


SKU: 9780133868944


NOTE: This edition features the same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version. Books a laCarte also offer a great value—this format costs significantly less than a new textbook. Before purchasing, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson’s MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, including customized versions for individual schools, and registrations are not transferable. In addition, you may need a CourseID, provided by your instructor, to register for and use Pearson’s MyLab & Mastering products.

For courses in Working Relations and Job Search, Professional Career Relationship Development, Workplace Skills and Job Search, and Work Experience/Internship.
Blends résumé/job search topics with expected workplace relations, including in-demand soft skills
Professionalism , Fourth Edition prepares students for their first professional job, providing career planning tools, expected behaviors, and soft skills essential for career success. Ample exercises and activities help students immediately apply concepts and materials for transitioning from the classroom to a work environment. Three pillars for professional success—life planning, workplace skills, and career planning—are emphasized throughout. Students learn to connect personal, professional, and financial goals and understand how these goals ultimately contribute to career success through the creation of a life plan that addresses short- and long-term personal, professional/career, and financial goals. Recognizing that attitude, communication, and human relations are the keys to surviving in today’s challenging, competitive, and uncertain workplace, students will develop practical human relations skills with a primary emphasis on soft skills and expected workplace behaviors; and are provided detailed career planning tools that focus on job search strategies, résumé package development, and interview techniques.

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Lydia E. Anderson has a master’s in business administration with an emphasis in marketing. In addition to years of corporate marketing and strategic planning experience, she has been teaching for over eighteen years in both community college and university settings. She is currently a tenured faculty member and former chair of the Business Administration and Marketing Department at Fresno City College in Fresno, California. She also serves as an adjunct professor at California State University, Fresno. Her teaching areas of expertise include human relations in business, management, supervision, human resource management, and marketing. Ms. Anderson is also active in (California) statewide business curriculum development, student success and enrollment management initiatives, and in Academic Senate. She regularly consults with corporations on business topics relating to management and marketing to ensure currency in instruction.

Sandra B. Bolt has a master’s in business administration with an emphasis in human resource management. She has been teaching in the college setting for over twenty-four years. She is currently a tenured faculty member and past chair of the Business and Technology Department at Fresno City College in Fresno, California. Her teaching areas of expertise include workplace relationships, office occupations, office technology, résumé/interview, business communication, document formatting, and computer applications. She currently serves as the Secretary/Treasurer of the State Center Federation of Teachers. She has extensive secretarial, treasurer, and leadership experience and has served as a computer applications trainer. She has led personal financial management sessions for community groups. She has been a volunteer guest speaker at professional conferences and high school career fairs, in addition to her involvement with committees and student functions at Fresno City College.

Both authors have used their professional, educational, and personal experiences to provide readers with contemporary, realistic stories and challenges experienced in a typical workplace.

Brief Table of Contents
1. Attitude, Goal Setting, and Life Management
2. Personal Financial Management
3. Time and Stress Management and Organization Skills
4. Etiquette/Dress

5. Ethics, Politics, and Diversity
6. Accountability and Workplace Relationships
7. Quality Organizations and Service
8. Human Resources and Policies

9. Communication
10. Electronic Communications
11. Motivation, Leadership, and Teams
12. Conflict and Negotiation

13. Job Search Skills
14. Résumé Package
15. Interview Techniques
16. Career Changes

Expanded Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Attitude, Goal Setting, and Life Management
All About You
Personality and Values
Self-Efficacy and Its Influences
Dealing with Negative Baggage
Locus of Control
Learning Styles
Importance and Influences of Personal Goal Setting
How to Set Goals
Creating a Life Plan
Your Personal Handbook

Chapter 2 Personal Financial Management
Financial Management
Personal Finances Affect Work Performance
Money Management
Personal Budgeting
Debt Management
Student Loans
Wise Use of Credit
Credit Reports
Savings and Investments
Identity Theft
Additional Financial Matters
Credit and Fraud Resources

Chapter 3 Time and Stress Management and Organization Skills
The Impact of Stress on Performance
Types of Stress
Dealing with Stress
Time Management
Organizing and Performance

Chapter 4 Etiquette/Dress
Executive Presence
Influences of Appearance
Casual Workdays and Special Events
Tips from Head to Toe
Jewelry, Body Piercing, and Tattoos
Business Etiquette
Introductions and Business Networking
Other Etiquette Basics

Chapter 5 Ethics, Politics, and Diversity
Ethics, Politics, and Diversity at Work
Ethics Defined
Values, Conflicts, and Confidentiality
Making Ethical Choices
Workplace Power
Increasing Your Power Bases
Workplace Politics and Reciprocity
When Others Are Not Ethical
Common Ethical Issues
Diversity Basics
Legal Protection from Discrimination
Stereotypes and Prejudice
Cultural Differences

