Languages and Learners

Languages and Learners


SKU: 9780132855211


Section 1: Fundamentals

1. The Learner: Setting the Stage for Language

Section 2: Planning

2. Planning for Curriculum, Unit, and Lesson Design

Section 3: The Learning Experience

3. The Learning Experience: Language Learning Fundamentals, Focus on Communication

4. The Learning Experience: Strategies for Building Toward Proficiency

5. The Learning Experience: Building Toward Proficiency with Interactive Tasks

6. The Learning Experience: Building Toward Proficiency with Literacy

7. The Learning Experience: Connecting Language and Culture

8. The Learning Experience: Connecting Language and Content

Section 4: Performance and Feedback

9. Performance and Feedback: Using Assessment to Help Learners and Programs Grow

Section 5: Environment

10. Managing the Learning Environment

Section 6: Learning Tools

11. Learning Tools: Bringing Language to Life with Effective Materials

12. Learning Tools: Bringing Language to Lie with Classroom Games and Activities

13. Learning Tools: Bringing Language to Life in a Digital World

Section 7: Professionalism and Collaboration

14. Professionalism and Collaboration in Developing Professional Teachers

Section 8: Programs

15. Programs: Planning and Implementing Effective Programs for Young Learners

16. Programs: Focus on Immersion

17. Programs: Rationale and Advocacy

Works Cited / Name Index / Subject Index

Helena Curtain has a wealth of experience as a language educator and has taught at elementary school through university levels. She served as Foreign Language Curriculum( Specialist for the Milwaukee Public Schools for many years (and in that capacity coordinated and supervised K–12 foreign language and ESOL programs in a district of 100,000 students. She served as associate (professor at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee and (directed the Foreign Language and ESOL teacher preparation programs. She is the author of various articles dealing (with language instruction. Helena is active professionally (and has received state, regional and national awards for her (service to the language teaching profession. She is an internationally known expert on second language teaching methodology and curriculum development, bilingual education, immersion programs, and two-way immersion programs, especially at the elementary school level. She has also served as speaker, consultant, and visiting professor both nationally and internationally in 31 countries.

C arol Ann Dahlberg is Professor Emerita in Education at Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota, where she taught methods courses for secondary and elementary school teachers of foreign languages. She has also taught German K–12 and at the college level. She has authored and coauthored numerous articles and has received national awards from ACTFL and AATG. A founding member of the National Network for Language Learning, Carol Ann served as its first president. She works nationally and internationally as a consultant, curriculum developer, and workshop leader for early language learning.

Both a methods text and a practical guide for schools and teachers, Languages and Learners is designed to help those preparing to teach languages, especially at the elementary and middle school K-8 levels; practitioners already involved with language teaching; and teachers, parents, and administrators engaged in the planning or evaluation process. In it the authors include the theoretical and practical elements that have been important in their own classroom practice. Intended as an entry-level resource to help new teachers get oriented to what is important and available in the profession, the book is based on scholarship, yet written by practitioners with practitioners in mind. Popular, accessible, and engaging, Languages and Learners is a classic in the field, now updated to include a new organization around the TELL (Teaching Effectiveness for Language Learning) Framework; new examples and illustrations of the concepts; new insights from guest contributors; and new coverage of today’s important issues, such as technology in the classroom, assessment, differentiated instruction, the Common Core State Standards, and more.


  • A print text
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  • Ideal as ready-reference tool for every language teacher—now updated to include information on today’s most important topics
    • The book’s extensive, comprehensive scope, rich source material, and practical classroom applications of the strategies and techniques combine to give readers the most useful reference available—a classic in the field.
    • NEW! Organization around the TELL (Teaching Effectiveness for Language Learning) Framework. The TELL Project delineates characteristics of effective foreign language teachers, all of which are anchored in professional literature recommending their use. It catalogs teacher effectiveness into seven domains, each providing specific guidance as to what research tells us effective teachers do within that domain.
    • NEW! New examples and illustrations of the concepts presented in the previous edition give readers the most up-to-date look at the topics—and new examples of student-created work provide real-life meaning to the concepts.
    • NEW! Insights from guest contributors provide invaluable opinions, ideas, and suggestions.
    • NEW! In addition to a new technology chapter, technology is integrated throughout many of the chapters.
    • NEW! A new assessment chapter has been added.
    • NEW! Additional thematic unit templates and completed unit plans are included.
    • NEW! Sample lesson plans can be used as is or adapted to fit readers’ particular needs.
    • NEW! Examples of differentiated instruction activities have been added.
    • NEW! A new section on teaching grammar has been added.
    • NEW! An additional section on the Common Core State Standards helps readers comply.
  • Apply the ideas to a wide variety of learner groups.
    • The primary concern of the book is with the acquisition of a new language by majority-language speakers not living in an environment in which their new language is commonly spoken— students in bilingual environments and English for Speakers of Other Languages. However, the principles and strategies for language teaching offered in the book are also applicable or adaptable for teachers working with English language learners (ELLs) and teachers of heritage language speakers.
    • NEW! An expanded section looks at teaching in the target language and providing comprehensible input.
    • NEW! Revised guidelines for small group and partner activities are included.
  • Focus on beginning-level classes, yet applicable beyond
    • Many of the specific teaching suggested presented are of special value to teachers who work in the first years of elementary and middle school programs that provide foreign-language instruction for less than half of the school day, and for teachers of students at the novice proficiency level.
    • All of the activities can be extended and adapted to higher levels of language complexity and development and to other program models— most of the ideas can be adapted to almost any level of instruction.
    • NEW! A matrix of activity types has been added to the activities chapter, with each activity numbered according to the matrix.
  • References the World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages, but does not attempt to teach readers about the Standards themselves.
  • Uses primarily the terms world language and foreign language, occasionally second language, and frequently the terms early language and target language.


