Connection videos feature real health care professionals and include assignable questions that ask learners to apply chapter content to examples from their everyday work as a nurse or—NEW!—as a physical therapist. Referenced at the beginning of each chapter with a “preview” image, students can view the videos through an open access web page at, , or through Mastering A&P.
- UPDATED! Clinical Case Studies with new NCLEX-Style questions challenge students to apply knowledge to realistic clinical scenarios and appear at the end of chapters.
- NEW! NCLEX-Style questions have been added to each Clinical Case Study and give students practice answering the kinds of challenging questions that they will eventually encounter on a licensing exam. Students can practice answering these questions on their own or in collaboration with classmates. New NCLEX-Style questions are assignable in Mastering A&P.
- UPDATED! Homeostatic Imbalance discussions alert students to the consequences of body systems not functioning optimally. Relevant photos have been added to selected discussions for visual reinforcement. These sections discuss many common pathological conditions as a way of clarifying and illuminating normal body function. Every Homeostatic Imbalance feature has an assignable clinical question in Mastering A&P. NEW! Relevant clinical photos have been added to selected discussions for visual reinforcement.
Also available with Mastering A&P
Mastering™ is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools developed to engage students and emulate the office-hour experience, Mastering personalizes learning and improves results for each student. Mastering A&P assignments support interactive features in the text, including new Interactive Physiology 2.0 tutorials, new, customizable Practice Anatomy Lab (PAL) Flashcards, new Focus Figure “Mini-Animation” Coaching Activities, new Building Vocabulary Coaching Activities, Dynamic Study Modules, Learning Catalytics™, 3D animations, lab study tools, Get Ready for A&P, plus a variety of Art Labeling Questions, Clinical problem-solving activities, and more. Learn more about Mastering A&P.
Develop students’ 21st-century skills
- NEW! Focus Figure “Mini Animation” Coaching Activities bring the 6 new Focus Figures to life and help students build visualization skills using short video segments. Additional multi-part coaching activities can be assigned for the book’s 20 other Focus Figures.
- NEW! Building Vocabulary Coaching Activities give students a fun way to learn word roots and A&P terminology while building and practicing important language skills.
- IMPROVED! Concept Map Coaching Activities support the concept maps in the text and help students practice concept mapping skills without requiring them to submit their own concept map for grading.
- NEW! NCLEX-Style Questions give students practice answering the kinds of clinical problem-solving questions that will eventually appear on a licensing exam.
- UPDATED! Career Connection Video Activities feature real health care professionals and include assessment questions that apply chapter content to examples from everyday work as a nurse or—NEW!—as a physical therapist. Students can access the videos through an open access web page at, or view the video in Mastering A&P.
- Art-Labeling and Art-Based Questions give students practice identifying structures and process steps using art from the book. Art labeling are drag-and-drop activities that allow students to assess their knowledge of terms and structures as well as the order of steps and elements involved in physiological processes. Art-based questions are conceptual questions related to art that coach students with wrong-answer feedback.
- Additional assignments include A&P Flix™ Coaching Activities, which offer stunning 3D visuals of core and complex concepts with in-depth assessments to test student understanding; Making Connections Questions which challenge students to relate different concepts across body systems and chapters; and a variety of Clinical Application Assignments (Clinical Case Study Coaching Activities, Nurses Need Physiology Coaching Activities, and Homeostatic Imbalance Reading Questions) that challenge students to apply their knowledge to clinical problem solving.
Give students plenty of opportunities for interactive practice and adaptive learning
- EXPANDED! Mobile-Ready Interactive Physiology 2.0 tutorials teach students complex physiology processes using exceptionally clear animations, interactive tutorials, games, and quizzes. IP 2.0 features new graphics, quicker navigation, and are mobile-friendly for learning on the go. New topics include Generation of an Action Potential and Cardiac Cycle. Students can access in the Mastering A&P Study Area, and instructors can assign through Mastering A&P.
- NEW! Interactive Physiology Animations from the original award-winning Interactive Physiology tutorial program have been converted to animations to accommodate learners using a wide range of web browsers and mobile devices. IP Animations are assignable as coaching activities in Mastering A&P.
- Dynamic Study Modules help students study effectively on their own by continuously assessing their activity and performance in real time. Students complete a set of questions and indicate their level of confidence in their answer. Questions repeat until the student can answer them all correctly and confidently. These are available as graded assignments prior to class and are accessible on smartphones, tablets, and computers. NEW! Instructors can now remove questions from Dynamic Study Modules to better fit their course.
- NEW! Pearson eText, optimized for mobile, seamlessly integrates videos and other rich media with the text andgives students access to their textbook anytime, anywhere. Pearson eText is available with Mastering A&P when packaged with new books, or as an upgrade students can purchase online. The Pearson eText mobile app offers:
- Embedded videos for a more interactive learning experience
- Offline access on most iOS and Android phones/tablets.
