Exploring Microsoft Office Excel 2016 Comprehensive
- Description
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This book offers full, comprehensive coverage of Microsoft Excel.
Beyond point-and-click
The goal of the Exploring series is to move students beyond the point-and-click, to understanding the why and how behind each skill. And because so much learning takes place outside of the classroom, this series provides learning tools that students can access anywhere, anytime. Students go to college now with a different set of skills than they did years ago. With this in mind, the Exploring series seeks to move students beyond the basics of the software at a faster pace, without sacrificing coverage of the fundamental skills that everyone needs to know.
Also available with MyITLab
MyITLab® is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed for Information Technology (IT) courses, which engages students and improves results. HTML5 Simulation exercises and Live-in-Application Grader projects come with the convenience of auto-grading and instant feedback, helping students learn more quickly and effectively. Digital badges lets students showcase their Microsoft Office or Computer Concepts competencies, keeping them motivated and focused on their future careers. MyITLab builds the critical skills needed for college and career success.
Mary Anne Poatsy, Series Editor
Mary Anne is a senior faculty member at Montgomery County Community College, teaching various computer application and concepts courses in face-to-face and online environments. She holds a B.A. in Psychology and Education from Mount Holyoke College and an M.B.A. in Finance from Northwestern University’s Kellogg Graduate School of Management. Mary Anne has more than 12 years of educational experience. She is currently adjunct faculty at Gwynedd-Mercy College and Montgomery County Community College. She has also taught at Bucks County Community College and Muhlenberg College, as well as conducted personal training. Before teaching, she was Vice President at Shearson Lehman in the Municipal Bond Investment Banking Department.
Dr. Keith Mulbery
Dr. Keith Mulbery is the Department Chair and a Professor in the Information Systems and Technology Department at Utah Valley University (UVU), where he currently teaches systems analysis and design, and global and ethical issues in information systems and technology. He has also taught computer applications, C# programming, and management information systems. Keith served as Interim Associate Dean, School of Computing, in the College of Technology and Computing at UVU. Keith received the Utah Valley State College Board of Trustees Award of Excellence in 2001, School of Technology and Computing Scholar Award in 2007, and School of Technology and Computing Teaching Award in 2008. He has authored more than 17 textbooks, served as Series Editor for the Exploring Office 2007 series, and served as developmental editor on two textbooks for the Essentials Office 2000 series. He is frequently asked to give presentations and workshops on Microsoft Office Excel at various education conferences. Keith received his B.S. and M.Ed. in Business Education from Southwestern Oklahoma State University and earned his Ph.D. in Education with an emphasis in Business Information Systems at Utah State University. His dissertation topic was computer-assisted instruction using Prentice Hall’s Train and Assess IT program (the predecessor to MyITLab) to supplement traditional instruction in basic computer proficiency courses.
Jason Davidson
Jason Davidson is a faculty member in the College of Business at Butler University, where he teaches Advanced Web Design, Data Networks, Data Analysis and Business Modeling, and introductory information systems courses. He is the co-author of Exploring Microsoft Excel 2013 Comprehensive, Exploring Microsoft Office 2013 Volume 2, Exploring Microsoft Office 2013 Plus, and Exploring VBA for Microsoft Office 2013. With a background in media development, prior to joining the faculty at Butler, he worked in the technical publishing industry. Along with teaching, he currently serves as an IT consultant for regional businesses in the Indianapolis area. He holds a B.A. in Telecommunication Arts from Butler University and an M.B.A. from Morehead State University. He lives in Indianapolis, Indiana, and in his free time enjoys road biking, photography, and spending time with his family.
Amy Rutledge
Amy Rutledge is a Special Instructor of Management Information Systems at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. She coordinates academic programs in Microsoft Office applications and introductory management information systems courses for the School of Business Administration. Before joining Oakland University as an instructor, Amy spent several years working for a music distribution company and automotive manufacturer in various corporate roles including IT project management. She holds a B.S. in Business Administration specializing in Management Information Systems, and a B.A. in French Modern Language and Literature. She holds an M.B.A from Oakland University. She resides in Michigan with her husband, Dan and daughters Emma and Jane.
Dr. Robert T. Grauer, Creator of the Exploring Series
Bob Grauer is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Computer Information Systems at the University of Miami, where he is a multiple winner of the Outstanding Teaching Award in the School of Business, most recently in 2009. He has written numerous COBOL texts and is the vision behind the Exploring Office series, with more than three million books in print. His work has been translated into three foreign languages and is used in all aspects of higher education at both national and international levels. Bob Grauer has consulted for several major corporations including IBM and American Express. He received his Ph.D. in Operations Research in 1972 from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn.
- The How/Why approach helps students go from learning steps and performing tasks to gaining a true understanding of how to apply Microsoft Office skills.
- White/Yellow Pages clearly distinguish the theory (white pages) from the skills covered in the Hands-On Exercises (yellow pages) so students always know what they are supposed to be doing.
- Case Study presents a scenario for the chapter, creating a story that ties the Hands-On Exercises together.
- Hands-On Exercise Videos—tied to each Hands-On Exercise—walk students through the steps of the exercise while weaving in conceptual information related to the Case Study and objectives.
- The Outcomes focus keep both students and instructors aware of the higher-level learning goals and how those are achieved through discreet objectives and skills.
