Melody Book, The

Melody Book, The


SKU: 09780132819176


  • Contains many songs in harmony. Pg.___
    • Features music and songs (300) from around the world — of interest to young and old, to professional or amateur musicians, e.g.:
      • Folk, ethnic, children’s chants and school songs, dances and play songs, ballads, pop “standards,” secular and sacred songs, and music for different holidays. Pg.___

    • Presents songs with on-page apparatus, e.g.:
      • Accompaniment patterns suggested for instruments. Pg.___

      • Directions for dance, movement, or games. Pg.___

      • Background paragraphs about culture, history, composer, and style. Pg.___

      • Original foreign-language lyrics (with phonetic pronunciation) for ethnic songs and accompanying English lyrics. Pg.___

    • Includes fingering and chord charts, and strumming patterns for instruments covered. Pg.___
    • Offers clear, concise information for the generalist, including basic information about instruments and voice, e.g.:
      • Playing keyboard, guitar, ukulele, Autoharp recorder. Pg.___

      • The vocal instrument of adults and children. Pg.___

    • Provides reference material for music theory. Pg.___
    • Concludes with extensive classified indexes that list songs according to:
      • National origin; key and number of chords; recommended instrument (Autoharp, guitar, keyboard, recorder); melodic range; scale (minor, modal, pentatonic); sol-fa syllables; rhythm durations; meter; type of harmony (round/echo canon/two-part); dances; games; percussion accompaniment; type (holiday/seasonal/patriotic); style period; and composer. Pg.___

    • Features 85 new selections, including new children’s chants, action songs, ethnic music, holiday songs, and pop “standards.” Pg.___
    • 80% of the songs lie within the vocal range of one octave. Pg.___
    • Provides more on-page material, e.g.:
      • Percussion parts. Pg.___

      • Dance/movement activities. Pg.___

      • Cultural, stylistic, historical, and biographical descriptions for the songs. Pg.___

      • Suggestions for Orff accompaniments. Pg.___

    • Gives additional information on children’s voices and how to lead songs for children. Pg.___
    • 50% of the music is also found in the elementary school music series. Pg.___
    • Replaces instrumental themes with three themes that are in the Bowmar Orchestral Library :
      • “Little” Fugue in G minor. Pg.___

      • Romanza (rondo) from “Eine Leine Nachtmusik.” Pg.___

      • Theme from “Trout” Quintet. Pg.___


    • A print text
    • Free shipping

    I. SONG ANTHOLOGY (300 songs).


    Ain’t Gonna Study War. All Around the Kitchen. Alleluia. Alleluia (Mozart). Aloha Oe. Amazing Grace. America. America, the Beautiful. Andy Pandy. Angels We Have Heard on High. Are You Sleeping? Artza Alinu. A Tisket, The Ash Grove A Tasket. A Zing-a Za (Brazil).


    B-A-Bay. Ball-Bouncing Song (Japan). Banuwa (Africa). Barb’ra Allen. Battle Hymn of the Republic. Bicycle Built for Two. Big Bunch, a Little Bunch. The Big Corral. Bingo. Black Is the Color. Blow the Man Down. Bluebird. Bluetail Fly. The Bridge of Avignon. Bye, Bye Blackbird (Henderson).


    Camptown Races. The Carolers (Romania). Celebration Song (Romania). Chanson Russe. Cheh Cheh Koolay (Africa). Children, Go Where I Send Thee. Christmas Is a Time for Sharing (Eddleman). Christmas Is Here!(Sweden) Cielito Lindo. Circle ‘Round the Zero. Clapping Land. Coffee Grows on White Oak Trees. The Condor. Counting Song (Mexico). The Crocodile Song (Canada).


    De Colores. Do, Lord. Don Gato. Down by the Bay. Down by the Station. Down in the Valley. Draw Me a Bucket of Water. Dry Bones.


    The Eagle (Palmer). Ebeneezer Sneezer. Eency, Weency Spider. The Entertainer (rag). Ev’ryone But Me.


    The Farmer in the Dell. Feliz Navidad (Feliciano). Five Little Skeletons. Flower Drum Song. Fugue in G minor (Bach).


    Gerakina. Ghost of Tom. Give My Regards to Broadway. Golden Ring Around the Susan Girl. Good-bye Round. Good King Wenceslas. Go Tell Aunt Rhody. Go Tell It on the Mountain. Grandpa Grigg (Goodkin). Green, Green Grass of Home (Putnam). Greensleeves. Guantanamo Lady. The Gypsy Rover.


    Habari Gani (Kwanzaa). Haliwa-Saponi Canoe Song. Hanukkah. Happily Singing. Happiness Runs. Happy Are They. Harmony (Kaplan & Simon). Hava Nagila. Hawaiian Rainbows. Head-Shoulders, Baby. Hello, Ev’rybody. Hevenu Shalom A’leychem. Hey, Ho! Nobody Home. Hey, Lidee. Hills of Arirang. Hineh Ma Tov. Hold On. Home on the Range. Hush, Little Baby.


    I Bought Me a Cat. I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing. If You’re Happy. I Love the Mountains. I’m My Way. In the Moonlight (France). It’s a Small World. It’s Raining! (íQue Llueva!). I’ve Been Workin’ on the Railroad.


    Jamaica Farewell. Jingle Bells. Joe Turner Blues. Johnny, I Hardly Knew You. Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho. Joy to the World. Jubilee.


    Kagome (Japan). Ka Mate. Kang Ding City. Kiowa Buffalo Dance. Kiowa Handgame Song. Kiowa Round Dance. Kookaburra. Korobushka (Russia). Kum-Bah-Yah.