Chapter 6 Accountability and Workplace Relationships
Accountability and Empowerment
Personal Accountability
Workplace Relationships
Executives/Senior Officials
Boss Styles
Others Within the Organization
When Relationships Turn Negative
Dating at Work
Shared Work Areas
Breaks and the Break Room
Miscellaneous Workplace Issues

Chapter 7 Quality Organizations and Service
Productivity in a Quality-Focused Workplace
Lines of Authority
Quality and the Company
Creativity and Innovation
Excellent Customer Service Defined
The Impact of Customer Service
The Difficult Customer

Chapter 8 Human Resources and Policies
Human Resource Department
Employee Orientation
Employee Handbook
Employment-at-Will and Right to Revise
Employment Status
Performance Evaluations
Open-Door Policy

Chapter 9 Communication
Communication at Work
Workplace Communication and Its Channels
The Communication Process
Verbal Communication and Listening
Non-Verbal Communication
Written Communication
Business Letters
Business Memos
Handwritten Notes
Slang and Foul Language
Potentially Offensive Names
Not Always About You

Chapter 10 Electronic Communications
Electronic Communications at Work
Telecommunication Basics
Business E-mails
Writing E-mail Messages
Portable Devices and Texting
Phone Etiquette
Social Media Tools
Video and Teleconferencing

Chapter 11 Motivation, Leadership, and Teams
A Foundation for Performance
Becoming a Leader
Teams and Performance
Characteristics of an Effective Team Member
Team Presentations

Chapter 12 Conflict and Negotiation
Resolving Conflict
Conflict Management and Negotiation Harassment
Workplace Bullies
Know Your Rights
Resolving Conflict at Work
Resolving Conflict Under a Union Agreement
Workplace Violence
Agree to Disagree

Chapter 13 Job Search Skills
The Job Search
Choosing the Right Career
Industry Research
The Targeted Job Search
Online Identity
Job Search Portfolio
Employment Applications
Personal References and Recommendations
Sources of Job Leads
Professional Networking
Protecting Your Privacy
Keeping the Right Attitude

Chapter 14 Résumé Package
Building Your Résumé Package
Step One: Gathering Information
Step Two: Creating an Information Heading and Utilizing Proper Layout
Step Three: Writing a Skills Summary or Personal Profile
Step Four: Inserting Skills, Accomplishments, and Experience
Step Five: Reviewing the Completed Résumé
Sharing Your Résumé
Cover Letters
Tailoring Your Résumé and Cover Letter
Tips for Special Circumstances

Chapter 15 Interview Techniques
The Interview
The Invitation to Interview
Company-Specific Research
The Personal Commercial
The Interview Portfolio
Practice Interview Questions
Pre-Interview Preparation
The Interview Process
Interview Day
Traditional Face-to-Face Interview
Interview Methods and Types of Interview Questions
Phone and Other Technology-Based Interviews
Discrimination and Employee Rights
Special Circumstances and Tough Questions
Closing the Interview
After the Interview
Salary Negotiation
Pre-Employment Tests, Screenings, and Medical Exams
When You Are Not Offered the Job

Chapter 16 Career Changes
Career Changes
Training and Development
Continual Learning
Changes in Employment Status
New Job Searches
Voluntary Terminations
Involuntary Terminations
Other Moves Within an Organization
Career Success


  • Loose-leaf, 3-hole-punched pages
  • Free shipping

The text blends career goals and expected workplace relations throughout, emphasizing three pillars for professional success: life planning, workplace skills, and career planning.

Life Planning offers enhanced learning outcomes, in-chapter exercises, and end-of-chapter activities to support Bloom’s Taxonomy and help students think critically about their life and career goals.

  • NEW! Summary words and revised learning outcomes provide introduction to topic and content focus. (Ex. – Beginning of chapter)
  • NEW! In-chapter exercises have been updated throughout including changing Cory stories, Topic Situation and Topic Response case studies, Web Searches, “Think About It” and “Talk About It” discussion and reflection questions promote discussion, provide a means for topic clarification, and immediate application of content. (Ex. – Throughout the chapter)
  • NEW! Enhanced end-of-chapter Concept Review and Application section reinforces student learning by providing hands-on application of topic content. These include Workplace Do’s and Don’ts, Summary of Key Concepts, Key Terms (set up as a Self-Quiz to be matched with definitions), Think Like a Boss, and new/revised End of Chapter Activities (Ex. – End of chapter)
  • How-Do-You-Rate? Assessments provide students an introduction to the chapter topic through brief, fun, and realistic applications. (Ex. – Beginning of chapter.

Workplace Skills provide new and enhanced content to address employer concerns related to millennial and reentry students.

  • NEW! Personal branding content and increased focus on quality and accountability helps students recognize the importance of immediately creating a personal brand and integrating professional behaviors that represent that brand. (Ex. – Chapters 1 & 7)
  • NEW! Discussion on student loans, cash management, and online protection on identity theft addresses personal finance issues today’s students face (Ex. – Chapter 2)
  • REVISED! Increased discussion, examples, and case studies on communication/technology using etiquette addresses employer concerns that today’s students lack basic communication, spelling, and grammatical skills and are too reliant on communication devices. (Ex. – Chapters 9-10)

Career Planning features revised career planning to address current market conditions.

