Learning Team Skills

Learning Team Skills


SKU: 9780137152599


Arthur H. Bell is Executive Director of MBA Programs and Professor of Management Communication in the School of Business and Professional Studies at the University of San Francisco.  He holds his Ph.D. from Harvard University and is the author of 51 books on management, communication, language, and literature topics.  Art is an avid cyclist and a jazz pianist in his spare time.  Together, books by Bell and Smith have been translated into 16 languages.


Dayle M. Smith is Director of the Honors Program and Professor of Management in the school of Business and Professional Studies at the University of San Francisco.  She has written 12 books on a variety of management topics, ranging from employee motivation to the challenges for women in the workplace to leadership development.  Dayle is a club tennis player and an active community leader.


We encourage you to visit this Blog at www.learningteamskills2epearson.blogspot.com.  The authors will be answering student and faculty questions here as well as adding interesting articles and other pieces on team skills.


Chapter 1         Why Teams?

                        Teams and Buy-In

                        Teams and Censorship, Pro and Con

                        Teams and Cross-Training

                        Teams and Follow-Up Responsibilities

                        Teams and the Social Aspect of Enterprise


Chapter 2         Assessing Your Team Experience and Insights



Chapter 3         Building a Balanced Team

                        The Importance of Balance

                        Causes of Team Imbalance

                        How and When to Plan for Balance

                        The Limits of Personality Tests

                        Making the Most of Gender Balance

                        Characteristics of Men’s and Women’s Communication Habits


Chapter 4         Becoming a Team Member and a Team Leader

                        How to Know If Your Organization Needs Teams

                        Putting Together Your Case for a Team

                        A Sample Communication to Management Regarding Team Formation

                        Preparing for Team Membership

                        Preparing to Lead a Team

                        Activities for the First Team Meeting

                        Writing an Informal Agenda for Team Meetings

                        Taking Notes or Minutes for Team Meetings

                        Keeping the Team Informed Between Meetings

                        Virtual Teams


Chapter 5         Observing Team Leadership Skills at Work

                        Welcome to the New Employee Orientation Team

                        The Meeting Begins


Chapter 6         Observing Team Member Skills at Work

                        Welcome Back to the New Employee Orientation Team

                        The Meeting Begins Again


Chapter 7         Understanding and Resolving Team Problems

                        A Case History of a Troubled Team

                        Teaching People How to Be Team Members

                        Five Common Team Problems and Tools for Repair and Prevention

                        How People Indicate That a Team Is in Trouble

                        A Lighter Look at the Challenge of Managing a Team


Chapter 8         Motivating Team Members and Leaders

                        Eight Motivators for Productive Teams


Chapter 9         Completing Collaborative Projects Through Teamwork

                        Why Teams Often Have Trouble with Collaborative Projects

                        Why Collaborative Projects Are Good for Teams and Good for Business

                        Steps in the Collaborative Process for Documents and Presentations

                        Guidelines for the Team Leader of a Collaborative Project


Chapter 10       Developing Intercultural Teams

                        Shared Information Without a Shared Culture

                        What’s at Stake in Understanding Cultural Differences

                        Grasping the Deeper Aspects of Cultural Difference

                        Communication in the Intercultural Team Meeting


  • “Your Turn” exercises scattered throughout the text give the reader a chance to insert his or her own reactions, opinions, and examples in the text.
  • “Insight” feature boxes highlight key ideas as students read through the body of the text and offer readers engaging, high-interest materials.
  • End of chapter summaries reiterate key chapter points, helping students to retain information, organize their learning, and study for exams.

For courses in first-year orientation that focus on personal development, team work, and group dynamics. For practicing managers in a corporate environment.


Broad, practical coverage of team skills offered in a conversational tone that encourages reader participation.


Teams offer us many advantages as an organized way to accomplish tasks – but what are the best methods and practices for harnessing the full power of a team successfully? In its second edition, Learning Team Skills offers insight into how both those in a college and corporate environment can use teambuilding skills as well as their individual strengths to create, participate in, and lead successful working teams. With a concise format and relaxed tone, this text teaches readers about the overwhelming advantages of teamwork over individual striving as well as how teams can foster meaningful interpersonal relationships, aide in conflict resolution, and, in due course, lead to goal achievement.


