Contemporary Maternal-Newborn Nursing Care
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For 2- and 4-year college-level nursing courses that cover pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period.
Help students think like maternal-newborn nurses
Accurate, readable, and up-to-date, Contemporary Maternal-Newborn Nursing presents pregnancy and childbirth as normal life processes with family members as co-participants in care. This text thoroughly illuminates all aspects of maternal-newborn nursing and the many opportunities for nurses to make a difference in a changing healthcare environment.
After introducing key concepts, it progresses through the steps of the nursing process, clearly delineating nurses’ roles throughout pregnancy, labor, birth, the newborn period, and postpartum care. For each, it presents basic theory followed by chapters on assessment and care for essentially healthy women or infants, and then by complications and treatment. Recurring themes include evidence-based practice, critical thinking, clinical decision-making, community-based care, patient and family teaching, safety, cultural competence, complementary/alternative therapies, and health promotion. This edition’s significant updates include revisions reflecting the latest recommendations of AACN Baccalaureate Essentials, QSEN, the Institute of Medicine (IOM), and Healthy People 2020.
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For 2- and 4-year college-level nursing courses that cover pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period.
Help readers think like maternal-newborn nurses
Accurate, readable, and up-to-date, Contemporary Maternal-Newborn Nursing presents pregnancy and childbirth as normal life processes with family members as co-participants in care. This text thoroughly illuminates all aspects of maternal-newborn nursing and many opportunities for nurses to make a difference in a changing healthcare environment. After introducing key concepts, it progresses through the steps of the nursing process, clearly delineating nurses’ roles throughout pregnancy, labor, birth, the newborn period, and postpartum care. For each, it presents basic theory followed by chapters on assessment and care for essentially healthy women or infants, and then by complications and treatment. Recurring themes include evidence-based practice, critical thinking, clinical decision-making, community-based care, patient and family teaching, safety, cultural competence, complementary/alternative therapies, and health promotion. This edition’s significant updates include revisions reflecting the latest recommendations of AACN Baccalaureate Essentials, QSEN, the Institute of Medicine (IOM), and Healthy People 2020.
New text features and benefits include:
Focuses on women with special needs. Content on selected populations is now refocused in a single chapter, Chapter 12, Pregnancy in Selected Populations, to address the distinct needs of pregnant adolescents, women over age 35, and women with physical and/or intellectual disabilities. A new Women with Special Needs feature is incorporated throughout the text.
Highlights the need for nurses to demonstrate professional standards. Professionalism in Practice features focus on topics such as legal considerations, contemporary nursing practice issues, professional accountability, patient advocacy, and home and community care considerations.
UPDATED: Helps nursing students master the newest and best standards of care available. Coordinates with the latest recommendations and standards of care—including recommendations from AACN Baccalaureate Essentials, Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN), the Institute of Medicine (IOM), and Healthy People 2010/2020.
Also available with MyNursingLab®
MyNursingLab is an online self-study and class preparation program designed to engage students and improve results. Its personalized learning path helps students think like nurses as they move beyond memorization to true understanding through application.
Help students master key concepts. Nursing students have a vast amount of content to learn in a short amount of time. MyNursingLab’s Personalized Learning Path helps students identify what they already know and where they need focused remediation, supporting students in mastering those topics and concepts they found difficult.
Improve students’ clinical reasoning. Clinical Decision-Making Cases and Content Case Studies ask students to synthesize and apply what they’ve learned to patient care scenarios and make informed decisions at key moments, improving their critical-thinking and clinical reasoning skills.
Prepare students for the NCLEX-RN Exam. Each MyNursingLab course incorporates thousands of NCLEX-style questions and includes all question types. Multiple practice test banks offer extensive practice opportunities, enabling students to increase their confidence, proficiency, and pass rates. More NCLEX-style study questions and two new 60-question Practice Tests are now included in MyNursingLab.
Monitor student progress and improve class results. The MyNursingLab gradebook enables instructors to monitor student progress, spot trends across their class, and tailor their instruction accordingly.