  • NEW! Key topics have been reordered, including completion of accomplishments worksheet, writing of career objective/personal profile, and personal commercial streamlines the process and better identifies key skill sets. (Ex. – Chapters 13-15)
  • NEW! New and enhanced checklists for job search tools and processes ensure students include/address key elements necessary for the job search portfolio, interview portfolio, interview preparation, and post-interview activities. (Ex. – Chapters 13-15)
  • NEW! Advanced Skill Set Résumé Format provides a résumé format for those with extensive career experience. This contemporary format highlights, communicates, and sells specific job skills and work accomplishments, and replaces the chronological format. (Ex. – Chapter 14)

The text blends career goals and expected workplace relations throughout, emphasizing three pillars for professional success: life planning, workplace skills, and career planning.

Life Planning offers enhanced learning outcomes, in-chapter exercises, and end-of-chapter activities to support Bloom’s Taxonomy and help students think critically about their life and career goals.

  • Summary words and revised learning outcomes provide introduction to topic and content focus. (Ex. — Beginning of chapter)
  • In-chapter exercises have been updated throughout including changing Cory stories, Topic Situation and Topic Response case studies, Web Searches, “Think About It” and “Talk About It” discussion and reflection questions promote discussion, provide a means for topic clarification, and immediate application of content. (Ex. – Throughout the chapter)
  • Enhanced end-of-chapter Concept Review and Application sectionreinforces student learning by providing hands-on application of topic content. These include Workplace Do’s and Don’ts, Summary of Key Concepts, Key Terms (set up as a Self-Quiz to be matched with definitions), Think Like a Boss, and new/revised End of Chapter Activities (Ex. – End of chapter)

Workplace Skills provides new and enhanced content to address employer concerns related to millennial and reentry students.

  • Personal branding content and increased focus on quality and accountability helps students recognize the importance of immediately creating a personal brand and integrating professional behaviors that represent that brand. (Ex. – Chapters 1 & 7)
  • Discussion on student loans, cash management, and online protection on identity theft addresses personal finance issues today’s students face (Ex. – Chapter 2)
  • Increased discussion, examples, and case studies on communication/technology using etiquette addresses employer concerns that today’s students lack basic communication, spelling, and grammatical skills and are too reliant on communication devices. (Ex. – Chapters 9-10)

Career Planning features revised career planning to address current market conditions.

  • Key topics have been reordered, including completion of accomplishments worksheet, writing of career objective/personal profile, and personal commercial streamlines the process and better identifies key skill sets. (Ex. – Chapters 13-15)
  • New and enhanced checklists for job search tools and processes ensure students include/address key elements necessary for the job search portfolio, interview portfolio, interview preparation, and post-interview activities. (Ex. – Chapters 13-15)
  • Advanced Skill Set RésuméFormat provides a résumé format for those with extensive career experience. This contemporary format highlights, communicates, and sells specific job skills and work accomplishments, and replaces the chronological format. (Ex. – Chapter 14)

Pearson Choices

  • CourseSmart Textbooks Online is an exciting choice for students looking to save money. As an alternative to purchasing the print textbook, students can subscribe to the same content online and save up to 50% off the suggested list price of the print text. With a CourseSmart e-textbook, students can search the text, make notes online, print out reading assignments that incorporate lecture notes, and bookmark important passages for later review.
  • Custom Services allows professors to create their own professionally produced customized textbooks and media products to best complement their course. As the industry leader in custom publishing, we are committed to meeting your instructional needs by offering flexible and creative choices for course materials that will maximize learning and engagement of students. We offer high-quality content, professional design, quick production, and reliable on-time delivery. The result is a valuable resource tailored to meet the needs of the professor, students, and course.

NOTE: This edition features the same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version. Student Value Editions also offer a great value–this format costs significantly less than a new textbook.
Blends résumé/job search topics with expected workplace relations, including in-demand soft skills
Professionalism, Fourth Edition prepares students for their first professional job, providing career planning tools, expected behaviors, and soft skills essential for career success. Ample exercises and activities help students immediately apply concepts and materials for transitioning from the classroom to a work environment. Three pillars for professional success–life planning, workplace skills, and career planning–are emphasized throughout. Students learn to connect personal, professional, and financial goals and understand how these goals ultimately contribute to career success through the creation of a life plan that addresses short- and long-term personal, professional/career, and financial goals. Recognizing that attitude, communication, and human relations are the keys to surviving in today’s challenging, competitive, and uncertain workplace, students will develop practical human relations skills with a primary emphasis on soft skills and expected workplace behaviors; and are provided detailed career planning tools that focus on job search strategies, résumé package development, and interview techniques.

Additional information

Dimensions 0.50 × 8.40 × 10.80 in








higher education, Employability, Career and Student Success, MED003010