Literacy for the 21st Century

Literacy for the 21st Century


SKU: 09780134813103


Teaching literacy with a balance of theory and applications

Integrating the best of what we currently know about teaching reading and writing, as well as ideas that will lead us into the future, Literacy for the 21st Century: A Balanced Approach, provides the balance of pedagogy and application that teachers need to be successful in the classroom. It covers the fundamental components of literacy, illustrates how to teach skills and strategies, identifies how to differentiate instruction to meet the diverse needs of students today, and supports digital teaching and learning. An emphasis is placed on preparing readers to become teachers who will ensure their students meet grade-level standards. To help readers create a classroom environment that allows all students to flourish, the Seventh Edition provides the theoretical background and most contemporary and practical approaches for literacy instruction.

This title is also available in Revel. Revel is Pearson’s newest way of delivering our respected content. Informed by extensive research on how people read, think, and learn, Revel is an interactive learning environment that enables students to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience—for less than the cost of a traditional textbook.


Learn more about Revel.

Teaching literacy with a balance of theory and applications.

Integrating the best of what we currently know about teaching reading and writing, as well as ideas that will lead us into the future, Literacy for the 21st Century: A Balanced Approach provides the balance of pedagogy and application that teachers need to be successful in the classroom. It covers the fundamental components of literacy, illustrates how to teach skills and strategies, identifies how to differentiate instruction to meet the diverse needs of students today, and supports digital teaching and learning. An emphasis is placed on preparing readers to become teachers who will ensure their students meet grade-level standards. The Seventh Edition provides the theoretical background and most contemporary and practical approaches for literacy instruction–everything readers need to create a classroom climate that allows all students to flourish.


NOTE: Before purchasing, check with your instructor to ensure you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson’s products exist for each title*, and registrations are not transferable. This title is also available in Revel, which may be required by your instructor. Please check with your instructor prior to purchasing. To purchase this title packaged with Revel, use this package ISBN:


0134813650 / 9780134813653, Literacy for the 21st Century: A Balanced Approach, with Revel

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  • 0134303202 / 9780134303208 Revel for Literacy for the 21st Century: A Balanced Approach –Access Card
  • 0134813103 / 9780134813103 Literacy for the 21st Century: A Balanced Approach

*Revel features such as embedded videos, exercises, and quizzes are only available in the Revel format. They are not available in third-party eTexts or downloads.


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PART ONE Literacy in the 21st Century 1
Chapter 1 Becoming an Effective Literacy Teacher

Chapter 2 The Reading and Writing Processes

Chapter 3 Assessing Literacy Development

PART TWO Components of Literacy Development
Chapter 4 The Youngest Readers and Writers

