Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra
- Description
- Additional information
Marge Lial (late) became interested in math at an early age—it was her favorite subject in the first grade! Marge’s intense desire to educate both her students and herself inspired the writing of numerous best-selling textbooks. Marge, who received Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from California State University at Sacramento, was affiliated with American River College. An avid reader and traveler, her travel experiences often found their way into her books as applications, exercise sets, and feature sets. She was particularly interested in archeology; trips to various digs and ruin sites produced some fascinating problems for her textbooks involving such topics as the building of Mayan pyramids and the acoustics of ancient ball courts in the Yucatan. We dedicate the new editions of the paperback developmental math series to Marge in honor of her contributions to the field in which she helped thousands of students succeed.
Diana Hestwood lives in Minnesota and has taught at Metropolitan Community College in Minneapolis for two decades. She has done research on the student brain and is an expert on study skills. She is the author of Lial/Hestwood’s Prealgebra and coauthor of Lial/Salzman/Hestwood’s Basic Math and Lial/Hestwood/Hornsby/McGinnis’s Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra.
The Lial courses include all of MyMathLab’s robust features, plus these additional NEW highlights:
- Two MyMathLab course options are now available:
- Standard MyMathLab courses allow instructors to build their course their way, offering maximum flexibility and control over all aspects of assignment creation.
- New Ready-to-Go courses provide students with all the same great MyMathLab features, but make it easier for instructors to get started.
- Both Lial course options include a pre-made pre- and post- test for every chapter, section-level homework with Guided Solutions exercises, Summary Exercise Homework assignments, and chapter review quiz linked to personalized homework. These items are also pre-assigned in the Ready-to-Go courses.
- Guided Solution Exercises in the text margins and exercise sets guide students through the first few solution steps and are marked with a GS icon. To take this a step further, these new types of exercises are assignable in MyMathLab.
- The Lial Video Library includes the following resources, which all offer optional English and Spanish captioning:
- Section Lecture Videos offer a new navigation menu by example and objective.
- Solutions Clips for select exercises marked with a Play Button icon in the text and eText show an instructor working through complete solutions.
- Quick Review Lectures provide a summary of key concepts for each chapter.
- Chapter Test Prep Videos show solutions for Chapter Test exercises. They are also accessible by the Quick Response (QR) code on the inside back cover of the book or on YouTube.
- UPDATED AND EXPANDED! PowerPoint® slides include an objective based presentation; a fresh, interactive, animated design; Caution Notes; and are available for viewing on tablets. They serve as an effective Self-Study or Lecture Replacement Resource for students in traditional, hybrid, lab-based, or online courses. These are available in MyMathLab to both students and instructors and are assignable as a media assignment.
- MySlideNotes files are posted in MyMathLab and available to be printed.
- Assignable Study Skills and Reading Connection material has been added.
- Improved parallel matched exercises offer more equivalent odd and even exercises for easier assignment creation.
- Accessibility enhancements continue Pearson’s commitment to make products accessible to as many students as possible. This latest course release is compatible with the JAWS screen reader, enabling print-disabled students to access and interact with numerous problems as noted by an icon within the assignment manager. The course also works with the ZoomText enlarger, and includes an HTML eBook that is compatible with JAWS and other Windows screen readers, allowing all students to access the same text, at the same place, and at the same price. Additionally, all videos include subtitles.
NEW features to supportive pedagogy, ample exercise sets, and extensive end-of-chapter material ensure success.
- Examples and exercises have been adjusted or replaced with current data. Applications put math in context to motivate students and were updated to cover a wider variety of topics, including technology, ecology, and health sciences.
- Vocabulary Tips in the margins of the first few chapters help students learn root words and prefixes.
- Guided Solutions in margins and exercise sets, marked with a GS and assignable in MyMathLab, show the first steps to guide students as they learn a new procedure.
- Concept Checks at the start of exercise sets ensure students have the skills to proceed, and later help students consolidate learning by writing, correcting errors, and practicing processes.
For Students
- MyWorkBook can be accessed within MyMathLab or packaged with the text or MyMathLab code, and provides the following resources for every section:
- Key vocabulary terms, and vocabulary practice problems
- Guided Examples and similar Practice Exercises, keyed to the text Objectives
- References to Examples, Section Lecture Videos, and Solutions Clips for more help
- Additional Practice Exercises with ample space for students to show their work
- The MySlideNotes workbook provides a note-taking tool based on the PowerPoint slides that accompany your text.
- Extra examples let students apply the concepts and procedures on the slides.
- Guided solutions break problems into small, manageable steps.
- Vocabulary practice ensures that students have a firm grasp of the key new terms.
