Child Development through Middle Childhood
- Description
- Additional information
“Well-Written and concepts are well explained. Cultural Approach is evident throughout.”
–Dr Wallace Smith, Union County College
“The writing style is engaging, especially in the opening stories and all concepts are clearly explained.”
–Colleen Fawcett, Palm Beach State College
“The writing style is engaging. It is straightforward, factual and descriptive without being overwhelming in the volume of concepts trying to be addressed. Sections connect to each other, using supporting features to link one to another. The author has gone out of the way to indicate where related concepts were discussed in previous chapters.”
-Carrie Dale, Eastern Illinois University
“Child Development: A Cultural Approach (chapter 7 only) provides the student with an overview of the development of children in middle childhood while comparing the development to children from other cultures and countries. The text is easy to read, making it easy for students to stay engaged and understand the content.”
–April Grace, Madisonville Community Colege
“I would seriously consider this book for my developmental psychology course which has as its focus birth through adolescence. This book appears to provide the element of culture which is absent from other text books.”
–Randolph Manning, Suffolk County Community College
Help students understand how culture impacts development – and why it matters.
Through current research and examples from around the world, Arnett/Maynard’s Child Development provides students with a more accurate and practical understanding of how development works in the real world. Whether they travel the globe or remain in their home towns, students will benefit from being able to think culturally about human development and our culturally diverse and globalized world. New U.S. and international videos, shot in several countries, allow students to observe similarities and differences in human development across cultures.
MyDevelopmentLab is an integral part of the Arnett/Maynard program. Key learning applications include a personalized study plan, MyDevelopmentLab Video Series, and MyVirtualChild.
A better teaching and learning experience
The teaching and learning experience with this program helps to:
- Personalize Learning – MyDevelopmentLab is online learning. MyDevelopmentLab engages students through personalized learning and helps instructors from course preparation to delivery and assessment.
- Understand Culture and Diversity – Extensive cultural coverage is woven into the narrative and on vivid display in images.
- Improve Critical Thinking – Students will learn to think critically about the influence of culture on development. Learning objectives, listed at the start of each chapter and within every section, help students better organize and understand the material.
- Engage Students – Research and examples on the similarities and differences in child development across cultures will fascinate students.
- Explore Research – Students are presented with current research and examples from around the world.
- Support Instructors – All supplements were developed around the textbook’s carefully constructed learning objectives.
Child Development: A Cultural Approach, covers prenatal development through adolescence and emerging adulthood and is available in hardcover, paperback, and à la Carte versions. It is also available in an abridged paperback version, Child Development through Middle Childhood.
Click here to view a sample chapter!
020594972X / 9780205949724 Child Development Plus New MyDevelopmentLab with eText
Package consists of
0205841074 / 9780205841073 Child Development: A Cultural Approach
0205206522 / 9780205206520 NEW MyDevelopmentLab with Pearson eText — Access Card
- “Child Development is the first book to take a cultural approach and integrate cross-cultural examples throughout. The vast majority of instructors believe that integrating culture is essential to a complete understanding of child development, and go through considerable effort to bring culture into their course. Students simply find culture fascinating. Arnett and Maynard save time for instructors and meet students where they are by including culture on every page, integrated throughout the narrative.
- Thinking Culturally questions throughout the text prompt students to use their understanding of the role culture plays in development to solve real world problems they might face in their own lives and careers. Sample answers are provided in the Instructor’s Manual.
- Cultural Focus features offer in-depth coverage of development in a non-U.S. culture. Each Cultural Focus feature also includes a “locator” map that places the culture being discussed in its larger geographic context
- Historical Focus features examine developmental science in its historical context to show how our views towards different stages of development change over time. This helps students see that “culture” is not a static notion, but rather one that has changed and continues to evolve.
- Infographic Maps in every chapter provide a quick and effective way for students to visualize cultural, socioeconomic and geopolitical variations in development, as well help students gain a better understanding of similarities and differences across the U.S. and around the world. Questions included with each map encourage students to think critically about the information.
