Coloring for Grown-Ups College Companion

Coloring for Grown-Ups College Companion


SKU: 9780142181416
Quantity Discount
5 + $7.50


With more than 50 activities, Coloring for Grown-Ups College Companion is the perfect back-to-school gift for everyone from incoming freshmen to recent grads.

Exams, all-nighters, and crazy roommates can add up to a lot of stress for college students. Now the collegiate set can let off a little steam by indulging in the comfort of a childhood favorite: an activity book packed full of coloring pages, connect-the-dots, paper doll cut outs, word searches, mazes and more—with a healthy dose of caustic wit and grown-up themes.

Readers will find witty activities such as:

• Degrees of Success! Match your degree of choice (Philosophy, Art History, Communications, Journalism) to the job it will actually land you in the real world: Substitute teacher, sandwich artist, production assistant, freelance video blogger, street performer, etc…

• What’s Behind that Door? There’s a sock on the dorm room door, draw the important reason your roommate needed the room to himself tonight!

• Orientation BINGO!Praise for Coloring for Grown-Ups

“Quite funny.” The New York Times

“Bleak, nihilistic and rather brilliant.” -Esquire

“Finally, an activities book for children in their 20s and 30s.” -Thrillist

“Simply genius.” -BookFetish

“A hilarious compilation of classic coloring book exercises infused with the funnybone tickling realities of day-to-day adult life… This book is an experience.” -New York Journal of BooksRyan Hunter and Taige Jensen have gotten more than 65 million Youtube views on their personal channel, POYKPAC. Hunter and Jensen write and direct comedy for MTV, College Humor, Fremantle Media, Slate, Current TV, EUE Screen Gems, Next New Networks, MyDamnChannel, and Huffington Post Comedy/AOL. They also wrote and directed “Good Morning Internet,” a 15-episode original web series that aired on IFC and, and are the authors of Coloring for Grown-Ups.US

Additional information

Weight 5.28 oz
Dimensions 0.1600 × 8.5000 × 10.8000 in









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