- UPDATED AND EXPANDED! PowerPoint® slides include an objective based presentation; a fresh, interactive, animated design; Caution Notes; and are available in JavaScript for viewing on smartphones and tablets. They serve as an effective Self-Study or Lecture Replacement Resource for students in traditional, hybrid, lab-based, or online courses. These are available in MyMathLab to both students and instructors and are assignable as a media assignment.
For Instructors
- Vocabulary and Teaching Tips have been added to margins of the Annotated Instructor’s Edition to help new and experienced instructors with class prep.
This edition features the exact same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version. Books a la Carte also offer a great value–this format costs significantly less than a new textbook.
The Lial Series has helped thousands of students succeed in developmental mathematics by providing the best learning and teaching support to students and instructors.
MyMathLab delivers proven results in helping students succeed and provides engaging experiences that personalize learning. The Lial courses include all of MyMathLab’s robust features, plus these additional highlights:
- NEW! Two MyMathLab course options are now available:
- Standard MyMathLab courses allow instructors to build their course their way, offering maximum flexibility and control over all aspects of assignment creation.
- New Ready-to-Go courses provide students with all the same great MyMathLab features, but make it easier for instructors to get started.
- Both Lial course options include a pre-made pre- and post- test for every chapter, section-level homework with Guided Solutions exercises, Summary Exercise Homework assignments, and chapter review quiz linked to personalized homework. These items are also pre-assigned in the Ready-to-Go courses.
- NEW! Guided Solution Exercises in the text margins and exercise sets guide students through the first few solution steps and are marked with a GS icon. To take this a step further, these new types of exercises are assignable in MyMathLab.
- NEW! The Lial Video Library includes the following resources, which all offer optional English and Spanish captioning:
- Section Lecture Videos offer a new navigation menu by example and objective.
- Solutions Clips for select exercises marked with a Play Button icon in the text and eText show an instructor working through complete solutions.
- Quick Review Lectures provide a summary of key concepts for each chapter.
- Chapter Test Prep Videos show solutions for Chapter Test exercises. They are also accessible by the Quick Response (QR) code on the inside back cover of the book or on YouTube.
- UPDATED AND EXPANDED! PowerPoint® slides include an objective based presentation; a fresh, interactive, animated design; Caution Notes; and are available for viewing on tablets. They serve as an effective Self-Study or Lecture Replacement Resource for students in traditional, hybrid, lab-based, or online courses. These are available in MyMathLab to both students and instructors and are assignable as a media assignment.
- NEW! MySlideNotes files are posted in MyMathLab and available to be printed.
- NEW! Assignable Study Skills and Reading Connection material has been added.
- NEW! Improved parallel matched exercises offer more equivalent odd and even exercises for easier assignment creation.
- Interactive Test Your Word Power exercises help students master math vocabulary.
- NEW! Accessibility enhancements continue Pearson’s commitment to make products accessible to as many students as possible. This latest course release is compatible with the JAWS screen reader, enabling print-disabled students to access and interact with numerous problems as noted by an icon within the assignment manager. The course also works with the ZoomText enlarger, and includes an HTML eBook that is compatible with JAWS and other Windows screen readers, allowing all students to access the same text, at the same place, and at the same price. Additionally, all videos include subtitles.
Supportive pedagogy, ample exercises, and extensive end-of-chapter material ensure success.
- Learning Objectives are stated for each section, and material is organized by objective.
- NEW! Examples and exercises have been adjusted or replaced with current data. Applications put math in context to motivate students and were updated to cover a wider variety of topics, including technology, ecology, and health sciences.
- An emphasis on problem solving is introduced and integrated as a six-step process.
- Margin Problems allow students to immediately practice the example material and check their answer at the bottom of the page in preparation for the exercise sets.
- NEW! Guided Solutions in margins and exercise sets, marked with a GS and assignable in MyMathLab, show the first steps to guide students as they learn a new procedure.
- NEW! Vocabulary Tips in the margins of the first few chapters help students learn root words and prefixes.
- Summary Exercises are a mid-chapter review included in every chapter.
- Pointers within examples, Cautions (highlighted in yellow) and Notes (highlighted in blue) provide students with important, on-the spot information.
- Study Skills activities provide students with proven strategies for learning math.
- Math in the Media activities show relevance and work well for collaboration or discussions.
- Varied problems in end-of-section exercise sets include skill, writing, estimation, calculator, applications, and correct-the-error.
- NEW! Concept Checks at the start of exercise sets ensure students have the skills to proceed, and later help students consolidate learning by writing, correcting errors, and practicing processes.
- Relating Concepts exercises help students tie concepts together and make good group activities.
- Solutions to exercises marked with a blue square are included in the back of the book to provide easily accessible step-by-step help in solving the most commonly missed exercises.