- Accessibility (screen-reader ready)
- Configurable reading settings, including resizable type and night reading mode
- Instructor and student note-taking, highlighting, bookmarking, and search tools
- Optional Adaptive Follow-Up Assignments are based on each student’s past performance on their Mastering A&P work to date, including homework, tests, and quizzes. These assignments provide additional coaching and targeted practice as needed, so students can master the material.
Instructors, save time preparing for class
- NEW! Ready-to-Go Teaching modules help instructors make efficient use of the best teaching tools before, during, and after class. Prepared by expert A&P instructors, each module includes a variety of teaching ideas to and readytouse resources for teaching 10 challenging course topics. Modules are accessible through the Instructor Resources area of Mastering A&P. Watch our video to learn about Ready-to-Go Teaching modules.
- Learning Catalytics™ helps generate class discussion, customize lectures, and promote peer-to-peer learning with real-time analytics. Learning Catalytics acts as a student response tool that uses students’ smartphones, tablets, or laptops to engage them in more interactive tasks and thinking.
- NEW! Upload a full PowerPoint® deck to easily create slide questions.
- Help your students develop critical thinking skills.
- Monitor responses to find out where your students are struggling.
- Rely on real-time data to adjust your teaching strategy.
- Automatically group students for discussion, teamwork, and peer-to-peer learning.
Help students prepare for the A&P Lab and Study for Lab Practical tests
- NEW! Customizable Practice Anatomy Lab (PAL) Flashcards allow students to create a personalized, mobile-friendly deck of flashcards and quizzes using images from PAL. Students can generate flashcards using only the structures that your instructor has emphasized in lecture or lab.
- UPDATED! Practice Anatomy Lab™ (PAL™ 3.1) is now accessible and available on all mobile devices. PAL 3.1 is an indispensable virtual anatomy study and practice tool that gives students 24/7 access to the most widely used lab specimens including human cadavers, anatomical models, histology, cats, and fetal pigs. PAL 3.1 also includes multiple-choice quizzes and practice fill-in-the-blank lab practicals.
- PhysioEx™ 9.1 supplements or substitutes traditional wet labs safely and cost-effectively by providing easy-to-use laboratory simulations, now with input data variability (includes practice quizzes and printable review sheets).
- Bone and Dissection Video Coaching Activities review the major bones and organ dissections and provide assignable activities that include hints and specific wrong-answer feedback.
- All of the assignments from Marieb/Smith Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual are included as part of the Human A&P Mastering course. Students and instructors only need one Mastering A&P code to access assignments from both the book and lab manual.
Check out the preface for a complete list of features and what’s new in this edition.
Brief Contents
Unit 1. Organization of the Body
- The Human Body: An Orientation
- Chemistry Comes Alive
- Cells: The Living Units
- Tissue: The Living Fabric
Unit 2. Covering, Support, and Movement of the Body
- The Integumentary System
- Bones and Skeletal Tissue
- The Skeleton
- Joints
- Muscles and Muscle Tissue
- The Muscular System
Unit 3. Regulation and Integration of the Body
- Fundamentals of the Nervous System and Nervous Tissue
- The Central Nervous System
- The Peripheral Nervous System and Reflex Activity
- The Autonomic Nervous System
- The Special Senses
- The Endocrine System
Unit 4. Maintenance of the Body
- Blood
- The Cardiovascular System: The Heart
- The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels
- The Lymphatic System and Lymphoid Organs and Tissues
- The Immune System: Innate and Adaptive Body Defenses
- The Respiratory System
- The Digestive System
- Nutrition, Metabolism, and Body Temperature Regulation
- The Urinary System
- Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance
Unit 5. Continuity
- The Reproductive System
- Pregnancy and Human Development
- Heredity
Elaine N. Marieb
After receiving her Ph.D. in zoology from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Elaine N. Marieb joined the faculty of the Biological Science Division of Holyoke Community College. While teaching at Holyoke Community College, where many of her students were pursuing nursing degrees, she developed a desire to better understand the relationship between the scientific study of the human body and the clinical aspects of the nursing practice. To that end, while continuing to teach full time, Dr. Marieb pursued her nursing education, which culminated in a Master of Science degree with a clinical specialization in gerontology from the University of Massachusetts. It is this experience that has informed the development of the unique perspective and accessibility for which her publications are known.
Dr. Marieb has given generously to provide opportunities for students to further their education. She funds the E.N. Marieb Science Research Awards at Mount Holyoke College, which promotes research by undergraduate science majors, and has underwritten renovation of the biology labs in Clapp Laboratory at that college. Dr. Marieb also contributes to the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, where she provided funding for reconstruction and instrumentation of a cutting-edge cytology research laboratory. Recognizing the severe national shortage of nursing faculty, she underwrites the Nursing Scholars of the Future Grant Program at the university.