- MyDevelopmentLab – MyDevelopmentLab is online learning and an integral part of the Arnett/Maynard program. MyDevelopmentLab engages students through personalized learning and helps instructors with course preparation, content delivery, and assessment.
- MyDevelopmentLab Margin Icons – Margin icons guide students from their reading material to view videos, simulations, and to read more about specific topics in the text.
MyVirtual Child – MyVirtualChild is an interactive simulation that allows students to raise a child from birth to age 18 and monitor the effects of their parenting decisions over time. MyVirtualChild helps students think critically as they apply their course work to the practical experiences of raising a virtual child. MyVirtualChild is available in MyDevelopmentLab or standalone.
MyDevelopmentLab Video Series – The MyDevelopmentLab Video Series engages students and brings to life a wide range of topics spanning prenatal through the end of the lifespan. New international videos shot on location allow students to observe similarities and differences in human development across various cultures.
- Pearson eText and Chapter Audio – Like the printed text, students can highlight relevant passages and add notes. The Pearson eText can be accessed through laptops, iPads, and tablets. Download the free Pearson eText app to use on tablets. Students can also listen to their text with the Audio eText.
- Personalized Study Plan – Students’ personalized plans promote better critical thinking skills. The study plan organizes students’ study needs into sections, such as Remembering, Understanding, Applying, and Analyzing.
- Course Management – Calendar, Assessment, & Gradebook – A drag and drop assignment calendar makes assigning and completing work easy. The automatically graded assessment provides instant feedback and flows into the gradebook, which can be used in the MyLab or exported.
- Instructor’s eText – Instructors have easy access to videos, readings, and more all in one place within their instructor’s eText.
- Class Preparation Tool – All of the very best class presentation resources can be found in one convenient destination, so instructors can keep students engaged throughout every class.
- Blackboard Single Sign-on – MyDevelopmentLab can be used by itself or linked to any course management system. Blackboard single sign-on provides deep linking to all New MyDevelopmentLab resources.
- Customizable – MyDevelopmentLab is customizable. Instructors choose what students’ course looks like. Homework, applications, and more can easily be turned off and off.
- Click here to learn more about MyDevelopmentLab:
- The learning framework throughout the text develops student understanding of how culture impacts development.
- Learning Objectives guide students through the chapter:
- Chapter Opening Learning Objectives are listed at the beginning of each chapter.
- Section Learning Objectives are listed at the beginning of every section.
- “What Have you Learned?” review questions at the end of each section reinforce the learning objectives. Sample answers are provided online in MyDevelopmentLab and in the Instructor’s Manual, making these questions ideally suited for classroom discussion or homework assignments.
- End-of-chapter Summary is organized around the chapter and section learning objectives
- End-of-chapter Practice Tests in the textbook allow students to quickly assess how well they understand chapter content.
- Instructor supplements and assessment materials are organized around the learning objectives to ensure a seamless, accurate and easily customized teaching package.
- Video Guides – Students can scan the QR code within the Video Guide at the end of each section in the text to watch a brief video from the MyDevelopmentLab Video Series directly from their smart phones. Video Guide questions can be assigned or used for in-class discussion. Answers are located in the instructor’s manual.
- MyVirtualChild Questions included throughout the text help students connect textbook concepts with the choices they are asked to make as they raise their virtual child.
- Applying Your Knowledge questions ask students to apply the chapter’s content to their own lives and future careers. Students can find responses to these career application examples in MyDevelopmentLab.
- Personal Anecdotes from the author’s own children are included. Students enjoy reading about these real life examples of developmental science.
- Research from around the world is integrated throughout every chapter, with balance across the cognitive, physical and socioemotional domains of development.
- Research Focus features offer a detailed description of a research study including its premises, methods, results, and limitations. This feature provides students with a firmer grasp of various research methods and helps them to see the impact that methods can have on research findings.
- APS Reader, Current Directions in Developmental Psychology, 2e is included on MyDevelopmentLab for both students and instructors.
- Nine chapters, each subdivided into easily assigned sections, make it easier for instructors to cover child development in one semester.
- All supplements were developed around the textbook’s carefully constructed learning objectives.