Chapter 5 Cracking the Alphabetic Code

Chapter 6 Developing Fluent Readers and Writers

Chapter 7 Expanding Academic Vocabulary

Chapter 8 Promoting Comprehension: Reader Factors

Chapter 9 Promoting Comprehension: Text Factors

PART THREE Organizing for Instruction

Chapter 10 Organizing for Instruction

Chapter 11 Differentiating for Success

PART FOUR Compendium of Instructional Procedures

Chapter 12 Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum


PART ONE Literacy in the 21st Century 1


Chapter 1 Becoming an Effective Literacy Teacher 4

PLAN: Preview the Learning Outcomes 4

Principle 1: Effective Teachers Understand How Students Learn 6

Behaviorism 6

Constructivism 6

Sociolinguistics 8

Information Processing 10

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 1.1 11

Principle 2: Effective Teachers Support Students’ Use of the Cueing Systems 11

The Phonological System 12

The Syntactic System 13

The Semantic System 13

The Pragmatic System 14

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 1.2 14

Principle 3: Effective Teachers Create a Community of Learners 14

Characteristics of a Classroom Community 15

How to Create the Classroom Culture 16

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 1.3 16

Principle 4: Effective Teachers Adopt a Balanced Approach to Instruction 16

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 1.4 19

Principle 5: Effective Teachers Address Standards 19

The Common Core State Standards 19

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 1.5 20

Principle 6: Effective Teachers Scaffold Students’ Reading and Writing 21

Modeled Reading and Writing 22

Shared Reading and Writing 23

Interactive Reading and Writing 23

Guided Reading and Writing 23

Independent Reading and Writing 24

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 1.6 24

Principle 7: Effective Teachers Organize for Instruction 24

Guided Reading 25

Basal Reading Programs 25

Literature Focus Units 25

Literature Circles 25

Reading and Writing Workshop 25

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 1.7 28

Principle 8: Effective Teachers Differentiate Instruction 28

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 1.8 29

Principle 9: Effective Teachers Link Instruction and Assessment 29

The Instruction—Assessment Cycle 30

Classroom Assessment Tools 31

High-Stakes Tests 31

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 1.9 31

REVIEW: Teaching Reading and Writing 32

Evaluate & Reflect 32

References 33


Chapter 2 The Reading and Writing Processes 36

PLAN: Preview the Learning Outcomes 36

VIGNETTE: The Reading Process in Action 36

The Reading Process 39

Stage 1: Prereading 41

Stage 2: Reading 42

Stage 3: Responding 44

Stage 4: Exploring 46

Stage 5: Applying 47

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 2.1 47

The Writing Process 48

Stage 1: Prewriting 48

Stage 2: Drafting 50

Stage 3: Revising 51

Stage 4: Editing 52

Stage 5: Publishing 55

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 2.2 58

The Writer’s Craft 58

Ideas 58

Organization 58

Voice 59

Word Choice 59

Sentence Fluency 59

Conventions 59

Presentation 60

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 2.3 61

Reading and Writing Are Reciprocal Processes 61

Comparing the Two Processes 61

Classroom Connections 61

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 2.4 62

Literacy Strategies 63

Reading Strategies 63

Digital Reading Strategies 63

Writing Strategies 64

Strategy Instruction 64

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 2.5 65

REVIEW: Teaching the Reading and Writing Processes 66

Evaluate & Reflect 66

References 67


Chapter 3 Assessing Literacy Development 70

PLAN: Preview the Learning Outcomes 70

VIGNETTE: Mrs. McNeal Does Second-Quarter Assessments 70

Classroom Assessment 75

Step 1: Planning for Assessment 75

Step 2: Monitoring Students’ Progress 75

Step 3: Evaluating Students’ Learning 78

Step 4: Reflecting on Students’ Learning 79

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 3.1 80

Diagnostic Tests 80

Determining Students’ Reading Levels 81

Diagnosing Students’ Strengths and Weaknesses 86

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 3.2 91

High-Stakes Testing 91

Problems With High-Stakes Testing 92

Preparing for Standardized Tests 93

The Politics of High-Stakes Testing 96

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 3.3 96

Portfolio Assessment 96

Collecting Work in Portfolios 97

Involving Students in Self-Assessment 97

Showcasing Students’ Portfolios 99

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 3.4 99

REVIEW: Assessing Literacy Development 99

Evaluate & Reflect 100

References 101

PART TWO Components of Literacy Development 103


Chapter 4 The Youngest Readers and Writers 106

PLAN: Preview the Learning Outcomes 106

VIGNETTE: K—3 Students’ Literacy Development 106

Nurturing Children’s Oral Language Development 111

Oral Language Activities 111

Learning a Second Language 112

The Link Between Oral Language and Literacy 113

Assessing Children’s Oral Language 114

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 4.1 114

Fostering an Interest in Literacy 114

Concepts About Print 114

Concepts About Words 115

Concepts About the Alphabet 116

