Child Health Nursing, Updated Edition

Child Health Nursing, Updated Edition


SKU: 09780134624723


For courses in Pediatric Nursing.
A comprehensive survey of family-centered pediatric nursing care

Child Health Nursing: Partnering with Children & Families promotes excellence in nursing care for infants, children, and adolescents—in hospitals and in the community. It focuses on the importance of partnering with families to adapt care plans for children based on their age, health status, and social and cultural influences. The text considers the impact of contemporary care environments on nursing practice, both in health promotion and in the care of children with acute or chronic health conditions. By offering industry best practices and practical applications, the book encourages students to apply evidence-based findings and clinical reasoning to planning superior care.
The updated 3rd edition explains how modern nursing practice is affected by reforms to healthcare and its delivery–such as electronic health records, new approaches to chronic and acute condition management, and a focus on prevention. To support safe, effective, and innovative care, this edition draws on the latest recommendations of NANDA International diagnoses, Nursing Intervention Classifications (NIC), Nursing Outcomes Classifications (NOC), and Healthy People 2020.
Also available with MyLab Nursing

MyLabTM Nursing is an online self-study and class preparation program designed to engage students and improve results. Its personalized learning path helps students think like nurses as they move beyond memorization to true understanding through application. Learn more.

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  • 013486946X / 9780134869469 MyNursingLab with Pearson etext — Access Code — for Child Health Nursing

A comprehensive survey of family-centered pediatric nursing care  

Child Health Nursing: Partnering with Children & Families promotes excellence in nursing care for infants, children, and adolescents—in hospitals and in the community. It focuses on the importance of partnering with families to adapt care plans for children based on their age, health status, and social and cultural influences. The text considers the impact of contemporary care environments on nursing practice, both in health promotion and in the care of children with acute or chronic health conditions. By offering industry best practices and practical applications, the book encourages students to apply evidence-based findings and clinical reasoning to planning superior care.

The updated 3rd edition explains how modern nursing practice is affected by reforms to healthcare and its delivery–such as electronic health records, new approaches to chronic and acute condition management, and a focus on prevention. To support safe, effective, and innovative care, this edition draws on the latest recommendations of NANDA International diagnoses, Nursing Intervention Classifications (NIC), Nursing Outcomes Classifications (NOC), and Healthy People 2020.

Also available with MyLab Nursing

MyLab™ Nursing is an online self-study and class preparation program designed to engage students and improve results. Its personalized learning path helps students think like nurses as they move beyond memorization to true understanding through application.

New and updated features of this title

In support of safe, effective, and innovative care

  • UPDATED: NANDA-I 2015–2017 nursing care plans and nursing diagnoses are presented for multiple conditions.
  • NEW: Healthy People 2020 feature outlines national health objectives for children and describes how nurses can help achieve those objectives.
  • NEW: Genetics and genomics chapter emphasizes basic concepts and their application in a field increasingly being applied in health care.

The latest research, recommendations and best practices for modern nursing

  • NEW: Evidence-Based Practice feature presents current research and assists students in analyzing and planning care for various conditions based on the evidence.
  • NEW: Professionalism in Practice feature presents care guidelines and protocols for specific health issues or conditions, as well as the nurse’s role in collaborating with other health professionals.
  • NEW: Hundreds of new references and studies reflecting the most current research have been added, including new statistics, health care implications, and environmental considerations.


  1. Child Health Nursing: Concepts, Roles, and Issues
  2. Family-Centered Care: Theory and Applications
  3. Cultural Influences


  1. Genetic and Hereditary Influences
  2. Concepts of Growth and Development
  3. Child and Family Communication
  4. Pediatric and Newborn Assessment


  1. Concepts of Health Promotion and Health Maintenance
  2. Health Promotion and Maintenance of the Newborn
  3. Health Promotion and Maintenance of the Infant
  4. Health Promotion and Maintenance of the Toddler and Preschooler
  5. Health Promotion and Maintenance of the School-Age Child
  6. Health Promotion and Maintenance of the Adolescent


  1. Nursing Care of the Child in the Community
  2. Nursing Care of the Hospitalized Child
  3. Nursing Care of the Child with a Chronic Condition
  4. Nursing Care of the Child with a Life-Threatening Illness or Injury
  5. End-of-Life Care and Bereavement


  1. Infant, Child, and Adolescent Nutrition
  2. Social and Environmental Influences on Child and Adolescent Health
  3. Pain Assessment and Management
  4. Immunizations and Communicable Diseases


  1. Alterations in Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance
  2. Alterations in Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Function
  3. Alterations in Respiratory Function
  4. Alterations in Cardiovascular Function
  5. Alterations in Immune Function
  6. Alterations in Hematologic Function
  7. The Child with Cancer
  8. Alterations in Gastrointestinal Function
  9. Alterations in Genitourinary Function
  10. Alterations in Endocrine and Metabolic Function
  11. Alterations in Neurologic Function
  12. Alterations in Mental Health and Cognition
  13. Alterations in Musculoskeletal Function
  14. Alterations in Skin Integrity