- Instructor’s Manual, written and compiled by Peggy Skinner (South Plains College), included a career based supplement, with discussion launchers focused on teaching nursing, social work, and counseling. Each chapter offers integrated teaching outlines, lists of the key terms for each chapter for quick reference, and included an extensive bank of lecture launches, handouts, activities, and suggestions for integrating third-party videos and web resources. Answers to the in-text features Applying Your Knowledge, Thinking Culturally, and What Have You Learned? are provided, as well as answers to each chapter’s Video Guide. The electronic format features “click-and-view” hotlinks that allow instructors to quickly review or print any resource relating to a particular chapter. MyVirtualChild Cultural Reflective Questions, written by Guyla Davis, are included in the instructor’s manual and can be assigned to help your students think culturally about the development of their virtual child.
- MyVirtualChild Instructor’s Manual, written by MyVirtualChild author Frank Manis, includes detailed information on how MyVirtualChild works and suggestions for how to incorporate the program into your course.
- Test Bank, written by Nicole Martin (Kennesaw State University), contains over 3,000 class-tested and accuracy-checked questions. All conceptual and applied multiple choice questions include rationales for each correct answer and the key distracter. The rationales help instructors reviewing the content to further evaluate the questions they are choosing for their tests. Rationales also help instructors address any questions students may have about specific questions they answered incorrectly on the test.
The test bank has been class tested at both 2-year and 4-year schools prior to publication, with the resulting item analysis used to revise test items as needed. Whenever available, item analysis data is provided with the test item in the test bank to assist instructors as they create tests and quizzes for their course. - MyTest: The test item file is available for download in Word and PDF formats, as well as in Pearson MyTest, a powerful assessment generation program that helps instructors easily create and print quizzes and exams. In MyTest, questions and tests can be authored online, allowing instructors ultimate flexibility and the ability to efficiently manage assessments anytime, anywhere! Instructors can easily access existing questions and then edit, create, and store using simple drag-and-drop and Word-like controls. Data on each question provides information relevant to difficulty level and page number. In addition, each question maps to the text’s major section and learning objective. For more information go to
- The MyDevelopmentLab Question Library provides over 2,400 test items in the form of Pre-Tests, Post-Tests, and Chapter Exams. These questions are parallel forms of questions found in the instructor test bank, ensuring that students using MyDevelopmentLab for review and practice will find their tests to be of similar tone and difficulty, while protecting the integrity of the instructor test bank.
- Lecture PowerPoint Slides written by Julie McIntyre (Russell Sage College) offer detailed outlines of key points for each chapter supported by selected visuals from the textbook. A separate Art and Figure version of these presentation slides contain all art from the textbook for which Pearson has been granted electronic permissions.
- Classroom Response System (CRS) PowerPoint Slides: These class lecture and discussion slides incorporate CRS “clicker” questions that process student responses and interpret them instantly.
- Video Embedded PowerPoints on DVD, allow instructors to seamlessly integrate videos into their lectures without the need for internet access.
- Class Preparation on MyDevelopmentLab makes lecture preparation easier and less time-consuming! Pearson has collected the very “best of” instructor resources, including art and figures from our leading texts, videos, lecture activities, classroom activities, demonstrations and much more. Instructors are able to search through this extensive database by content topic or by content type (video, audio, simulation, word documents). Class Preparation allows instructors to select resources appropriate for lecture, many of which can be downloaded directly. Instructors can tag the online resources however they want, build their own folder of resources, and run their in class presentation from within the ClassPrep program.
- The MyDevelopmentLab Cross-Cultural Videos, filmed in the United States, Mexico, and Bostsawana, and guided by series editor Ashley Maynar (University of Hawaii, Manoa) with important contributions from Bianca Dahl (Brown University), show how culture impacts development. Video guides, authored by Carol Miller of Anne Arundel Community College, at the end of every chapter section provide discussion questions to connect the videos with chapter content. Videos are available in multiple formats: on the MyDevelopmentLab Video Series instructor’s DVD (ISBN: 0205063721), tied to quizzes in MyDevelopmentLab, and linked to QR codes in the book to enable students to access the videos directly from their smart phones. Answers to discussion questions are available in the Instructors Manual.