Assessing Children’s Concepts About Written Language 119

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 4.2 119

How Children Develop as Readers and Writers 120

Stage 1: Emergent Reading and Writing 120

Stage 2: Beginning Reading and Writing 121

Stage 3: Fluent Reading and Writing 123

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 4.3 125

Instructional Practices 130

Morning Message 130

Shared Reading 133

Language Experience Approach 134

Interactive Writing 136

Manuscript Handwriting 137

Writing Centers 138

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 4.4 139

REVIEW: Teaching the Youngest Readers and Writers 139

Evaluate & Reflect 140

References 140


Chapter 5 Cracking the Alphabetic Code 142

PLAN: Preview the Learning Outcomes 142

VIGNETTE: First Grade Phonics Instruction 142

Phonemic Awareness 146

Phonemic Awareness Strategies 147

Teaching Phonemic Awareness 147

Assessing Children’s Phonemic Awareness 154

Why Phonemic Awareness Is Important 155

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 5.1 155

Phonics 155

Phonics Concepts 156

Teaching Phonics 160

Assessing Students’ Phonics Knowledge 165

The Role of Phonics in a Balanced Literacy Program 166

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 5.2 166

Spelling 166

Stages of Spelling Development 166

Teaching Spelling 171

Weekly Spelling Tests 175

Assessing Students’ Spelling 177

The Controversy About Spelling Instruction 178

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 5.3 179

REVIEW: Assisting Students in Cracking the Alphabetic Code 179

Evaluate & Reflect 180

References 180


Chapter 6 Developing Fluent Readers and Writers 182

Plan: Preview the Learning Outcomes 182

VIGNETTE: High-Frequency Words 182

Reading Fluency 186

Automatic Reading 186

Reading Speed 193

Prosody 194

Assessing Reading Fluency 195

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 6.1 197

Writing Fluency 198

Automatic Writing 198

Writing Speed 199

Writer’s Voice 200

Assessing Writing Fluency 201

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 202

Dysfluent Students 202

Older Dysfluent Readers 203

Older Dysfluent Writers 204

Obstacles to Fluency 206

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 6.3 212

REVIEW: Developing Fluent Readers and Writers 212

Evaluate & Reflect 212

References 213


Chapter 7 Expanding Academic Vocabulary 216

PLAN: Preview the Learning Outcomes 216

VIGNETTE: The Word Wizards Club 216

Academic Vocabulary 220

Three Tiers of Words 220

Levels of Word Knowledge 222

Word Consciousness 223

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 7.1 225

Word-Study Concepts 225

Multiple Meanings of Words 225

Synonyms: Words With Similar Meanings 227

Antonyms: Words That Mean the Opposite 227

Homonyms: Words That Confuse 228

Root Words and Affixes 229

Etymologies: Word Histories 232

Figurative Meanings 233

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 7.2 236

Teaching Students to Unlock Word Meanings 236

Word Walls 236

Explicit Instruction 238

Word-Study Activities 238

Word-Learning Strategies 241

Incidental Word Learning 243

The Role of Oral Language 244

Assessing Students’ Vocabulary Knowledge 245

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 7.3 247

REVIEW: Expanding Students’ Academic Vocabulary 247

Evaluate & Reflect 247

References 248


Chapter 8 Promoting Comprehension: Reader Factors 250

PLAN: Preview the Learning Outcomes 250

VIGNETTE: Ms. Ali Teaches Comprehension Strategies 250

What Is Comprehension 255

Reader and Text Factors 256

Text Complexity 256

Prerequisites for Comprehension 258

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 8.1 259

Comprehension Strategies 259

Activating Background Knowledge 260

Connecting 261

Determining Importance 261

Drawing Inferences 262

Evaluating 263

Monitoring 264

Predicting 265

Questioning 265

Repairing 266

Setting a Purpose 266

Summarizing 266

Visualizing 266

Comprehension Skills 267

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 8.2 268

Teaching Students About Reader Factors 268

Explicit Instruction 269

Developing Comprehension Through Reading 273

Assessing Reader Factors 278

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 8.3 280

Motivation 281

Teachers’ Role 281

Students’ Role 282

How to Engage Students 283

Assessing Motivation 284

Comparing Capable and Less Capable Students 285

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 8.4 286

REVIEW: Teaching About Reader Factors 287

Evaluate & Reflect 287

References 288


Chapter 9 Promoting Comprehension: Text Factors 290

PLAN: Preview the Learning Outcomes 290

VIGNETTE: Reading and Writing About Frogs 290

Text Factors of Stories 294

Formats of Stories 294

Narrative Genres 295

Elements of Story Structure 299

Narrative Devices 304

Looking at the Text Factors in a Story 306

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 9.1 306

Text Factors of Nonfiction 306

Nonfiction Genres 306

Expository Text Structures 308

Nonfiction Features 308

Looking at the Text Factors in a Nonfiction Book 311

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 9.2 311

Text Factors of Poetry 311

Formats of Poetry Books 311

Poetic Forms 313

Poetic Devices 316