Digital access anytime, anywhere with the Pearson eText. The Pearson eText in MyNursingLab gives students access to their textbook anytime, anywhere.
Text features and benefits include:
Helps students prepare effective nursing care plans. Presents detailed instructions for caring for women and newborns facing a wide range of health conditions and challenges.
Enables students to master key clinical skills. Contains step-by-step directions for performing key procedures ranging from assisting during amniocentesis to performing gavage feeding and auscultation of fetal heart rate.
Strengthens clinical judgment through realistic case studies. Presents many brief case studies, followed by critical thinking questions asking students to formulate a response.
Offers reliable, up-to-date information for evidence-based practice. Reflects and calls attention to the latest research in many areas, from preventing pregnancy in high-risk adolescents to managing pain during labor and helping women overcome postpartum depression.
Gives students realistic practice hints. Presents real-world tips and hints from nursing professionals throughout every chapter.
Supports effective, efficient study and review. Includes many proven pedagogical features, including Key Facts to Remember and Chapter Highlights reviews.
Helps students gain a more visual and intuitive understanding of key concepts and skills and makes nursing plans easier to understand, especially for visual learners. Concept Maps visually delineate specific nursing plans of action.
Helps students protect the safety of their patients, their colleagues, and themselves. Safety Alert features and Clinical Tips cover key opportunities to provide safer care.
Gives students opportunities to practice and improve their clinical-judgment, critical-thinking, and problem-solving skills. Clinical Reasoning and Clinical Reasoning in Action features are incorporated throughout the book.
Reflects the field’s focus on effective patient education, health promotion, and prevention. Health Promotion Education headings focus on important areas of health teaching with patients and families.
Commits to acknowledging and respecting diversity and multiculturalism. Chapter 2, Family, Culture, and Complementary Health Approaches, lays the foundational concepts for students to develop cultural competence, whereas the Developing Cultural Competence feature carries the concept forward by providing insights into specific issues related to culture.
NEW: Focuses on women with special needs. Content on selected populations is now refocused in a single chapter, Chapter 12, Pregnancy in Selected Populations, to address the distinct needs of pregnant adolescents, women over age 35, and women with physical and/or intellectual disabilities. A new Women with Special Needs feature is incorporated throughout the text.
NEW: Highlights the need for nurses to demonstrate professional standards. Professionalism in Practice features focus on topics such as legal considerations, contemporary nursing practice issues, professional accountability, patient advocacy, and home and community care considerations.
UPDATED: Helps nursing students master the newest and best standards of care available. Coordinates with the latest recommendations and standards of care—including recommendations from AACN Baccalaureate Essentials, Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN), the Institute of Medicine (IOM), and Healthy People 2010/2020.
Also available with MyNursingLab®
MyNursingLab is an online self-study and class preparation program designed to engage students and improve results. Its personalized learning path helps students think like nurses as they move beyond memorization to true understanding through application.
Help students master key concepts. Nursing students have a vast amount of content to learn in a short amount of time. MyNursingLab’s Personalized Learning Path helps students identify what they already know and where they need focused remediation, supporting students in mastering those topics and concepts they found difficult.
NEW: Improve students’ clinical reasoning. Clinical Decision-Making Cases and Content Case Studies ask students to synthesize and apply what they’ve learned to patient care scenarios and make informed decisions at key moments, improving their critical-thinking and clinical reasoning skills.
UPDATED: Prepare students for the NCLEX-RN Exam. Each MyNursingLab course incorporates thousands of NCLEX-style questions and includes all question types. Multiple practice test banks offer extensive practice opportunities, enabling students to increase their confidence, proficiency, and pass rates. More NCLEX-style study questions and two new 60-question Practice Tests are now included in MyNursingLab.
Monitor student progress and improve class results. The MyNursingLab gradebook enables instructors to monitor student progress, spot trends across their class, and tailor their instruction accordingly.