- An assignment calendar on MyDevelopmentLab allows instructors to assign graded activities with specific deadlines and measure student progress.
- Create a Custom Text: For enrollments as low as 25 students, instructors can customize their own textbook by combining chapters from best-selling Pearson textbooks and/or reading selections in the sequence they want. To begin building your custom text, visit Instructors may also work with a dedicated Pearson Custom editor to create their ideal text.
Help students understand how culture impacts development- and why it matters.
Through current research and examples from around the world, Arnett/Maynard’s Child Development through Middle Childhood provides students with a more accurate and practical understanding of how development works in the real world. Whether they travel the globe or remain in their home towns, in a culturally diverse and globalized world students will benefit from being able to think culturally about human development. New U.S. and international videos, shot in several countries, allow students to observe similarities and differences in human development across cultures.
A better teaching and learning experience
The teaching and learning experience with this program helps to:
Understand Culture and Diversity– Extensive cultural coverage is woven into the narrative and on vivid display in images. Learning objectives are listed at the start of each chapter as well as within the chapter along every section to help students better organize and understand the material.
Personalize Learning – The new MyDevelopmentLab with MyVirtualChild delivers proven results in helping students succeed and provides engaging experiences that personalize learning.
Improve Critical Thinking – Students learn to think critically about the influence of culture on development.
Engage Students – Students are fascinated to learn about similarities and differences in child development across cultures
Explore Research – Students are presented with current research and examples from around the world.
Support Instructors – All supplements were developed around the textbook’s carefully constructed learning objectives.
Child Development through Middle Childhood: A Cultural Approach is an abridged paperback version of Child Development: A Cultural Approach.
Click here to view a sample chapter!
Jeffrey Jensen Arnett is a Research Professor in the Department of Psychology at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. He received his Ph.D. in developmental psychology in 1986 from the University of Virginia, and did 3 years of postdoctoral work at the University of Chicago. From 1992—1998 he was Associate Professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at the University of Missouri where he taught a 300-student life-span development course every semester. From 1998—2005 he was a Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Human Development at the University of Maryland. In the fall of 2005 he was a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark.
His primary scholarly interest for the past 10 years has been in emerging adulthood. He coined the term, and has conducted research on emerging adults concerning a wide variety of topics, involving several different ethnic groups in American society. He is the editor of the Journal of Adolescent Research, and is on the Editorial Board of four other journals. He has published many theoretical and research papers on emerging adulthood in peer-reviewed journals, as well as the books Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: A Cultural Approach (2013, 5th edition, Pearson), and Emerging Adulthood: The Winding Road from the Late Teens Through the Twenties (2004, Oxford University Press).
He lives in Worcester, Massachusetts, with his wife Lene Jensen and their twins, Miles and Paris. For more information on Dr. Arnett and his research, see
Ashley E. Maynard is Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where she has been on the faculty since 2001. She received her Ph.D. in Psychology in 1999 from the University of California, Los Angeles and did two years of postdoctoral study in Anthropology and Cultural Psychology in the Department of Neuropsychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at UCLA.
Her primary research interest since 1995 has been the impacts of cultural change at the macro-level, such as economic and sociodemographic shifts, on socialization and cognition in childhood. She also studies the development of teaching in childhood and sibling interactions. She works with her students in Mexico, Costa Rica, Switzerland, and Hawaii. She has won national awards for her research, including the James McKeen Cattell Award from the New York Academy of Sciences and the APA Division 7 (Developmental Psychology) Dissertation Award. She has published many articles on culture and human development in peer-reviewed journals, and an edited book Learning in Cultural Context: Family, Peers, and School (2005, Springer).