  • NEW! Organization around the TELL (Teaching Effectiveness for Language Learning) Framework. The TELL Project delineates characteristics of effective foreign language teachers, all of which are anchored in professional literature recommending their use. It catalogs teacher effectiveness into seven domains, each providing specific guidance as to what research tells us effective teachers do within that domain.
  • NEW! Can do statements at the beginning of each chapter set the stage for the chapter content.
  • NEW! New examples and illustrations of the concepts presented in the previous edition give readers the most up-to-date look at the topics.
  • NEW! Insights from guest contributors provide invaluable opinions, ideas, and suggestions.
  • NEW! Examples of student-created work give real-life meaning to the concepts.
  • NEW! In addition to a new technology chapter, technology is integrated throughout many of the chapters.
  • NEW! A new assessment chapter has been added.
  • NEW! Additional thematic unit templates and completed unit plans are included.
  • NEW! Sample lesson plans can be used as is or adapted to fit readers’ particular needs.
  • NEW! Examples of differentiated instruction activities have been added.
  • NEW! An expanded section looks at teaching in the target language and providing comprehensible input.
  • NEW! A new section on teaching grammar has been added.
  • NEW! Revised guidelines for small group and partner activities are included.
  • NEW! An additional section on the Common Core State Standards helps readers comply.
  • NEW! A matrix of activity types has been added to the activities chapter, with each activity numbered according to the matrix.

Both a methods text and a practical guide for schools and teachers, Languages and Learners is designed to help those preparing to teach languages, especially at the elementary and middle school K-8 levels; practitioners already involved with language teaching; and teachers, parents, and administrators engaged in the planning or evaluation process. In it the authors include the theoretical and practical elements that have been important in their own classroom practice. Intended as an entry-level resource to help new teachers get oriented to what is important and available in the profession, the book is based on scholarship, yet written by practitioners with practitioners in mind. Popular, accessible, and engaging, Languages and Learners is a classic in the field, now updated to include:

  • NEW! A new organization around the TELL (Teaching Effectiveness for Language Learning) Framework.
  • NEW examples and illustrations of the concepts.
  • NEW insights from guest contributors.
  • NEW coverage of today’s important issues, such as technology in the classroom, assessment, differentiated instruction, the Common Core State Standards, and more.


For courses in ESL Methods (ELL) and Foreign Language Methods (Elementary) (ELL)


A classic in the field! Packed with a wealth of strategies and activities ready to use in the K-8 foreign language classroom, this guide is an ideal resource for teachers, supervisors, and planners.


Both a methods text and a practical guide for schools and teachers, Languages and Learners is designed to help those preparing to teach languages, especially at the elementary and middle school K-8 levels; practitioners already involved with language teaching; and teachers, parents, and administrators engaged in the planning or evaluation process. In it the authors include the theoretical and practical elements that have been important in their own classroom practice. Intended as an entry-level resource to help new teachers get oriented to what is important and available in the profession, the book is based on scholarship, yet written by practitioners with practitioners in mind. Popular, accessible, and engaging, Languages and Learners is a classic in the field, now updated to include a new organization around the TELL (Teaching Effectiveness for Language Learning) Framework; new examples and illustrations of the concepts; new insights from guest contributors; and new coverage of today’s important issues, such as technology in the classroom, assessment, differentiated instruction, the Common Core State Standards, and more.


Additional information

Dimensions 1.10 × 7.90 × 10.00 in








higher education, EDU046000, Vocational / Professional Studies, Teacher Education, Teaching English Learners, ESOL Methods