  1. Physical Growth Charts
  2. Pediatric Blood Pressure Tables
  3. Dietary Reference Intakes
  4. Selected Pediatric Laboratory Values
  5. Diagnostic Tests and Laboratory Procedures
  6. Emergency Assessment and Initial Management
  7. Body Surface Area Nomogram
  8. Temperature and Weight Conversion
  9. NCLEX Answers with Rationale

Hallmark features of this title

A foundation of clinical knowledge

  • Clinical manifestations tables in each chapter summarize the relationship between pathophysiology and clinical manifestations, as well as relevant therapies.
  • As They Grow features in most systems chapters show A&P differences of a child’s developing body.
  • Health promotion features in each systems chapter emphasize health maintenance for children, including those with chronic health conditions.

Practical applications

  • Photo stories show nurses in action in hospitals, communities and other settings.
  • Reference boxes address medications, cultural competence, and legal and ethical considerations.
  • NCLEX® questions and study tools prepare students for exam success.

For courses in Pediatric Nursing.

A comprehensive survey of family-centered pediatric nursing care
Child Health Nursing: Partnering with Children & Families promotes excellence in nursing care for infants, children, and adolescents–in hospitals and in the community. It focuses on the importance of partnering with families to adapt care plans for children based on their age, health status, and social and cultural influences. The text considers the impact of contemporary care environments on nursing practice, both in health promotion and in the care of children with acute or chronic health conditions. By offering industry best practices and practical applications, the book encourages students to apply evidence-based findings and clinical reasoning to planning superior care.

The updated 3rd edition explains how modern nursing practice is affected by reforms to healthcare and its delivery–such as electronic health records, new approaches to chronic and acute condition management, and a focus on prevention. To support safe, effective, and innovative care, this edition draws on the latest recommendations of NANDA International diagnoses, Nursing Intervention Classifications (NIC), Nursing Outcomes Classifications (NOC), and Healthy People 2020.

Also available with MyLab Nursing
MyLab™ Nursing is an online self-study and class preparation program designed to engage students and improve results. Its personalized learning path helps students think like nurses as they move beyond memorization to true understanding through application. Learn more.

Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Nursing, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.

About our authors

Jane W. Ball graduated from the Johns Hopkins Hospital School of Nursing, and subsequently received a BS from the Johns Hopkins University. She worked in the surgical, emergency, and outpatient units of the Johns Hopkins Children’s Medical and Surgical Center, first as a staff nurse and then as a pediatric nurse practitioner, beginning her career as a pediatric nurse and advocate for children’s health needs. Jane obtained both a Master of Public Health and a Doctor of Public Health degree from the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health with a focus on maternal and child health. After graduation she became the chief of child health services for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health. In this capacity she oversaw the state-funded well-child clinics and explored ways to improve education for the state’s community health nurses.

After relocating to Texas, she joined the faculty at the University of Texas at Arlington School of Nursing to teach community pediatrics to registered nurses returning to school for a BSN. During this time, she became involved in writing her first textbook, Mosby’s Guide to Physical Examination, which is currently in its 7th edition. After relocating to the Washington, DC, area, she joined Children’s National Medical Center to manage a federal project to teach instructors of emergency medical technicians from all states about the special care children need during an emergency. Exposure to the shortcomings of the emergency medical services system in the late 1980s with regard to pediatric care was a career-changing event. With federal funding, she developed educational curricula for emergency medical technicians and emergency nurses to help them provide improved care for children. A textbook entitled Pediatric Emergencies, A Manual for Prehospital Providers was developed from these educational ventures.

For 15 years she managed the federally funded Emergency Medical Services for Children’s National Resource Center. As executive director, Dr. Ball directed the provision of consultation and resource development for state health agencies, health professionals, families and advocates about successful methods to improve the health care system so that children get optimal emergency care in all health care settings. Having left that position, she devotes more time to writing and serves as a consultant to the American College of Surgeons, supporting state trauma system development. In 2010, Dr. Ball received the Distinguished Alumna Award from the Johns Hopkins University.

Ruth C. Bindler received her BSN from Cornell University – New York Hospital School of Nursing. She worked in oncology nursing at Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, and then moved to Wisconsin and became a public health nurse in Dane County, Wisconsin. Thus began her commitment to work with children as she visited children and their families at home, and served as a school nurse for several elementary, middle and high schools. Due to this interest in child health care needs, she earned her MS in child development from the University of Wisconsin.