She lives, teaches, and writes in Honolulu, Hawaii. For more information on Dr. Maynard and her research, please see
In this Section:
1) Brief Table of Contents
2) Full Table of Contents
Chapter 1: A Cultural Approach to Child Development
Chapter 2: Genetics and Prenatal Development
Chapter 3: Birth and the Newborn Child
Chapter 4: Infancy
Chapter 5: Toddlerhood
Chapter 6: Early Childhood
Chapter 7: Middle Childhood
Chapter 1: A Cultural Approach to Child Development
Humanity Today: A Demographic Profile
Variations Across Countries
Variations Within Countries
The Origins of Human Diversity
Evolution and the Birth of Culture
Human Evolution and Human Development Today
Section 2: theories of Human Development
Classic Theories
Psychodynamic Theories
Behaviorism and Learning Theories
Constructivist Theories
Recent Theories
Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory
A Stage Model for This Book
Section 3: How We Study Human Development
The Scientific Study of Human Development
The Five Steps of the Scientific Method
Ethics in Human Development Research
Methods and Designs in Research
Research Methods
Research Designs
Summing Up
CULTURAL FOCUS: Incredible India!
HISTORICAL FOCUS: Ancient Conceptions of Human Development
RESEARCH FOCUS: Darwin’s Diary
Chapter 2: Genetics and Prenatal Development
Genetic Basics
Genotype and Phenotype
The Sex Chromosomes
Genes and Environment in Human Development
Principles of Behavior Genetics
Gene—Environment Interactions: Epigenesis and Reaction Ranges
The Theory of Genotype ® Environment Effects
Genes and Individual Development
Sperm and Egg Formation
Prenatal Development
The Germinal Period (First 2 Weeks)
The Embryonic Period (Weeks 3—8)
The Fetal Period (Week 9—Birth)
Prenatal Care
Prenatal Care in Traditional Cultures
Scientifically Based Prenatal Care
Risks in the Prenatal Period
Chromosomal Disorders
Prenatal Diagnosis
Infertility and Reproductive Technologies
Causes of Infertility
Infertility Treatments
Infertility Worldwide
Summing Up
Cultural Focus: Oskar and Jack: A Story of Genes, Environments, and Cultures
Historical Focus: How Are Babies Made?
RESEARCH FOCUS: The Human Genome Project
Chapter 3: Birth and the Newborn Child
Section 1: Birth and its Cultural Context
The Birth Process
Stages of the Birth Process
Birth Complications
Cultural and Historical Variations in Birth Beliefs and Practices
Variations in Birth Beliefs
Variations in Birth Practices
Variations on Birth in the West
Cultural Variations in Neonatal and Maternal Mortality
Section 2: The Neonate
The Neonate’s Health
Measuring Neonatal Health
Low Birth Weight
Physical Functioning of the Neonate
Neonatal Sleeping Patterns
Neonatal Reflexes
Neonatal Senses
Section 3: Caring for the Neonate
Nutrition: Is Breast Best?
Evolutionary and Historical Perspectives on Breast Feeding
Benefits of Breast Feeding
Social and Emotional Aspects of Neonatal Care
Crying and Soothing
Bonding: Myth and Truth
Postpartum Depression
Summing Up
Cultural Focus: Easing Birth Among the Cuna Indians
Historical Focus: The Tragic History of Doctor-Assisted Births in the 19th Century
Research Focus: How Much Does Breast Feeding Matter?