- Chapter Summary includes terms with definitions and graphics, New Formulas and Symbols, Test Your Word Power, and Quick Review for each section with extra examples.
- Chapter Test allows students to prepare for the real thing. Students can watch an instructor work out the full solutions to the problems in the Chapter Test Prep Videos.
Beyond the robust core text and MyMathLab support, the program offers additional support resources.
For Students
- NEW! MyWorkBook can be accessed within MyMathLab or packaged with the text or MyMathLab code, and provides the following resources for every section:
- Key vocabulary terms, and vocabulary practice problems
- Guided Examples and similar Practice Exercises, keyed to the text Objectives
- References to Examples, Section Lecture Videos, and Solutions Clips for more help
- Additional Practice Exercises with ample space for students to show their work
- NEW! The MySlideNotes notebook provides a note-taking tool based on the PowerPoint slides that accompany your text.
- Extra examples let students apply the concepts and procedures on the slides.
- Guided solutions break problems into small, manageable steps.
- Vocabulary practice ensures that students have a firm grasp of the key new terms.
- Student’s Solutions Manual contains solutions to odd-numbered section exercises and all margin exercises, Relating Concepts, Summary, Chapter and Cumulative Review, and Chapter Test exercises.
For Instructors
- NEW! Vocabulary and Teaching Tips have been added to margins of the Annotated Instructor’s Edition to help new and experienced instructors with class prep.
- The Instructor’s Resource Manual includes Mini-Lectures to provide new instructors with objectives, key examples, and teaching tips for every section of the text.
- The Instructor’s Solutions Manual provides solutions to all exercises in the text.
This edition features the exact same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version. Books a la Carte also offer a great value—this format costs significantly less than a new textbook.
The Lial Series has helped thousands of students succeed in developmental mathematics by providing the best learning and teaching support to students and instructors.
1. Introduction to Algebra: Integers
Study Skills: Your Brain Can Learn Mathematics
1.1 Place Value
Study Skills: Using Your Textbook
1.2 Introduction to Integers
Study Skills: Homework: How, Why, and When
1.3 Adding Integers
1.4 Subtracting Integers
1.5 Problem Solving: Rounding and Estimating
1.6 Multiplying Integers
1.7 Dividing Integers
Summary Exercises on Operations with Integers
Study Skills: Taking Lecture Notes
1.8 Exponents and Order of Operations
Study Skills: Reviewing a Chapter
Study Skills: Managing Your Time
2. Understanding Variables and Solving Equations
2.1 Introduction to Variables
Study Skills: Using Study Cards
2.2 Simplifying Expressions
Study Skills: Using Study Cards Revisited
Summary Exercises on Variables and Expressions
2.3 Solving Equations Using Addition
2.4 Solving Equations Using Division
2.5 Solving Equations with Several Steps
Study Skills: Tips for Taking Math Tests
3. Solving Application Problems
3.1 Problem Solving: Perimeter
3.2 Problem Solving: Area
Summary Exercises on Perimeter and Area
3.3 Solving Application Problems with One Unknown Quantity
3.4 Solving Application Problems with Two Unknown Quantities
Study Skills: Tips for Improving Test Scores
Math in the Media: Formulas: Predicting a Young Child’s Vocabulary
4. Rational Numbers: Positive and Negative Fractions
4.1 Introduction to Signed Fractions
4.2 Writing Fractions in Lowest Terms
4.3 Multiplying and Dividing Signed Fractions
4.4 Adding and Subtracting Signed Fractions
Study Skills: Making a Mind Map
4.5 Problem Solving: Mixed Numbers and Estimating
Summary Exercises on Fractions
4.6 Exponents, Order of Operations, and Complex Fractions
4.7 Problem Solving: Equations Containing Fractions
4.8 Geometry Applications: Area and Volume
Study Skills: Analyzing Your Test Results
5. Rational Numbers: Positive and Negative Decimals
5.1 Reading and Writing Decimal Numbers
5.2 Rounding Decimal Numbers
5.3 Adding and Subtracting Signed Decimal Numbers
5.4 Multiplying Signed Decimal Numbers
5.5 Dividing Signed Decimal Numbers
Summary Exercises on Decimals
5.6 Fractions and Decimals
5.7 Problem Solving with Statistics: Mean, Median, and Mode
5.8 Geometry Applications: Pythagorean Theorem and Square Roots
5.9 Problem Solving: Equations Containing Decimals
5.10 Geometry Applications: Circles, Cylinders, and Surface Area
6. Ratio, Proportion, and Line/Angle/Triangle Relationships
6.1 Ratios
6.2 Rates
6.3 Proportions
Summary Exercises on Ratios, Rates, and Proportions
