Student Solutions Manual for Thinking Mathematically

Student Solutions Manual for Thinking Mathematically


SKU: 09780134686509


About the Program

Motivate students to enjoy math. Bob Blitzer’s distinctive and relatable voice engages students in the world of math through compelling, real-world applications.

In the Book:

  • NEW AND UPDATED! Revised applications and real-world data: Over 100 worked-out examples and exercises based on new data sets, and 104 examples and exercises based on updated data.  New applications include student-loan debt, movie rental options, measuring racial prejudice, and many more.

  • Chapter openers and section openers present compelling applications, helping students to realize that mathematics is everywhere. Each vignette poses a question and explores how the section’s subject can be applied to answer the question. These scenarios are then revisited in the chapter or section.

  • Great Question! margin notes take study tips and present them in the context of student questions. 

    • These draw students’ attention and curiosity more than a regular study tip and help students feel more comfortable with asking their questions in class. 
    • This feature is extended to the learning objectives at the beginning of each section, which are also now framed in the context of a student question: What am I supposed to learn?
  • UPDATED! Revised Tax Tables in section 8.2 (Income Tax): Contains the most current federal marginal tax tables and FICA tax rates available.

In the MyLab:

  • MathTalk Videos are fun, application-based videos that connect the math in Blitzer to the real world. Presented by Andrew Vickers on location in New York and Boston, these instructional videos have a sense of humor while demonstrating how everyday life is full of math applications.

  • Applications questions correlate to Bob Blitzer’s trademark chapter- and section-opening applications, so instructors can be sure that students are using them to learn and think about math.

  • Student Success Module in MyLab Math. This new, interactive module is available in the left-hand navigation of MyLab Math and includes videos, activities, and post-tests, as well as Study Skills, including topics such as Time Management and Preparing for and Taking Exams.


Focus on student preparedness. Blitzer incorporates pedagogy and ample practice to support students entering the course at every level.

In the Book:

  • Brief Reviews summarize math skills that students should have learned previously, but which many still need to review. These appear whenever a skill is first needed, eliminating the need to re-teach.

  • Worked-out, annotated examples are written clearly and provide step-by-step solutions to help students work through “sticking points” that can cause frustration. Conversational annotations help students understand the solutions by providing the reasoning behind the mathematics.

  • Voice balloons translate mathematical language into plain English, clarifying problem-solving procedures, presenting alternative ways of understanding, and connecting complex problem

