My First English/Spanish Dictionary of Sentences

My First English/Spanish Dictionary of Sentences


SKU: 9780764138652


(back cover)
My First English/Spanish
of Sentences

Kids who open this charming book will learn more than single words in a new language. They’ll also learn to recognize and understand complete sentences! This dictionary teaches children how to use words in different contexts in both English and Spanish. Grouped by subjects, all terms presented are those that appear in everyday situations, so kids will quickly recognize and relate to them. Two paired sentences–one in English and one in Spanish–come with an appealing color illustration that makes meanings easier for boys and girls to understand in both languages. My First English/Spanish Dictionary of Sentences can be used at school or at home. English-speaking children will begin learning Spanish, and Spanish-speaking boys and girls will get a head start in learning English.

(picture captions)
Lily opens her presents!
¡Lily abre los regalos!

She draws sitting at her desk.
Ella dibuja sentada en su escritorio.

Harold plays marbles at school.
En la escuela, Harold juega a las canicas. This unusual and charmingly illustrated English-Spanish dictionary for children teaches kids more than single words–it teaches them complete simple sentences in two languages! Still another unusual feature in this book is its very useful arrangement of sentences into 62 separate themes. Each theme relates to familiar objects and activities in a typical child’s life, and each theme is presented as a color-illustrated two-page spread. For example, on the spread labeled Breakfast/Desayuno, young readers will see six illustrations of typical morning scenes showing Mom and children. Each scene has a descriptive caption in both English and Spanish. One of them shows two kids at the breakfast table, and reads:

Tom and Lily like cereal very much.
A Tom y Lily les gustan mucho los cereales.
Other bilingual themes include The House/La Casa, Games/Juegos, Toys/Juguetes, Clothes/Ropa, A new baby at home/Un bebe en casa, and many others. Here is a delightful, child-friendly introduction to a second language for younger children. English-speaking kids learn Spanish, and Spanish-speaking kids learn English. “This excellent introduction for both beginning Spanish and English speakers uses bilingual vignettes to cover basic vocabulary for everyday events.”
Library Media Connection, October 2008

Additional information

Weight 22 oz
Dimensions 1 × 9 × 11 in