- Outcomes are presented at the beginning of each chapter, identifying the learning goals that will be achieved in the material ahead.
- Enhanced Objective Mapping give students a learning path for the chapter, from the objectives list in the beginning through the exercises at the end.
- Objectives List: a simple list of key objectives covered in the chapter, with page numbers so students can skip to the objectives where they need the most help.
- Step Icons appear in the white pages and reference the step numbers in the Hands-On Exercises, providing a correlation between the two so students can easily find conceptual help when they are working hands-on and need a refresher.
- Quick Concepts Checks appear at the end of each white page section. These questions cover the essential concepts students will need to be successful in working the Hands-On Exercises. Page numbers are included for easy reference to help students locate the answers.
- Chapter Objectives Review, near the end of the chapter, reviews all the important concepts throughout the chapter.
- NEW! Chapter Objectives Review is redesigned in an easy-to-read bulleted format.
- Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification Guide directs anyone interested in prepping for the MOS exam to the specific locations to find all content required for the test.
- End-of-Chapter Exercises offer instructors several options for assessment, with 12–15 exercises ranging from multiple choice questions to open-ended projects: Multiple Choice, Key Terms Matching, Practice Exercises, Mid-Level Exercises, Beyond the Classroom Exercises, and Capstone Exercises.
- NEW! Every chapter now includes a Key Terms Matching exercise, a Collaboration Case, and Soft Skills Case.
- NEW! Key Terms Matching exercises require students to match key terms to their definitions. This requires students to work actively with important vocabulary and prove conceptual understanding.
- Enhanced! Mid-Level Exercises
- Creative Case (for PowerPoint and Word) allows students some flexibility and creativity, without being bound by a definitive solution.
- Analysis Case (for Excel and Access) requires students to interpret the data they are using to answer an analytic question.
- Discover Steps encourage students to use Help or to problem-solve to accomplish a task.
- Application Capstone exercises allow instructors to test students on the entire contents of a single application.
New design with wide screen screenshots allows students to see the details in screenshots for better comprehension.
New Access Running Case at the Mid-Level, carrying concepts and applications through each chapter.
The Exploring series charts students beyond the “point and click,” helping them understand WHY they use Microsoft Office skills along with HOW they perform them. The latest edition provides an easy-to-follow map through each chapter to help students learn, study, and review efficiently and be successful in this class and beyond.
New to the Exploring Series:
- Two-page chapter opener highlights the new outcomes, objectives, case study, and starting student data files
- Outcomes now added for each chapter
- Starting & Ending Data Files identified at the beginning of each chapter
- New Hands-On Exercise Videos cover both the essential Why & How of each exercise, walking students through the click path and explaining the concepts throughout.
- Application Capstone exercises are included in the book to allow instructors to test students on the en¿tire contents of a single application. These are available as a Homework Grader Project in MyITLab and now have an Assessment version as well.
- Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification Guide for instructors and students to direct anyone interested in prepping for the MOS exam to the specific locations to find all content required for the test.
Also available with MyITLab
MyITLab® is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed for Information Technology (IT) courses, to engage students and improve results. HTML5 Simulation exercises and Live-in-Application Grader projects come with the convenience of auto-grading and instant feedback, so students learn more quickly and effectively, and build the critical skills needed for college and career success. Digital badges allow students to showcase their Microsoft Office or Computer Concepts competencies, keeping them motivated and focused on their future careers.
- MyITLab 2016 Grader Projects: Live-in-the-Application auto-graded projects are available for the Mid-Level Exercises and Capstone Exercises in the textbook.
- Simulations for Office 2016 have been updated to match the pedagogical approach of the textbook projects, providing a direct, one-to-one learning experience.
- Windows 10 Coverage includes topic-based simulation trainings for the Windows 10 skills covered in the textbook, helping students get up and running with the new operating system.
- IT Innovation Station lets you stay current with Office and Windows updates, news, and trends, especially now that Microsoft Office is in the cloud. Monthly updates on the MyITLab Community site from Pearson’s product team and author-instructors offer tips on understanding the updates, using new capabilities, implementing new instructional techniques, and optimizing your Office usage.
This book offers full, comprehensive coverage of Microsoft Excel.
Beyond point-and-click
The goal of the Exploring series is to move students beyond the point-and-click, to understanding the why and how behind each skill. And because so much learning takes place outside of the classroom, this series provides learning tools that students can access anywhere, anytime. Students go to college now with a different set of skills than they did years ago. With this in mind, the Exploring series seeks to move students beyond the basics of the software at a faster pace, without sacrificing coverage of the fundamental skills that everyone needs to know.
Also available with MyITLab
MyITLab® is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed for Information Technology (IT) courses, which engages students and improves results. HTML5 Simulation exercises and Live-in-Application Grader projects come with the convenience of auto-grading and instant feedback, helping students learn more quickly and effectively. Digital badges lets students showcase their Microsoft Office or Computer Concepts competencies, keeping them motivated and focused on their future careers. MyITLab builds the critical skills needed for college and career success.
Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyITLab does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyITLab, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
Additional information
Dimensions | 1.20 × 9.50 × 10.90 in |
Series | |
Imprint | |
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Author | Jason Davidson, Keith Mulbery, Mary Anne Poatsy, Robert T. Grauer |
Subjects | higher education, information technology, business and economics, IT / MIS, Computer Applications |