The newly-revised second edition of this practical and interactive text retains its many reader participation features and true-to-life anecdotes while adding major new sections on best practices for virtual teams; ways to diagnose team problems; measurement instruments for evaluating the motivation of team members; cultural considerations when building a strong team; effective inclusion of team members born after 1985, and more than a dozen online resources for forming and managing excellent teams.  


We encourage you to visit this Blog at www.learningteamskills2epearson.blogspot.com. The authors will be answering student and faculty questions here as well as adding interesting articles and other pieces on team skills.



  • A print text
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  • NEW – variety of new instruments that measure team effectiveness located throughout the text allows readers to make empirical judgments about the actual teams he or she has served on or led in the past.
  • NEW – Best practices for virtual teams covered in Chapter 4 guide readers on how to maximize the value of teams separated by distance, culture, and time zones.
  • NEW – New discussion of team member motivation and an instrument for measuring team motivation in Chapter 2 and 5 allow readers to evaluate the willingness of team members to carry through with team assignments.
  • NEW – Added material on cultural considerations when building a strong team helps readers grasp and apply insights for forming teams that mix a number of different cultures – as has become more common in today’s global corporate world.
  • NEW – A thorough analysis of Millennial workers as team members and leaders in Chapter 10helps the reader identify and make provisions for the distinct work habits of the newest generation of employees.
  • NEW – A list of online resources involving building and managing teams allow readers to continue honing their team skills outside of the classroom.


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      ·    Pearson Custom Publishing allows professors to create their own professionally produced customized textbooks and media products to best complement their course. We offer high-quality content, professional design, quick production, and reliable on-time delivery. The result is a valuable textbook that students will use, cover to cover, tailored to meet exactly the needs of the professor, students, and course.  Visit www.pearsoncustom.com.


      Broad, practical coverage of team skills offered in a conversational tone that encourages reader participation.


      Teams offer us many advantages as an organized way to accomplish tasks — but what are the best methods and practices for harnessing the full power of a team successfully? In its second edition, Learning Team Skills offers insight into how both those in a college and corporate environment can use teambuilding skills as well as their individual strengths to create, participate in, and lead successful working teams. With a concise format and relaxed tone, this text teaches readers about the overwhelming advantages of teamwork over individual striving as well as how teams can foster meaningful interpersonal relationships, aide in conflict resolution, and, in due course, lead to goal achievement.


      The newly-revised second edition of this practical and interactive text retains its many reader participation features and true-to-life anecdotes while adding major new sections on best practices for virtual teams; ways to diagnose team problems; measurement instruments for evaluating the motivation of team members; cultural considerations when building a strong team; effective inclusion of team members born after 1985, and more than a dozen online resources for forming and managing excellent teams.  

      Learning Team Skills offers broad, practical coverage of team skills offered in a conversational tone that encourages reader participation.


      Teams offer us many advantages as an organized way to accomplish tasks – but what are the best methods and practices for harnessing the full power of a team successfully? In its second edition, Learning Team Skills offers insight into how both those in a college and corporate environment can use teambuilding skills as well as their individual strengths to create, participate in, and lead successful working teams. This concise text introduces readers to the advantages of teamwork over individual striving and highlights its role in fostering strong interpersonal relationships, managing conflict and goal achievement.


      The newly-revised second edition of this practical and interactive text retains its many reader participation features and true-to-life anecdotes while adding major new sections on:

      • best practices for virtual teams
      • ways to diagnose team problems
      • measurement instruments for evaluating the motivation of team members
      • cultural considerations when building a strong team
      • effective inclusion of team members born after 1985, and more than a dozen online resources for forming and managing excellent teams

      Ideal for first-year orientation courses or business courses that focus on personal development, teamwork, and group dynamics and for practicing managers in a corporate environment.


      For additional information visit www.pearsonhighered.com  



      Start strong. Finish stronger.




      Additional information

      Dimensions 0.50 × 7.00 × 9.00 in








      higher education, EDU046000, Employability, Career and Student Success