Chapter 4: Infancy
Section 1: Physical Development
Growth and Change in Infancy
Bodily Growth
Brain Development
Sleep Changes
Infant Health
Nutritional Needs
Infant Mortality
Baby on the Move: Motor and Sensory Development
Motor Development
Sensory Development
Section 2: Cognitive Development
Piaget’s Sensorimotor Stage
The Sensorimotor Substages
Object Permanence
Evaluating Piaget’s Sensorimotor Theory
Information Processing in Infancy
Assessing Infant Development
Approaches to Assessing Development
Can Media Enhance Cognitive Development? The Myth of “Baby Einstein”
The Beginnings of Language
First Sounds and Words
Infant-Directed (ID) Speech
Section 3: Emotional and Social Development
Conceptualizing Temperament: Three Approaches
Infants’ Emotions
Primary Emotions
Infants’ Emotional Perceptions
The Social World of the Infant
Cultural Themes of Infant Social Life
The Foundation of Social Development: Two Theories
Summing Up
Cultural Focus: Infant Care in Rural Turkey
Historical Focus: Protecting Infants the Puritan Way
Research Focus: Measuring Temperament
Chapter 5: Toddlerhood
Section 1: physical development
Growth and Change in Years 2 and 3
Bodily Growth
Brain Development
Sleep and (More) Teething
Motor Development
Socializing Physical Functions: Toilet Training and Weaning
Toilet Training
Section 2: cognitive development
Cognitive Development Theories
Cognitive Development in Toddlerhood: Piaget’s Theory
Vygotsky’s Cultural Theory of Cognitive Development
Language Development
The Biological and Evolutionary Bases of Language
Milestones of Toddler Language: From First Words to Fluency
Learning Language in a Social and Cultural Context
Section 3: emotional and social development
Emotional Development in Toddlerhood
Toddlers’ Emotions
The Birth of the Self
Gender Identity and the Biology of Gender Development
One Special Person: Attachment Theory and Research
Attachment Theory
Quality of Attachment
Critiques of Attachment Theory
The Social World of the Toddler
The Role of Fathers
The Wider Social World: Siblings, Peers, and Friends
Autistic Spectrum Disorders: A Disruption in Social Development
Media Use in Toddlerhood
Summing Up
CULTURAL FOCUS: Toddlerhood in Aboriginal Australia
Historical Focus: The History of Toilet Training
RESEARCH FOCUS: Early Child Care and Its Consequences
Chapter 6: Early Childhood
Growth from Age 3 to 6
Bodily Growth
Brain Development and “Infantile” Amnesia
Health and Safety in Early Childhood
Motor Development
Gross and Fine Motor Skills
Theories of Cognitive Development
Piaget’s Preoperational Stage of Cognitive Development
Understanding Thinking: The Development of “Theory of Mind”
Cultural Learning in Early Childhood
Early Childhood Education
The Importance of Preschool Quality
Cross-National Variations
Preschool as a Cognitive Intervention
Language Development
Advances in Vocabulary and Grammar
Pragmatics: Social and Cultural Rules of Language
Emotional Regulation and Gender Socialization
Emotional Regulation
Moral Development
Gender Development
Parenting “Styles”
Parenting in Other Cultures
Discipline and Punishment
The Child’s Expanding Social World
Siblings and “Only Children”
Peers and Friends
Media Use in Early Childhood
Summing Up
Cultural Focus: Shyness in China and Canada
Historical Focus: Beat a Child, Save a Soul
Research Focus: The Montessori Preschool Program
Chapter 7: Middle Childhood
Section 1: physical development
Growth in Middle Childhood
Physical Growth and Sensory Development
Nutrition and Malnutrition
Illness and Injuries
Motor Development
Gross Motor Development Fine
Motor Development
Section 2: cognitive development
Theories of Cognitive Development
Concrete Operations
Information Processing
Intelligence and Intelligence Tests
Learning the Cognitive Skills of School: Reading and Mathematics
Language Development
Vocabulary, Grammar, and Pragmatics
School in Middle Childhood
Cultural Variations in School Experiences
Learning the Cognitive Skills of School: Reading and Mathematics
Section 3: emotional and social development
Emotional and Self-Development
Smooth Sailing: Advances in Emotional Self-Regulation
Gender Development
The Social and Cultural Contexts of Middle Childhood
Family Relations
Friends and Peers
Media Use
Summing Up
Cultural Focus: School Socialization in Guatemala
Historical Focus: Work Among British Children in the 19th Century
Research Focus: TV or Not TV
Cultural Focus: The Young Men of Truk Island
Historical Focus: Gender and Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood
RESEARCH FOCUS: Graduated Driver Licensing
Practice Tests Answer Key
Name Index
Subject Index
Additional information
Dimensions | 0.90 × 9.00 × 10.80 in |
Imprint | |
Format | |
ISBN-13 | |
ISBN-10 | |
Author | |
Subjects | psychology, child development, social sciences, higher education, Humanities and Social Sciences |