Looking at the Text Factors in a Book of Poetry 317

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 9.3 317

Teaching About Text Factors 317

Mini-lessons 318

Comprehension Strategies 318

Reading and Writing Activities 319

Assessing Text Factors 320

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 9.4 320

REVIEW: Facilitating Students’ Comprehension of Text Factors 320

Evaluate & Reflect 321

References 321


PART THREE Organizing for Instruction 325


Chapter 10 Organizing for Instruction 328

PLAN: Preview the Learning Outcomes 328

VIGNETTE: A Yearlong Author Study 328

Conducting Guided Reading Lessons 332

Components 332

Reading Strategies 333

Instructional Materials 334

Applying the Reading Process 334

Managing Guided Reading 334

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 10.1 334

Teaching With Basal Reading Programs 335

Components 335

Instructional Materials 337

Applying the Reading Process 338

Managing a Basal Reading Program 339

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 10.2 340

Teaching With Literature Focus Units 340

Steps in Developing a Unit 341

Units Featuring a Picture Book 343

Units Featuring a Novel 343

Units Featuring a Genre 343

Units Featuring an Author 345

Managing Literature Focus Units 346

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 10.3 346

Orchestrating Literature Circles 346

Key Features of Literature Circles 346

Implementing Literature Circles 350

Using Literature Circles With Young Children 351

Applying the Reading Process 351

Managing Literature Circles 352

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 10.4 352

Implementing Reading and Writing Workshop 353

Reading Workshop 354

Applying the Reading Process 358

Writing Workshop 359

Applying the Writing Process 361

Managing a Workshop Classroom 362

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 10.5 363

REVIEW: Organizing for Instruction 363

Evaluate & Reflect 364

References 364


Chapter 11 Differentiating for Success 366

PLAN: Preview the Learning Outcomes 366

VIGNETTE: Classroom Interventions 366

Ways to Differentiate Instruction 371

Grouping for Instruction 372

Tiered Activities 374

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 11.1 384

Struggling Readers and Writers 384

Struggling Readers 384

Struggling Writers 385

High-Quality Instruction 385

Interventions 389

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 11.2 394

REVIEW: Differentiating Literacy Instruction 394

Evaluate & Reflect 394

References 395


PART FOUR Compendium of Instructional Procedures 435

Anticipation Guides 436

Book Talks 437

Choral Reading 438

Cloze Procedure 439

Collaborative Books 440

Double-Entry Journals 441

Exclusion Brainstorming 442

Grand Conversations 443

Hot Seat 444

Interactive Read-Alouds 445

Interactive Writing 447

KWL Charts 448

Language Experience Approach 450

Learning Logs 452

Making Words 454

Mini-lessons 455

Open-Mind Portraits 456

Possible Sentences 457

Prereading Plan 458

Question-Answer-Relationships 460


Chapter 12 Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum 398

PLAN: Preview the Learning Outcomes 398

VIGNETTE: Third Graders’ Multigenre Projects 398

Learning Tools 402

Reading to Learn 403

Writing to Learn 405

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 12.1 408

Demonstrating Learning 408

Reports 409

Essays 411

Poems 411

Multigenre Projects 413

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 12.2 415

Content Area Textbooks 415

Textbook Features 415

Making Textbooks More Comprehensible 416

Learning How to Study 418

Why Aren’t Content Area Textbooks Enough? 421

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 12.3 421

Thematic Units 421

How to Develop a Unit 422

A First Grade Unit on Trees 425

A Fourth Grade Unit on Desert Ecosystems 425

A Sixth Grade Unit on Ancient Egypt 426

MONITOR: Check Your Understanding 12.4 426

REVIEW: Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum 433

Evaluate & Reflect 433

References 434

Quickwriting 461

RAFT 463

Readers Theatre 464

Reading Logs 465

Revising Groups 466

Rubrics 468

Running Records 470

Semantic Feature Analysis 471

Shared Reading 472

Sketch-to-Stretch 473

Story Boards 474

Story Retelling 476

Sustained Silent Reading 478

Tea Party 479

Think-Alouds 480

Word Sorts 481

Word Walls 483

Glossary 487

Index 493


Teaching literacy with a balance of theory and applications

Integrating the best of what we currently know about teaching reading and writing, as well as ideas that will lead us into the future, Literacy for the 21st Century: A Balanced Approach, provides the balance of pedagogy and application that teachers need to be successful in the classroom. It covers the fundamental components of literacy, illustrates how to teach skills and strategies, identifies how to differentiate instruction to meet the diverse needs of students today, and supports digital teaching and learning. An emphasis is placed on preparing readers to become teachers who will ensure their students meet grade-level standards. To help readers create a classroom environment that allows all students to flourish, the Seventh Edition provides the theoretical background and most contemporary and practical approaches for literacy instruction.