    La Bamba. The Lamb (Romania). La Raspa. Laredo. Let Music Surround You (Addicott). Let’s Go to the Sea (Mexico). The Lion (Africa). Little Bird. Little Donkey. A Little Night Music (Rondo) (Mozart). London Bridge. A Londonderry Air. London’s Burning. Looby Loo. Los Patitos. Lost My Gold Ring. Lovely Evening. Love Somebody.


    The Mango (Philippines). Mango Walk (Caribbean). Mayo Nafwa. Michael, Row the Boat Ashore. Miss Mary Mack. Mister Frog Went A-Courtin’. Mister Sun. Misty. Moon, Moon (India). Moon Reflections. Morning Has Broken. Morning Song. Music Alone Shall Live. My Body (Mexico). My Nipa Home. My Rooster. My White Horse.


    Navaho Riding Song. The Noble Duke of York. Number One.


    O Christmas Tree. O Come, All Ye Faithful. Ode to Joy (Beethoven).Oh Lord, I Want Two Wings. Oh, My Little Boy. Oh! Susanna/Oh! California! Old Brass Wagon. Old Hundredth. Old Joe Clark. Old MacDonald. Old Paint. Old Smokey. Old Texas. O Music, Sweet Music. One Light, One Sun (Raffi). One of Those Songs (Calvin). Over My Head. Over the Rainbow. Over the River and Through the Woods.


    Pat-A-Pan. Peace Like a River. Pizza, Pizza, Daddy-O! Planting Rice. Pop, Goes the Weasel. Precious Friends (Seeger).


    Rainbow Sister (China). Rajasthan Folk Melody. Recreation of the Balari Women. Riding in the Buggy. Ritsch, Ratsch. Rock-Passing Song. Rocky Mountain. Roll Over. Ronde (Susato). ‘Round and ‘Round. Row, Row, Row Your Boat. Royal Garden Blues.


    Sail Away, Ladies. Sakura. Sally, Go ‘Round the Sun. Sandy Land. Sarasponda. Saturday Night. Sauk-Fox Pipe Dance Song. Scarborough Fair. The Sea Serpent. Seminole Duck Dance. Shake My Sillies Out (Raffi). She’ll be Comin’ ‘Round the Mountain. Shoes for Baby Jesus. Shoo, Fly. Side by Side (Woods). The Sidewalks of New York. Silent Night. Simple Gifts. Singin’ in the Rain. Sing We Noel. Six, Little Ducks. Siyahamba (Africa). Skip to My Lou. Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child. Song for the Sabbath. The Song of Ali Mountains. Song of Peace (Sibelius). The Song of the World’s Last Whale (Seeger). Sorida. The Sound of Silence. Spin, My Top. Spring Home (Taiwan). Standin’ in the Need of Prayer. The Star-Spangled Banner. The Storks. St. Paul’s Steeple. The Streets of Laredo. Summer Is A-Coming In. Symphony No. 1 in C Minor (Brahms).


    Tails. Take Me out to the Ball Game. Take the “A” Train. Teddy Bear. Thanks for the Food. Thank You for the Chris’mus. There’s Just Something About a Song. This Beautiful World. This Land Is Your Land. This Little Light of Mine. This Old Hammer. This Old Man. This Train. Three Blind Mice. Three Rogues. Throw It out the Window. Tideo. Tie a Yellow Ribbon ‘Round the Ole Oak Tree. Today Christ Is Born. Toembai. Top of the World (Carpenter). The Tree Frog. “Trout” Quintet theme (Schubert). Turn Me ‘Round. Turn the Glasses Over. Turn! Turn! Turn! (Seeger). The Twelve Days of Christmas. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. Tzena, Izena.


    Up on the Housetop. Up the Hickory. Uskuudar.


    Viva la Musica.


    Waddaly Atcha. War Dance. Wassail Song. The Water Is Wide. Weevily Wheat. We Gather Together. We’ll Meet Again (Parker & Charles). We Shall Overcome. What’ll I Do with the Baby-O? What Shall We Do on a Rainy Day? When the Saints Go Marchin’ In. Where Have All the Flowers Gone? Winds of Morning. Wind Through the Olive Trees. Wishy Washy Wee. Worried Man Blues.


    Yankee Doodle. The Yellow Rose of Texas. Yesterday. Yokuts Grinding Song.


    Zum Gali Gali.


    The Keyboard (electronic, acoustic).

    The Guitar and the Baritone Ukulele.

    The Autoharp, the Chromaharp, and the Omnichord.

    The Recorder Family.

    The Voice.


    A. Music Notation I (Notes, Staff, Grand Staff, Accidentals).

    B. Scales (Chromatic, Major, Minor).

    C. Key Signatures.

    D. Sol Fa Syllables and Curwen Hand Signs.

    E. Rhythm Syllables.

    F. Meter Signatures and Conductor’s Patterns.

    G. Musical Terms and Signs (Dynamics and Symbols, Tempo, Additional Signs and Symbols).

    H. Lead Sheet (How to Interpret Symbols and Add Accompaniments).

    Classified Index.

    Alphabetical Index of Songs.

    A core text or supplement for junior/senior-level Music Education courses such as Music for Children, Music for the Elementary Teacher, Recreational Music and Instruments, Guitar Class, Music for Special Needs, Music Therapy.

    The Melody Book is the most comprehensive one-volume anthology of quality songs — plus instrumental instruction — available for music education. Draws from folk, ethnic, children’s chants and school songs, dances and play songs, ballads, pop “standards,” secular and sacred songs, and music for different holidays — combined with direct application to five instruments — keyboard, guitar, baritone ukulele, soprano recorder, and Autoharp.

    Additional information

    Dimensions 1.10 × 8.20 × 10.70 in






    music, higher education, humanities, Humanities and Social Sciences, Methods & Materials