6.4 Problem Solving with Proportions
6.5 Geometry: Lines and Angles
6.6 Geometry Applications: Congruent and Similar Triangles
7. Percent
7.1 The Basics of Percent
7.2 The Percent Proportion
7.3 The Percent Equation
Summary Exercises on Percent
7.4 Problem Solving with Percent
7.5 Consumer Applications: Sales Tax, Tips, Discounts, and Simple Interest
Study Skills: Preparing for Your Final Exam
8. Measurement
8.1 Problem Solving with U.S. Measurement Units
8.2 The Metric System-Length
8.3 The Metric System-Capacity and Weight (Mass)
Summary Exercises on U.S. and Metric Measurement Units
8.4 Problem Solving with Metric Measurements
8.5 Metric-U.S. Measurement Conversions and Temperature
9. Graphs
9.1 Problem Solving with Tables and Pictographs
9.2 Reading and Constructing Circle Graphs
9.3 Bar Graphs and Line Graphs
9.4 The Rectangular Coordinate System
9.5 Introduction to Graphing Linear Equations
10. Real Numbers, Equations, and Inequalities
10.1 Real Numbers and Expressions
10.2 More on Solving Linear Equations
10.3 Formulas and Solving for a Specified Variable
10.4 Solving Linear Inequalities
11. Graphs of Linear Equations and Inequalities in Two Variables
11.1 Linear Equations in Two Variables; The Rectangular Coordinate System
11.2 Graphing Linear Equations in Two Variables
11.3 The Slope of a Line
11.4 Writing and Graphing Equations of Lines
Summary Exercises: Applying Graphing and Equation-Writing Techniques for Lines
11.5 Graphing Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
12. Systems of Equations and Inequalities
12.1 Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Graphing
12.2 Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Substitution
12.3 Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Elimination
Summary Exercises: Applying Techniques for Solving Systems of Linear Equations
12.4 Application of Linear Systems
12.5 Solving Systems of Linear Inequalities
13. Exponents and Polynomials
13.1 Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
13.2 The Product Rule and Power Rules for Exponents
13.3 Multiplying Polynomials
13.4 Special Products
13.5 Integer Exponents and the Quotient Rule
Summary Exercises: Applying the Rules for Exponents
13.6 Dividing a Polynomial by a Monomial
13.7 Dividing a Polynomial by a Polynomial
13.8 An Application of Exponents: Scientific Notation
14. Factoring and Applications
14.1 Factors; The Greatest Common Factor
14.2 Factoring Trinomials
14.3 Factoring Trinomials by Grouping
14.4 Factoring Trinomials Using FOIL
14.5 Special Factoring Techniques
Summary Exercises: Recognizing and Applying Factoring Strategies
14.6 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
14.7 Applications of Quadratic Equations
15. Rational Expressions and Applications
15.1 The Fundamental Property of Rational Expressions
15.2 Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions
15.3 Least Common Denominators
15.4 Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions
15.5 Complex Fractions
15.6 Solving Equations with Rational Expressions
Summary Exercises: Simplifying Rational Expressions vs. Solving Rational Equations
15.7 Applications of Rational Expressions
15.8 Variation
16. Roots and Radicals
16.1 Evaluating Roots
16.2 Multiplying, Dividing, and Simplifying Radicals
16.3 Adding and Subtracting Radicals
16.4 Rationalizing the Denominator
16.5 More Simplifying and Operations with Radicals
Summary Exercises: Applying Operations with Radicals
16.6 Solving Equations with Radicals
17. Quadratic Equations
17.1 Solving Quadratic Equations by the Square Root Property
17.2 Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square
17.3 Solving Quadratic Equations by the Quadratic Formula
Summary Exercises: Applying Methods for Solving Quadratic Equations
17.4 Graphing Quadratic Equations
17.5 Introduction to Functions
R. Whole Numbers Review
R.1 Adding Whole Numbers
R.2 Subtracting Whole Numbers
R.3 Multiplying Whole Numbers
R.4 Dividing Whole Numbers
R.5 Long Division
Appendix A: Inductive and Deductive Reasoning
Appendix B: Set Operations and Compound Inequalities*
Appendix C: Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities*
Appendix D: Writing Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines*
Appendix E: Factoring Sums and Differences Cubes*
Appendix F: The Distance and Midpoint Formulas*
Appendix G: Rational Exponents*
*Available in MyMathLab®
Additional information
Dimensions | 1.95 × 8.65 × 11.05 in |
Imprint | |
Format | |
ISBN-13 | |
ISBN-10 | |
Author | Diana L. Hestwood, John Hornsby, Margaret L. Lial, Terry McGinnis |
Subjects | mathematics, higher education, Developmental Math, Combo: Prealgebra and Elementary Algebra |