This title is also available in Revel. Revel is Pearson’s newest way of delivering our respected content. Informed by extensive research on how people read, think, and learn, Revel is an interactive learning environment that enables students to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience—for less than the cost of a traditional textbook.


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Gail E. Tompkins is Professor Emerita at California State University, Fresno. Currently, she works with teachers in their kindergarten through eighth-grade classrooms and leads staff-development programs on reading and writing. Dr. Tompkins was inducted into the California Reading Association’s Reading Hall of Fame in recognition of her accomplishments in the field of reading, and she’s received the prestigious Provost’s award for Excellence in Teaching at California State University, Fresno. Dr. Tompkins is the author of six other books published by Pearson: Language Arts: Patterns of Practice, Language Arts Essentials, Teaching Writing: Balancing Process and Product, 50 Literacy Strategies, and two grade-specific versions of this text: Literacy in the Early Grades: A Successful Start for PreK-4 Readers and Writers and Literacy in the Middle Grades: Teaching Reading and Writing to Fourth Through Eighth Graders. During the past three decades, Dr. Tompkins has also worked with kindergarten through college-level writing teachers at National Writing Project sites in California and Oklahoma.

Literacy for the 21st Century offers:

  • Guidance to be an accountable teacher:
    • Teacher checklists outline the specific components that classroom teachers must address when they are teaching reading and writing.
    • Common Core State Standards boxes point out how to use grade-level standards to plan purposeful literacy lessons that align with national and state literacy standards.
    • NEW: Standards Check! features at the end of each chapter-opening vignette ask readers to identify which standards the vignette teacher used in planning their lesson.

  • Support for a balanced approach to literacy instruction:
    • Chapter-opening vignettes describe how effective teachers integrate reading and writing instruction to maximize students’ learning.
    • Teach Kids to Be Strategic features outline specific guidelines to the cognitive and metacognitive strategies students need to learn and how to ensure the strategies are applied effectively.
    • Booklists, Mini-lessons, Literacy Portraits, and step-by-step Instructional Procedures provide instructional support that makes this text the most practical and applied text in the field.
    • Real examples of student work are included throughout the text to help readers recognize grade-appropriate literacy development.
    • References to the Compendium of Instructional Procedures, a bank of step-by-step, evidence-based teaching procedures, popular because of their value as a classroom resource, occur throughout the text and identify when procedures are appropriate to use.  

  • Resources for assessment:
    • Assessment Snapshots present authentic examples of rubrics, checklists, and other formative assessment resources that classroom teachers use to measure literacy growth on a day-to-day basis.
    • Teacher’s Notes overlays identify how to analyze each assessment and use it to inform instruction.

  • Differentiated instruction for diverse learners:
    • Classroom Intervention boxes detail specific ways to assist struggling readers and writers and illustrate how to modify and supplement instruction to ensure all readers and writers are successful.
    • Differentiated Instruction features showcase nine students whose cultural backgrounds and literacy progress differ. These features identify how classroom teachers modify literacy instruction to meet developmental differences you might see in beginning readers and writers, students with varying levels of comprehension skills, and readers and writers who are learning English at the same time they’re becoming literate.
    • Nurturing English Language Learners chapter sections detail specific teaching strategies that address the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students.

  • Technology tools for reading and writing:
    • Go Digital! features provide practical ideas and guidance for using specific programs and products that benefit students in using technology and in developing new media skills.
    • New Literacies features present researched information and communication technologies and identify specific ways to prepare students for the reading and writing demands of 21st-century learning.