Digital access anytime, anywhere with the Pearson eText. The Pearson eText in MyNursingLab gives students access to their textbook anytime, anywhere.
Patricia A. Wieland Ladewig received her BS from the College of Saint Teresa in Winona, Minnesota; her MSN from Catholic University of America in Washington, DC; and her PhD in higher education administration from the University of Denver in Colorado. She served as an Air Force nurse and discovered her passion for teaching as a faculty member at Florida State University. Over the years, she has taught at several schools of nursing. In addition, she became a women’s health nurse practitioner and maintained a part-time clinical practice for many years. In 1988, Dr. Ladewig became the first director of the nursing program at Regis College in Denver. In 1991, when the college became Regis University, she became academic dean of the Rueckert-Hartman College for Health Professions. Under her guidance, the School of Nursing added a graduate program. In addition, the college added a School of Physical Therapy and a School of Pharmacy. In 2009 Dr. Ladewig became the Chief Academic Officer at Regis University. She retired from the position in 2016. She and her husband, Tim, enjoy skiing, baseball games, and traveling. However, their greatest pleasure comes from their family: son Ryan, his wife Amanda, and grandchildren Reed and Addison; and son Erik, his wife Kedri, and grandchildren Emma and Camden.
Marcia L. London received her BSN and School Nurse Certificate from Plattsburgh State University in Plattsburgh, New York, and her MSN in pediatrics as a clinical nurse specialist from the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania. She worked as a pediatric nurse and began her teaching career at Pittsburgh Children’s Hospital Affiliate Program. Mrs. London began teaching at Beth-El School of Nursing and Health Science in 1974 (now part of the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs) after opening the first intensive care nursery at Memorial Hospital of Colorado Springs. She has served in many faculty positions at Beth-El, including assistant director of the School of Nursing. Mrs. London obtained her postmaster’s Neonatal Nurse Practitioner certificate in 1983 and subsequently developed the Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (NNP) certificate and the master’s NNP program at Beth-El. She is active nationally in neonatal nursing and was involved in the development of National Neonatal Nurse Practitioner educational program guidelines. Mrs. London pursued her interest in college student learning by taking doctoral classes in higher education administration and adult learning at the University of Denver in Colorado. She feels fortunate to be involved in the education of her future colleagues and teaches undergraduate education. Mrs. London and her husband, David, enjoy reading, travel, and hockey games. They have two sons. Craig, who lives in Florida with his wife, Jennifer, and daughter Hannah, works with Internet companies. Matthew works in computer teleresearch. Both are more than willing to give Mom helpful hints about computers.
Michele R. Davidson completed her ADN degree from Marymount University and worked in multiple women’s health specialty areas including postpartum, newborn nursery, high-risk nursery, labor and delivery, reproductive endocrinology, gynecology medical-surgical, and oncology units as a registered nurse while obtaining a BSN from George Mason University. Dr. Davidson earned her MSN and a nurse-midwifery certificate at Case Western Reserve University and continued to work as a full-scope nurse-midwife for 16 years. She has delivered over 1,000 babies during her career as a nurse-midwife. She completed her PhD in nursing administration and healthcare policy at George Mason University (GMU) and began teaching at GMU in 1999 while continuing in her role as a nurse- midwife. Dr. Davidson serves as the Coordinator for the PhD program in the School of Nursing. She has an interest in women’s mental health and focuses her research on perinatal and postpartum mood and anxiety disorders. Dr. Davidson also has an interest in the care of individuals with disabilities; she serves as a member of the Loudoun County Disability Advisory Committee and is a disability advocate in her community. She was a member of the American College of Nurse-Midwives Certification Council, the body that writes the national certification examination for certified nurse-midwives. She is a member of numerous editorial and advisory boards and has a passion for writing. In 2000, Dr. Davidson developed an immersion clinical experience for GMU students on a remote island in the Chesapeake Bay. In 2003, she founded the Smith Island Foundation, a nonprofit organization in which she served as executive director for eight years. Dr. Davidson has also completed certifications in lactation consulting, forensic nursing, and surgical first assistant. In 2012, her book, A Nurse’s Guide to Women’s Mental Health, won an American Journal of Nursing Book Award. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her mother, writing, gardening, Internet surfing, and spending time on Smith Island with her nurse-practitioner husband, Nathan, and their four active children, Hayden, Chloe, Caroline, and Grant. Dr. Davidson and her family love the Eastern Shore of Maryland and continue to be part-time residents of Smith Island.
