Comprehensive Curriculum for Gifted Learners
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Comprehensive Curriculum for Gifted Learners provides a theoretical, research-based framework and practical ideas for writing, implementing, and adapting curriculum for gifted learners in a standards-based era.
Readers are first introduced to various curriculum theories, the Integrated Curriculum Model, curriculum reform, and a process for curriculum design and development, culminating in examples of key curriculum products.
Specific core subject areas and non-core subject areas (including thinking skills, creativity, leadership, and the arts) are addressed with practical examples and connections to standards with adaptations for gifted learners. At-risk populations, connections to technology, interdisciplinary approaches, assessment options, and instructional and classroom management strategies are also emphasized and discussed in detail.
Finally, leadership and programming options, as well as new directions in curriculum for gifted learners, provide the reader with an overall examination of a comprehensive approach for teaching, adapting, and leading best-practice initiatives in curriculum for gifted learners.
- Includes accommodations for low income, minority, and disable learners who are gifted.
- Practical Lesson examples are provided throughout.
- Focuses on Research-based teaching and learning models.
1. Curriculum for the Gifted: Past, Present, and Future Directions.
a. The forces that drive curriculum.
b. A curriculum philosophy for the gifted.
c. Research on curriculum for the gifted.
d. Curriculum dimensions for the gifted:
i. Content.
ii. Process/Product.
iii. Epistemological/Concept.
e. Conclusion.
f. Questions for discussion.
g. References.
2. Curriculum Design Issues in Developing a Curriculum for the Gifted.
a. Gifted learner characteristics: A prelude to differentiated curriculum dimensions.
b. Content, process/product, and concept dimensions.
c. The Integrated Curriculum Model.
d. Accommodations for individual differences.
e. Assessment: Measuring student outcomes.
f. Conclusion.
g. Questions for discussion.
h. References.
3. Curriculum Development Processes.
a. The process of curriculum development.
b. Gifted program goals.
c. Perspectives on the needs of the field.
d. Collaboration in curriculum development.
e. Testing the curriculum.
f. Professional development.
g. Checklist of curriculum principles for use in developing gifted/talented programs.
h. Conclusion.
i. Questions for discussion.
j. References.
4. Developing Key Curriculum Products.
a. Scope and sequence development.
b. Developing individualized educational plans (IEP) for gifted learners.
c. Effective implementation through collaboration.
d. Alignment to standards.
e. Curriculum writing: Unit development.
f. Conclusion.
g. Questions for discussion.
h. References.
i. Appendices.
5. Differentiation Curriculum: The Process.
a. What is a differentiated curriculum?
b. Application features of a differentiated curriculum.
c. Conclusion.
d. References.
6. Reading and Language Arts Curriculum for the Gifted Learner.
a. Considerations for teaching and learning reading and language arts.
b. Connectivity to standards in reading and language arts.
c. Interdisciplinary connections in reading and language arts.
d. Accommodating at-risk gifted students.
e. Programming considerations.
f. Conclusion.
g. Questions for discussion.
h. References.
7. Language Study for Gifted Learners.
a. Considerations for teaching and learning in language studies.
b. Interdisciplinary connections via foreign languages.
c. Accommodating at-risk gifted learners.
d. Programming considerations.
e. Conclusion.
f. Questions for discussion.
g. References.
8. Mathematics Curriculum for the Gifted Learner.
a. Connections for teaching and learning mathematics.
b. Connectivity to standards in mathematics.
c. Interdisciplinary connections in mathematics.
d. Accommodating at-risk populations in mathematics.
e. Considerations for implementing programs for the mathematically gifted.
f. Conclusion.
g. Questions for discussion.
h. References.
9. Social Studies Curriculum and the Gifted Learner.
a. Considerations for teaching and learning social studies.
b. Connectivity to standards in social studies.
c. Interdisciplinary connections in social studies.
d. Accommodating at-risk populations in social studies.
e. Considerations for the implementation of gifted programs.
f. Conclusion.
g. Questions for Discussion.
h. References.
10. Science Curriculum for the Gifted.
a. Considerations for teaching and learning in science.
b. Connectivity to standards in science.
c. Interdisciplinary connections.
d. Accommodating at-risk populations in science.
e. Considerations for implementing gifted programs in science.
f. Conclusion.
g. Questions for discussion.
h. References.
11. Leadership Curriculum for the Gifted.
a. Leadership and intelligence: Is there a relationship?
b. Curriculum within the cognitive domains.
c. Transferring curriculum activities to the leadership domain.
d. Applications for leadership within the context of the classroom.
e. Conclusion.
f. Questions for discussion.
g. References.
12. Arts Curriculum for the Gifted.
a. Differentiating curriculum in the arts.
b. Use of arts standards by the gifted community.
c. The relationship of the arts to cognition.
d. The role of the arts in affective development.
e. Aesthetic experiences for enhancing instructional processes.
f. Curriculum integration in the arts.
g. Conclusion.
h. Questions for discussion.
i. References.
