Nursing Assistant, The

Nursing Assistant, The


SKU: 9780132622554


The Nursing Assistant, Fifth Edition is a concise, practical, affordable, and up-to-date guide to the skills today’s nursing assistants need to master. It is designed both to serve as the basis of any nursing assistant training program, and to prepare students for careers in acute, subacute, or long-term care. It addresses the needs of the whole patient or resident, while promoting independence and self-care. Carefully organized to follow nursing process models, state curricula, and OBRA mandates, it walks through 75 step-by-step procedures reflecting the most common nursing assistant tasks. This edition is fully updated for the newest CDC and OSHA guidance for hand cleaning and infection control, and to reflect other relevant federal laws, including HIPAA.

For all shorter nurse assistant courses, especially those covering acute care (hospital) and nursing homes (long term care) environments.


The Nursing Assistant, Fifth Edition is a concise, practical, affordable, and up-to-date guide to the skills today’s nursing assistants need to master. It is designed both to serve as the basis of any nursing assistant training program, and to prepare students for careers in acute, subacute, or long-term care. It addresses the needs of the whole patient or resident, while promoting independence and self-care. Carefully organized to follow nursing process models, state curricula, and OBRA mandates, it walks through 75 step-by-step procedures reflecting the most common nursing assistant tasks. This edition is fully updated for the newest CDC and OSHA guidance for hand cleaning and infection control, and to reflect other relevant federal laws, including HIPAA.


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1. Introduction to Health Care

2. The Nursing Assistant

3. Communication and Interpersonal Skills

4. Relating to Your Patients


5. Infection Control

6. Environmental Safety, Accident Prevention, and Disaster Plans

7. Emergency Situations


8. Body Systems and Common Diseases

9. Vital Signs

10. Positioning, Moving, and Ambulation

11. Admission, Transfer, and Discharge

12. The Patient’s Environment

13. Hygiene and Grooming

14. Special Skin Care

15. Nutrition

16. Elimination Needs

17. Specimen Collection and Testing

18. AM and PM Care

19. Restorative Care and Rehabilitation


20. Additional Patient Care Procedures

21. Preoperative and Postoperative Care

22. Subacute Care

23. Special Skills in Long-Term Care

24. Death and Dying



For all shorter nurse assistant courses, especially those covering acute care (hospital) and nursing homes (long term care) environments.


The Nursing Assistant, Fifth Edition is a concise, practical, affordable, and up-to-date guide to the skills today’s nursing assistants need to master. It is designed both to serve as the basis of any nursing assistant training program, and to prepare students for careers in acute, subacute, or long-term care. It addresses the needs of the whole patient or resident, while promoting independence and self-care. Carefully organized to follow nursing process models, state curricula, and OBRA mandates, it walks through 75 step-by-step procedures reflecting the most common nursing assistant tasks. This edition is fully updated for the newest CDC and OSHA guidance for hand cleaning and infection control, and to reflect other relevant federal laws, including HIPAA.


Hallmark Features


Practical emphasis for beginning nursing assistants—including specific ideas, actions, and solutions to problems, not vague general concepts

  • Helps students provide effective care from their first day on the job  

Explains complex concepts in easy-to-understand language—designed to be accessible to diverse audiences of beginners

  • Demystifies complex concepts, helping students build their confidence and skills one step at a time

Complete rationales—presented for all procedures

  • Helps students understand why they are performing each patient care action

Charting examples—Showing how to prepare effective documentation

  • Helps students see why quality documentation is so important, and shows them how to create documentation others can use 

Care Alerts—calling attention to special caregiving circumstances

  • Prepares students to recognize and respond effectively to unusual or specialized situations 

Critical Thinking Case Studies—providing real-life applications related to communicating effectively, using resources efficiently, being a team player, and showing cultural awareness

  • Helps students link what they’re learning to real work environments and scenarios 

Key terms in boldface, called out with definitions—as well as a complete anatomical atlas and glossary

  • Helps students quickly understand relevant terminology, so specialized jargon never stands in the way of success 

Coverage of the nursing assistant’s role in supporting the patient’s or resident’s personal needs—including promoting dignity, independence, wellness, and mobility; avoiding restraints; and avoiding problems such as skin breakdown

  • Helps students respond effectively, respectfully, and empathically to the personal issues patients and residents face

Complete chapter on subacute care—including key skills needed to work in subacute care units or facilities

  • Prepares nursing assistants to work in subacute care units or facilities 

Special considerations of working with the elderly in long-term care—including a substantial section on working with cognitively impaired residents

  • Prepares nursing assistants to work in the growing number of long-term care facilities

Full chapter on death, dying, and postmortem care—including coverage of caring for the whole needs of dying patients or residents, as well as organ donations

  • Prepares students to care compassionately and effectively for dying patients, and to work with medical professionals and families after patients have died 

Presents age-specific care considerations—fullyreflecting current JCAHO requirements

  • Prepares students to work effectively with patients of all ages

Practical coverage of “customer service”—including good interpersonal skills and a positive attitude

  • Helps students stand out from others, get hired, and succeed in a healthcare environment with more patient choices 

Coverage of self-care—helping nursing assistants take care of themselves while they are taking care of patients or residents

  • Helps students protect their own health and well-being despite stressful work situations

Coverage of home health care—opening additional professional options for nursing assistants

  • Widens the professional options available to students

Free Student CD-ROM—providing certification review multiple choice questions, video clips, animations, and an audio glossary

  • Provides visual, interactive resources that support more effective learning 

Medialink tabs throughout—alerting students to related CD-ROM videos and animations

  • Helps students quickly find and use media content associated with the topics they are studying

Updated! 75 step-by-step procedures–reflecting those most commonly performed by nursing assistants, and updated wherever necessary to reflect the latest standards of practice

  • Prepares nursing assistants to use the most current, effective, and efficient techniques

Updated! Reflects the latest CDC guidelines and OSHA mandates–including current instructions for hand cleaning and infection control

  • Helps nursing assistants prevent the spread of infection, responding to one of the most critical challenges facing today’s healthcare institutions 

Updated! Covers other updates related to federal law–including HIPAA-related privacy issues

  • Helps students understand their legal obligations as nursing assistants, and operate effectively in today’s healthcare teams

Additional information

Dimensions 1.05 × 8.45 × 10.85 in







higher education, Vocational / Professional Studies, Health Professions, Nursing Assisting, MED058000