Cow Chips Aren’t For Dipping – new

Cow Chips Aren’t For Dipping – new


SKU: 9781423606963
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5 + $5.99


Henry Ward Beecher said “the common sense of one century is the common sense of the next.” That said, these pocket-sized humor books pack quite a bit of punch—lines that is. With more than 1.5 million copies in print, their all-new look will leave a whole new generation in stitches!

Henry Ward Beecher said “the common sense of one century is the common sense of the next.” That said, these pocket-sized humor books pack quite a bit of punch—lines that is. With more than 1.5 million copies in print, their all-new look will leave a whole new generation in stitches!

This state boasts some of the most dramatic scenery in the U.S., and certainly the strangest version of English to be found west of the Mississippi. Here you can shovel a load of carn in your born and thank the good Lard that you still got the strength to shovel.

Here you can also find, on any store shelf in any town at any time of day or night (except Sunday, praise the Lard), massive quantities of

a. lime Jell-O,

b. chocolate,

c. powdered milk, and organ music

Very Ordinary and Expected Utah Place Names:

Paul Bunyan”s Potty

Fern”s Nipple

Big Rock Candy Mountain

Skull Valley

Dead Horse Point

From Yon to Hither: A Brief History of the American West 9

The Map: Wide as All Get-Out 13

Survival Kit for the Wide-Open Roads 14

The True Western States and Some of Their Attractions 18

Must-See Places in the West 32

The Look 37

The Redneck 38

The New Westerner 45

The Drugstore Cowboy 47

The Authentic Native Westerner 49

The Tourist 50

The Mormon 50

The Native American 51

The Talk 52

Vocabulary 53

Some Traditional American Sayings and Their Western Translations 64

Other Sayings Every Westerner Should Know 65

Common Western Bumper Stickers 68

The Entertainment 70

River Running 71

Mushroom Hunting 72

Rockhounding 73

Cow Tipping 76

Rodeo 78

The Food 88

How to Make True Western Chili 90

Other Food Items Traditionally Consumed in the West 91

A Few Final Words 93

Do 93

Don”t 95

Additional information

Dimensions 1 × 4 × 7 in