13. Affective Curriculum and Instruction for Gifted Learners.
a. Affective components in a gifted curriculum.
b. Emotional intelligence.
c. Learner characteristics of low income and minority students.
d. Tailoring affective curriculum and instruction for low income and minority students.
e. Conclusion.
f. Questions for discussion.
14. Developing Interdisciplinary Curriculum through Humanities Study.
a. The teaching of concepts.
b. The study of philosophy.
c. Key questions regarding the humanities.
d. The learner in the context of the humanities.
e. Creativity in the humanities curriculum.
f. Issues in implementing interdisciplinary curricula for the gifted.
g. Selected materials for use in humanities programs for the gifted.
h. Conclusion.
i. Questions for discussion.
j. References.
15. Accommodating Special Populations of Gifted Students through Tailored Curriculum Experiences.
a. Twice-labeled gifted.
b. The learning disabled gifted student.
c. AD/HD and gifted.
d. Implications for curriculum and classroom management.
e. Underrepresented gifted learners.
f. Considerations for curriculum and programming.
g. The underachieving gifted learner.
h. Conclusion.
i. Questions for discussion.
j. References.
16. Teaching Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving and Research.
a. Use of models.
b. Problem solving.
c. Creative problem solving.
d. Metacognition.
e. Teaching research.
f. Metacognitive aspects of thinking.
g. Constructing thinking skill programs in schools.
h. Conclusion.
i. Questions for discussion.
j. References.
17. Teaching Creativity.
a. Use of models.
b. Description of skills.
c. Description of mentors.
d. Applications of creativity to curriculum and instruction.
e. The teaching of creativity.
f. Use of creativity instruments with at-risk gifted populations.
g. Issues in teaching creativity.
h. Conclusion.
i. Questions for discussion.
j. References.
18. Using Technology to Supplement Gifted Curriculum.
a. Research and rationale for gifted learners and differentiation.
b. Technology options that support gifted student needs and characteristics.
c. Software and the gifted child.
d. Hardware and the gifted child.
Comprehensive Curriculum for Gifted Learners provides a theoretical, research-based framework and practical ideas for writing, implementing, and adapting curriculum for gifted learners in a standards-based era.
Readers are first introduced to various curriculum theories, the Integrated Curriculum Model, curriculum reform, and a process for curriculum design and development, culminating in examples of key curriculum products.
Specific core subject areas and non-core subject areas (including thinking skills, creativity, leadership, and the arts) are addressed with practical examples and connections to standards with adaptations for gifted learners. At-risk populations, connections to technology, interdisciplinary approaches, assessment options, and instructional and classroom management strategies are also emphasized and discussed in detail.
Finally, leadership and programming options, as well as new directions in curriculum for gifted learners, provide the reader with an overall examination of a comprehensive approach for teaching, adapting, and leading best-practice initiatives in curriculum for gifted learners.
Comprehensive Curriculum for Gifted Learners provides a theoretical, research-based framework and practical ideas for writing, implementing, and adapting curriculum for gifted learners in a standards-based era.
Readers are first introduced to various curriculum theories, the Integrated Curriculum Model, curriculum reform, and a process for curriculum design and development, culminating in examples of key curriculum products.
Specific core subject areas and non-core subject areas (including thinking skills, creativity, leadership, and the arts) are addressed with practical examples and connections to standards with adaptations for gifted learners. At-risk populations, connections to technology, interdisciplinary approaches, assessment options, and instructional and classroom management strategies are also emphasized and discussed in detail.
Finally, leadership and programming options, as well as new directions in curriculum for gifted learners, provide the reader with an overall examination of a comprehensive approach for teaching, adapting, and leading best-practice initiatives in curriculum for gifted learners.
Highlights of the Third Edition:
- Core content sections provide adaptations and connections to national standards.
- Specific attention to at-risk populations of gifted learners including minorities and low-income as well as twice-exceptional gifted is provided throughout the book as relevant to each content area as well as a dedicated chapter specific to accommodating special needs.
- New chapter on technology connections with relevant options for gifted learners.
- New chapter on assessment and evaluation of gifted learners, especially in the age of accountability.
- New or significantly updated graphic organizers, lesson plans, relevant examples, and model curricula.
- Guiding questions for discussion at the end of each chapter to elicit discussion and planning for small group readings, college coursework, or individual reflections on learning.
- Core content sections provide adaptations and connections to national standards.
- Specific attention to at-risk populations of gifted learners including minorities and low-income as well as twice-exceptional gifted is provided throughout the book as relevant to each content area.
- Dedicated chapter specific to accommodating special needs.
- New chapter on technology connections with relevant options for gifted learners.
- New chapter on assessment and evaluation of gifted learners, especially in the age of accountability.
- New or significantly updated graphic organizers, lesson plans, relevant examples, and model curricula.
- Guiding questions for discussion at the end of each chapter to elicit discussion and planning for small group readings, college coursework, or individual reflections on learning.
Additional information
Dimensions | 1.10 × 7.00 × 9.40 in |
Imprint | |
Format | |
ISBN-13 | |
ISBN-10 | |
Author | |
Subjects | higher education, special education, EDU046000, Vocational / Professional Studies, Teacher Education, Gifted / Talented Education |