Starting to Draw

Starting to Draw


SKU: 9780823049165


CN Wendon Blake is the author of many popular instructional books on painting
and drawing. He lives in upstate New York.
Ferdinand Petrie has written and illustrated many books on drawing, including Watson-Guptill’s Drawing Landscapes in Pencil and The Big Book of Painting Nature in Watercolor. He lives in New Jersey. “Drawing is a skill that anyone can learn,” says the author in his introduction—and this book has been teaching that skill for twenty-five years. Now it has been elegantly redesigned to start teaching to the next generation of artists. Lots of books are great for the more advanced sketcher—but Starting to Draw is the best book for the absolute beginner, packed with fundamentals and simple building blocks of success. Time-tested text and clear, easy-to-follow drawings make this book the classic that every artist needs. Guidance on everything from equipment and warming up to drawing basic shapes to demonstrations on capturing landscapes, figures, and still lifes, Starting to Draw sets emerging artists off on a great adventure of learning and creating.

Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 1 × 8 × 10 in