This title is also available in Revel. Revel is Pearson’s newest way of delivering our respected content. Fully digital and highly engaging, Revel offers:

  • Dynamic content matched to the way today’s students read, think, and learn .
    • Interactives and Videos. Integrated within the narrative, interactives and videos empower students to engage with concepts and take an active role in learning. Revel’s unique presentation of media as an intrinsic part of course content brings the hallmark features of Pearson’s bestselling titles to life. Revel’s media interactives have been designed to be completed quickly, and its videos are brief, so students stay focused and on task.
    • Quizzing. Located throughout Revel, quizzing affords students opportunities to check their understanding at regular intervals before moving on.
    • Short-Answer Writing Assignments. Revel’s short-answer writing assignments foster deeper critical thinking by prompting students to evaluate the validity of ideas as they question, analyze, and synthesize information.
    • A Fully Mobile Learning Experience. Revel enables students to read and interact with course material on the devices they use, anywhere and anytime. Responsive design allows students to access Revel on their tablet devices and smart phones, with content displayed clearly in both portrait and landscape view.

  • Superior assignability and tracking tools that help educators make sure students are completing their reading and understanding core concepts
    • Assignment Calendar. Revel allows educators to indicate precisely which readings must be completed on which dates.
    • Performance Dashboard. Revel lets educators monitor class assignment completion as well as individual student achievement. It offers actionable information that helps educators intersect with their students in meaningful ways, such as points earned on quizzes and tests and time on task.

Key content changes for Literacy in the 21st Century include:

  • Coverage of Guided Reading as an effective approach for teaching reading. (See Chapter 10, Organizing for Instruction).
  • Teach Kids to Be Strategic features have been thoroughly revised to specify steps teachers can take to ensure their students are well-practiced in the strategic behaviors necessary to be successful readers and writers.
  • New topics, including :  
    • Close Reading–how to help students understand the deeper meaning of complex text (see Chapter 2, The Reading and Writing Processes, and Chapter 8, Promoting Comprehension: Reader Factors).
    • Standards. New features and text address the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts, demonstrate how to effectively use them in them classroom, and point to the value of using Standards in lesson planning. 
    • The Instruction-Assessment Cycle. (See Chapter 1, Becoming an Effective Teacher of Reading, and Chapter 3 , Assessing Literacy Development).

This title is also available in Revel. Revel is Pearson’s newest way of delivering our respected content. Fully digital and highly engaging, Revel offers:

  • Dynamic content matched to the way today’s students read, think, and learn .
    • Interactives and Videos. Integrated within the narrative, interactives and videos empower students to engage with concepts and take an active role in learning. Revel’s unique presentation of media as an intrinsic part of course content brings the hallmark features of Pearson’s bestselling titles to life. Revel’s media interactives have been designed to be completed quickly, and its videos are brief, so students stay focused and on task.
    • Quizzing. Located throughout Revel, quizzing affords students opportunities to check their understanding at regular intervals before moving on.
    • Short-Answer Writing Assignments. Revel’s short-answer writing assignments foster deeper critical thinking by prompting students to evaluate the validity of ideas as they question, analyze, and synthesize information.
    • A Fully Mobile Learning Experience. Revel enables students to read and interact with course material on the devices they use, anywhere and anytime.

  • Superior assignability and tracking tools that help educators make sure students are completing their reading and understanding core concepts
    • Assignment Calendar. Revel allows educators to indicate precisely which readings must be completed on which dates.
    • Performance Dashboard. Revel lets educators monitor class assignment completion as well as individual student achievement. It offers actionable information that helps educators intersect with their students in meaningful ways, such as points earned on quizzes and tests and time on task.

Additional information

Dimensions 1.00 × 8.50 × 10.70 in







The Youngest Readers and Writers, Compendium of Instructional Procedures., Reading and Writing in the Content Areas, Differentiating for Success, Organizing for Instruction, Promoting Comprehension: Text Factors, Promoting Comprehension: Reader Factors, Expanding Academic Vocabulary, Developing Fluent Readers and Writers, Cracking the Alphabetic Code, higher education, Assessing Literacy Development, The Reading and Writing Processes, Becoming an Effective Teacher of Reading, Reading / Literacy Methods (K-8), Literacy TED, Teacher Education, Vocational / Professional Studies, EDU046000