Seasons of New England

Seasons of New England


SKU: 9781889833583


Currier & Ives, Winslow Homer, Fitz Hugh Lane, Andrew Wyeth–what we know and love of New England has been summed up by great American artists. The dean of today’s Rockport art colony and one of the most prolific painters in New England for the past thirty years; Donald Allen Mosher continues this great tradition. He has devoted his prize-winning career to capturing New England–from Martha’s Vineyard to the coast of Maine to Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom–always returning to his beloved Cape Ann. Mosher’s work is timeless. Most of my paintings, he notes, represent scenes that could have been painted fifty or even one hundred years ago. Covered bridges, schooners skimming past lighthouses, fall foliage against snow-topped mountains–these are the essence of what we know and love as New England. These are the subjects of Mosher’s beautiful work. “One of the finest painters from America’s oldest art colony.”

Additional information

Weight 2 oz
Dimensions 1 × 11 × 10 in