A move to Washington State was accompanied by a new job as a faculty member at the Intercollegiate Center for Nursing Education in Spokane. Dr. Bindler has been fortunate to be involved for over 35 years in the growth of this nursing education consortium, which is a combination of public and private universities and colleges and is now the Washington State University (WSU) College of Nursing. Ruth obtained a PhD in human nutrition at WSU. She has taught theory and clinical courses in child health nursing, cultural diversity and health, graduate research, pharmacology and assessment, as well as serving as lead faculty for child health nursing and Associate Dean for Graduate Programs.

She is now a professor emeritus at Washington State University. Her first professional book, Pediatric Medications, was published in 1981, and she has continued to publish articles and books in the areas of pediatric medications and pediatric health. Research efforts are focused on childhood obesity, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cardiometabolic risk factors in children. Ethnic diversity and interprofessional collaboration have been additional themes in her work. Dr. Bindler believes that her role as a faculty member has enabled her to learn continually, foster the development of students in nursing, lead and mentor junior faculty into the teaching role, and participate fully in the profession of nursing. In addition to teaching, research, publication and leadership, she enhances her life through professional and community service, and by activities with her family.

Kay J. Cowen received her BSN from East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina, and began her career as a staff nurse on the pediatric unit of North Carolina Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem. She developed a special interest in the psychosocial needs of hospitalized children and preparing them for hospitalization. This led to the focus of her master’s thesis at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG), where she received a Master of Science in nursing education degree with a focus in maternal child nursing.

Mrs. Cowen began her teaching career in 1984 at UNCG, where she continues today as clinical professor in the Parent Child Department. Her primary responsibilities include coordinating the pediatric nursing course, teaching classroom content, and supervising a clinical group of students. Mrs. Cowen shared her passion for the psychosocial care of children and the needs of their families through her first experience as an author in the chapter “Hospital Care for Children” in Jackson & Saunders’ Child Health Nursing: A Comprehensive Approach to the Care of Children and Their Families, published in 1993.

In the classroom, Mrs. Cowen realized that students learn through a variety of teaching strategies and became especially interested in the strategy of gaming. She led a research study to evaluate the effectiveness of gaming in the classroom and subsequently continues to incorporate gaming in her teaching. In the clinical setting, Mrs. Cowen teaches her students the skills needed to care for patients and the importance of family-centered care, focusing on not only the physical needs of the child but also the psychosocial needs of the child and family.

During her teaching career, Mrs. Cowen has continued to work part time as a staff nurse: first in the pediatric unit of Moses Cone Hospital in Greensboro and then at Brenner Children’s Hospital in Winston-Salem. In 2006 she became the part-time pediatric nurse educator in Brenner’s Family Resource Center. Through this role she can extend her love of teaching to children and families. Through her role as an author, Mrs. Cowen can extend her dedication to pediatric nursing and nursing education. She is married and the mother of twin sons.

Michele R. Shaw received her BSN from Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Washington. She began her career as a nurse at a long-term care facility and then as a home healthcare nurse in Spokane, Washington. While making home visits, she became interested in the nursing care needs of children and families. She realized the importance of educating the family about their child’s condition and to include family members while planning and carrying out the nursing care plan. This interest in family nursing led her into the area of maternal-child nursing, where she served as a postpartum nurse for nearly 18 years. Her experience with providing nursing care to families in various settings has highlighted her belief in the need for a family-centered approach to provide optimal nursing care.

Dr. Shaw began her teaching career as a teaching assistant in 2001 at the Washington State University (WSU) College of Nursing, where she continues today as an associate professor. It was during those early years as a teaching assistant that she began to realize her passion for educating nursing students. This interest led to her completing a master’s degree in nursing with an emphasis on education at WSU. Knowing that she wanted to continue working in nursing academia, Dr. Shaw went on to receive her PhD in nursing from the University of Arizona in Tucson. She has taught theory, seminar and clinical courses in maternal-child nursing, family health, evidence-based practice, ethical decision making, physical assessment and professional practice. Dr. Shaw recently assisted in the development of the Bachelor of Science-to-PhD in Nursing program at WSU. This fast-track program will enable students with an earned bachelor’s degree to complete a PhD in nursing in four years.

Dr. Shaw enjoys working with undergraduate and graduate students and encourages active participation in research. Her research interests include children with asthma and their families, childbearing women and their families, and substance use among youth and childbearing women. She is particularly interested in children’s and families’ unique perspectives, and thus much of her research uses qualitative approaches. She continues to publish articles in the areas of pediatric asthma and substance use among childbearing women. Dr. Shaw believes her active role in nursing academia and research allows her to stay current in various pedagogical approaches to enhance nursing students’ learning experiences, as well as continuous learning about evidence-based interventions to provide nursing care to children and families.


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Dimensions 2.30 × 8.95 × 11.15 in





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nursing, higher education, Vocational / Professional Studies, Pediatric Nursing (RN)