Chapter 1 Contemporary Maternal-Newborn Care
Chapter 2 Family, Culture, and Complementary Health Approaches
Chapter 3 Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology
Chapter 4 Conception and Fetal Development
Chapter 5 Health Promotion for Women
Chapter 6 Common Gynecologic Problems
Chapter 7 Families with Special Reproductive Concerns
Chapter 8 Physical and Psychologic Changes of Pregnancy
Chapter 9 Antepartum Nursing Assessment
Chapter 10 The Expectant Family: Needs and Care
Chapter 11 Maternal Nutrition
Chapter 12 Pregnancy in Selected Populations
Chapter 13 Assessment of Fetal Well-Being
Chapter 14 Pregnancy at Risk: Pregestational Problems
Chapter 15 Pregnancy at Risk: Gestational Onset
Chapter 16 Processes and Stages of Labor and Birth
Chapter 17 Intrapartum Nursing Assessment
Chapter 18 The Family in Childbirth: Needs and Care
Chapter 19 Pharmacologic Pain Management
Chapter 20 Childbirth at Risk: Pre-Labor and Intrapartum Complications
Chapter 21 Childbirth at Risk: Labor-Related Complications
Chapter 22 Birth-Related Procedures
Chapter 23 The Physiologic Responses of the Newborn to Birth
Chapter 24 Nursing Assessment of the Newborn
Chapter 25 Normal Newborn: Needs, Care, and Feeding
Chapter 26 The Newborn at Risk: Conditions Present at Birth
Chapter 27 The Newborn at Risk: Birth-Related Stressors
Chapter 28 Postpartum Adaptation and Nursing Assessment
Chapter 29 The Postpartum Family: Early Care Needs and Home Care
Chapter 30 The Postpartum Family at Risk
Additional information
Dimensions | 1.30 × 8.70 × 10.80 in |
Imprint | |
Format | |
ISBN-13 | |
ISBN-10 | |
Author | Kay Cowen, Marcia London, Michele C. Davidson, MICHELE SHAW, Ruth C. Bindler |
Subjects | Nursing Assessment of the Newborn, Processes and Stages of Labor and Birth, Intrapartum Nursing Assessment, The Family in Childbirth: Needs and Care, Pharmacologic Pain Management, Childbirth at Risk: Pre-Labor and Intrapartum Complications, Childbirth at Risk: Labor-Related Complications, Birth-Related Procedures, The Physiologic Responses of the Newborn to Birth, Pregnancy at Risk: Gestational Onset, Normal Newborn: Needs, Care, and Feeding, The Newborn at Risk: Conditions Present at Birth, The Newborn at Risk: Birth-Related Stressors, Postpartum Adaptation and Nursing Assessment, The Postpartum Family: Early Care Needs and Home Care, The Postpartum Family at Risk, Combined Maternal-Pediatrics, Families with Special Reproductive Concerns, higher education, Vocational / Professional Studies, Contemporary Maternal-Newborn Care, Family, Culture, and Complementary Health Approaches, Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology, Conception and Fetal Development, Health Promotion for Women, Common Gynecologic Problems, nursing, Physical and Psychologic Changes of Pregnancy, Antepartum Nursing Assessment, The Expectant Family: Needs and Care, Maternal Nutrition, Pregnancy in Selected Populations, Assessment of Fetal Well-Being, Pregnancy at Risk: Pregestational Problems |