In 2012 and 2017, Dr. Marieb gave generous philanthropic support to Florida Gulf Coast University as a long-term investment in education, research, and training for healthcare and human services professionals in the local community. In honor of her contributions, the university is now home to the Elaine Nicpon Marieb College of Health and Human Services.
Dr. Katja Hoehn is a professor in the Department of Biology at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Canada. Dr. Hoehn’s first love is teaching. Her teaching excellence has been recognized by several awards during her 24 years at Mount Royal University. These include a PanCanadian Educational Technology Faculty Award (1999), a Teaching Excellence Award from the Students’ Association of Mount Royal (2001), and the Mount Royal Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award (2004).
Dr. Hoehn received her M.D. (with Distinction) from the University of Saskatchewan, and her Ph.D. in Pharmacology from Dalhousie University. In 1991, the Dalhousie Medical Research Foundation presented her with the Max Forman (Jr.) Prize for excellence in medical research. During her Ph.D. and postdoctoral studies, she also pursued her passion for teaching by presenting guest lectures to first- and second-year medical students at Dalhousie University and at the University of Calgary.
Dr. Hoehn has been a contributor to several books, written numerous research papers in Neuroscience and Pharmacology, and has co-authored the last four editions of this textbook. For many years, she has also reviewed and authored electronic media that accompanies Pearson anatomy and physiology books.
Following Dr. Marieb’s example, Dr. Hoehn provides financial support for students in the form of a scholarship that she established in 2006 for nursing students at Mount Royal University.
Dr. Hoehn is also actively involved in the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS) and is a member of the American Association of Anatomists. When not teaching, she likes to spend time outdoors with her husband and two sons. She also enjoys competing in long-course triathlons and playing Irish flute down at the local pub.
About the Book
Guide students to focus on “big picture” concepts before exploring details
- New Text recall icons guide students to review specific pages where a concept was first introduced.
- A greater number of Making Connections questions appear in every chapter (except Chapter 1), and challenge students to relate different concepts across body systems and chapters.
Engage students in building visual literacy skills and interpreting visual information
- 6 New Focus Figures (for a total of 26) Focus Figures walk students through complex processes using exceptionally clear, easy to follow illustrations with integrated text explanations. Focus Figure Coaching Activities can be assigned through Mastering A&P as figure walkthrough videos with assessments and/or as multi-part coaching activities. New Focus Figures can be assigned with new “mini animation” coaching activities in Mastering A&P and include:
- Fig 3.1 The Plasma Membrane
- Fig 11.4 Postsynaptic Potentials and Their Summation
- Fig 16.2 Stress and the Adrenal Gland
- Fig 18.2 The Cardiac Cycle
- Fig 21.1 An Example of a Primary Immune Response
- Fig 28.2 Fetal and newborn Circulation
- More than 30 In-Line Figures are strategically placed within the text to visually reinforce the text discussion. This innovation is the latest example of how the authors carefully integrate art and text, almost always presenting words and visuals on the same two-page spread so that readers can efficiently learn, visualize and remember concepts
Support learners at every level, from novice to expert
- 13 additional Summary Tables present key information and serve as “one-stop shopping” student tools.
- Check Your Understanding sections in each chapter now include a greater variety and range of question types, including higher-level questions labeled Apply, Predict, What If?, Draw, and Make Connections questions. Dozens of new visual questions ask students to label structures or interpret visual information.
- “Draw” questions ask students to create visuals that reinforce important concepts by drawing a structure, annotating a figure, or creating a summary table.Students can check their work using the expanded answer key at the back of the text.
- 47 Check Your Understanding questions include an illustration as part of the question and require students to practice visual literacy skills.
- All End of Chapter Review questions reinforce the main ideas of the chapter and are now organized into 3 levels of difficulty based on Bloom’s Taxonomy categories:
- Level 1: Remember/Understand
- Level 2: Apply/Analyze
- Level 3: Evaluate/Synthesize
Motivate and prepare students for careers in health care that require real-world problem solving
- Updated Career Connection videos feature real health care professionals and include assignable questions that ask learners to apply chapter content to examples from their everyday work as a nurse or–NEW!–as a physical therapist. Referenced at the beginning of each chapter with a “preview” image, students can view the videos through an open access web page at, , or through Mastering A&P.
- Updated Clinical Case Studies with new NCLEX-Style questions challenge students to apply knowledge to realistic clinical scenarios and appear at the end of chapters 529.
- NCLEX-Style questions have been added to each Clinical Case Study and give students practice answering the kinds of challenging questions that they will eventually encounter on a licensing exam. Students can practice answering these questions on their own or in collaboration with classmates. New NCLEXStyle questions are assignable in Mastering A&P.