  • (NOTE: Each chapter concludes with a Chapter Summary, Review, and Test, and a comprehensive Chapter Test.)
  1. Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
    • 1.1 Inductive and Deductive Reasoning
    • 1.2 Estimation, Graphs, and Mathematical Models
    • 1.3 Problem Solving
  2. Set Theory
    • 2.1 Basic Set Concepts
    • 2.2 Subsets
    • 2.3 Venn Diagrams and Set Operations
    • 2.4 Set Operations and Venn Diagrams with Three Sets
    • 2.5 Survey Problems
  3. Logic
    • 3.1 Statements, Negations, and Quantified Statements
    • 3.2 Compound Statements and Connectives
    • 3.3 Truth Tables for Negation, Conjunction, and Disjunction
    • 3.4 Truth Tables for the Conditional and the Biconditional
    • 3.5 Equivalent Statements and Variations of Conditional Statements
    • 3.6 Negations of Conditional Statements and De Morgan’s Laws
    • 3.7 Arguments and Truth Tables
    • 3.8 Arguments and Euler Diagrams
  4. Number Representation and Calculation
    • 4.1 Our Hindu-Arabic System and Early Positional Systems
    • 4.2 Number Bases in Positional Systems
    • 4.3 Computation in Positional Systems
    • 4.4 Looking Back at Early Numeration Systems
  5. Number Theory and the Real Number System
    • 5.1 Number Theory: Prime and Composite Numbers
    • 5.2 The Integers; Order of Operations
    • 5.3 The Rational Numbers
    • 5.4 The Irrational Numbers
    • 5.5 Real Numbers and Their Properties; Clock Addition
    • 5.6 Exponents and Scientific Notation
    • 5.7 Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
  6. Algebra: Equations and Inequalities
    • 6.1 Algebraic Expressions and Formulas
    • 6.2 Linear Equations in One Variable and Proportions
    • 6.3 Applications of Linear Equations
    • 6.4 Linear Inequalities in One Variable
    • 6.5 Quadratic Equations
  7. Algebra: Graphs, Functions, and Linear Systems
    • 7.1 Graphing and Functions
    • 7.2 Linear Functions and Their Graphs
    • 7.3 Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables
    • 7.4 Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
    • 7.5 Linear Programming
    • 7.6 Modeling Data: Exponential, Logarithmic, and Quadratic Functions
  8. Personal Finance
    • 8.1 Percent, Sales Tax, and Discounts
    • 8.2 Income Tax
    • 8.3 Simple Interest
    • 8.4 Compound Interest
    • 8.5 Annuities, Methods of Saving, and Investments
    • 8.6 Cars
    • 8.7 The Cost of Home Ownership
    • 8.8 Credit Cards
  9. Measurement
    • 9.1 Measuring Length; The Metric System
    • 9.2 Measuring Area and Volume
    • 9.3 Measuring Weight and Temperature
  10. Geometry
    • 10.1 Points, Lines, Planes, and Angles
    • 10.2 Triangles
    • 10.3 Polygons, Perimeter, and Tessellations
    • 10.4 Area and Circumference
    • 10.5 Volume and Surface Area
    • 10.6 Right Triangle Trigonometry
    • 10.7 Beyond Euclidean Geometry
  11. Counting Methods and Probability Theory
    • 11.1 The Fundamental Counting Principle
    • 11.2 Permutations
    • 11.3 Combinations
    • 11.4 Fundamentals of Probability
    • 11.5 Probability with the Fundamental Counting Principle, Permutations, and Combinations
    • 11.6 Events Involving Not and Or; Odds
    • 11.7 Events Involving And; Conditional Probability
    • 11.8 Expected Value
  12. Statistics
    • 12.1 Sampling, Frequency Distributions, and Graphs
    • 12.2 Measures of Central Tendency
    • 12.3 Measures of Dispersion
    • 12.4 The Normal Distribution
    • 12.5 Problem Solving with the Normal Distribution
    • 12.6 Scatter Plots, Correlation, and Regression Lines
  13. Voting and Apportionment
    • 13.1 Voting Methods
    • 13.2 Flaws of Voting Methods
    • 13.3 Apportionment Methods
    • 13.4 Flaws of Apportionment Methods
  14. Graph Theory
    • 14.1 Graphs, Paths, and Circuits
    • 14.2 Euler Paths and Euler Circuits
    • 14.3 Hamilton Paths and Hamilton Circuits
    • 14.4 Trees
  • Answers to Selected Exercises
  • Credits
  • Subject Index

Bob Blitzer is a native of Manhattan and received a Bachelor of Arts degree with dual majors in mathematics and psychology (minor: English literature) from the City College of New York. His unusual combination of academic interests led him toward a Master of Arts in mathematics from the University of Miami and a doctorate in behavioral sciences from Nova University.

Bob is most energized by teaching mathematics and has taught a variety of mathematics courses at Miami-Dade College for nearly 30 years. He has received numerous teaching awards, including Innovator of the Year from the League for Innovations in the Community College, and was among the first group of recipients at Miami-Dade College for an endowed chair based on excellence in the classroom. Bob has written I ntermediate Algebra for College Students, Introductory Algebra for College Students, Essentials of Intermediate Algebra for College Students, Introductory and Intermediate Algebra for College Students, Essentials of Introductory and Intermediate Algebra for College Students, Algebra for College Students, Thinking Mathematically, College Algebra, Algebra and Trigonometry, Precalculus , and Trigonometryall published by Pearson.

When not secluded in his Northern California writer’s cabin, Bob can be found hiking the beaches and trails of Point Reyes National Seashore, and tending to the chores required by his beloved entourage of horses, chickens, and irritable roosters.

  • The new objective-level video series helps students learn and understand material at the objective level.

  • Revised applications and real-world data: Over 100 new worked-out examples and exercises based on new data sets, and 104 examples and exercises based on updated data.  New applications include student-loan debt, movie rental options, measuring racial prejudice, and many more.

  • New Interactive Concept Videos are included in MyLab™ Math.

  • New Animations are included in MyLab Math.

  • Revised Tax Tables in section 8.2 (Income Tax): Contains the most current federal marginal tax tables and FICA tax rates available.

  • New graphing calculator screens; all have been updated using the TI-84 Plus C.

Additional information

Dimensions 1.10 × 8.40 × 10.60 in






mathematics, higher education, Service Math, Liberal Arts Math