- Updated Homeostatic Imbalance discussions alert students to the consequences of body systems not functioning optimally. Relevant photos have been added to selected discussions for visual reinforcement. These sections discuss many common pathological conditions as a way of clarifying and illuminating normal body function. Every Homeostatic Imbalance feature has an assignable clinical question in Mastering A&P.
- Relevant clinical photos have been added to selected discussions for visual reinforcement.
Also available with Mastering A&P
Mastering™ is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools developed to engage students and emulate the office-hour experience, Mastering personalizes learning and improves results for each student. Mastering A&P assignments support interactive features in the text, including new Interactive Physiology 2.0 tutorials, new, customizable Practice Anatomy Lab (PAL) Flashcards, new Focus Figure “Mini-Animation” Coaching Activities, new Building Vocabulary Coaching Activities, Dynamic Study Modules, Learning Catalytics™, 3D animations, lab study tools, Get Ready for A&P, plus a variety of Art Labeling Questions, Clinical problem-solving activities, and more. Learn more about Mastering A&P.
Develop students’ 21st-century skills
- Focus Figure “Mini Animation” Coaching Activities bring the 6 new Focus Figures to life and help students build visualization skills using short video segments. Additional multi-part coaching activities can be assigned for the book’s 20 other Focus Figures.
- Building Vocabulary Coaching Activities give students a fun way to learn word roots and A&P terminology while building and practicing important language skills.
- Improved Concept Map Coaching Activities support the concept maps in the text and help students practice concept mapping skills without requiring them to submit their own concept map for grading.
- NCLEX-Style Questions give students practice answering the kinds of clinical problem-solving questions that will eventually appear on a licensing exam.
- Career Connection Video Activities feature real health care professionals and include assessment questions that apply chapter content to examples from everyday work as a nurse or–NEW!–as a physical therapist. Students can access the videos through an open access web page at, or view the video in Mastering A&P.
Give students plenty of opportunities for interactive practice and adaptive learning
- EXPANDED! Mobile-Ready Interactive Physiology 2.0 tutorials teach students complex physiology processes using exceptionally clear animations, interactive tutorials, games, and quizzes. IP 2.0 features new graphics, quicker navigation, and are mobile-friendly for learning on the go. New topics include Generation of an Action Potential and Cardiac Cycle. Students can access in the Mastering A&P Study Area, and instructors can assign through Mastering A&P.
- Interactive Physiology Animations from the original award-winning Interactive Physiology tutorial program have been converted to animations to accommodate learners using a wide range of web browsers and mobile devices. IP Animations are assignable as coaching activities in Mastering A&P.
- Pearson eText, optimized for mobile, seamlessly integrates videos and other rich media with the text andgives students access to their textbook anytime, anywhere. Pearson eText is available with Mastering A&P when packaged with new books, or as an upgrade students can purchase online. The Pearson eText mobile app offers:
- Embedded videos for a more interactive learning experience
- Offline access on most iOS and Android phones/tablets.
- Accessibility (screen-reader ready)
- Configurable reading settings, including resizable type and night reading mode
- Instructor and student note-taking, highlighting, bookmarking, and search tools
Instructors, save time preparing for class
- Ready-to-Go Teaching modules help instructors make efficient use of the best teaching tools before, during, and after class. Prepared by expert A&P instructors, each module includes a variety of teaching ideas to and readytouse resources for teaching 10 challenging course topics. Modules are accessible through the Instructor Resources area of Mastering A&P. Watch our video to learn about Ready-to-Go Teaching modules.
- Learning Catalytics™ helps generate class discussion, customize lectures, and promote peer-to-peer learning with real-time analytics. Learning Catalytics acts as a student response tool that uses students’ smartphones, tablets, or laptops to engage them in more interactive tasks and thinking.
- Upload a full PowerPoint® deck to easily create slide questions.
Help students prepare for the A&P Lab and Study for Lab Practical tests
- Customizable Practice Anatomy Lab (PAL) Flashcards allow students to create a personalized, mobile-friendly deck of flashcards and quizzes using images from PAL. Students can generate flashcards using only the structures that your instructor has emphasized in lecture or lab.
- Updated Practice Anatomy Lab™ (PAL™ 3.1) is now accessible and available on all mobile devices. PAL 3.1 is an indispensable virtual anatomy study and practice tool that gives students 24/7 access to the most widely used lab specimens including human cadavers, anatomical models, histology, cats, and fetal pigs. PAL 3.1 also includes multiple-choice quizzes and practice fill-in-the-blank lab practicals.
Check out the preface for a complete list of features and what’s new in this edition.
Additional information
Dimensions | 2.05 × 8.60 × 10.95 in |
Imprint | |
Format | |
ISBN-13 | |
ISBN-10 | |
Author | |
Subjects | science, higher education, Applied Sciences, Anatomy & Physiology, A&P Two Semester |