Characteristics of and Strategies for Teaching Students with Mild Disabilities

Characteristics of and Strategies for Teaching Students with Mild Disabilities


SKU: 9780205608386


Chapter One

Foundations of Special Education

Chapter Outline

Roots of Special Education


Ending Handicappism

Litigation and Legislation

Federal Laws

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

No Child Left Behind Act

Who Receives Special Education?

Physical/Sensory Disabilities

Cognitive Disabilities

Academic Disabilities

Communication Disabilities

Emotional Disabilities

How Many Students Receive Special Education?

Students with Mild Disabilities

Learning Disability

Mild Intellectual Disability

Emotional Disability


Advantages of Labeling

Disadvantages of Labeling

What to Teach Students

Individual Education Plan

Where to Teach Students

How to Teach Studens



Chapter Two

Students with Mild Disabilities

Chapter Outline

Cross Categorical Characteristics

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Pervasive Developmental Disorder

Asperger’s Syndrome

Nonverbal Learning Disability

Causes of Mild Disabilities

Organic Causes

Environmental Causes

At-Risk Populations

Due Process Procedures




Response to Intervention



Chapter Three

Students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities

Chapter Outline


Lloyd Dunn

Alfred Binet

History of Intelligence Testing

Definition and Identification

The Six Hour Retarded Child

Types of Intellectual Disabilities


Causes of Mild Intellectual Disabilities

Organic Causes

Environmental Causes

Disproportionate Representation of Minorities



Mental Processing





Teaching Approaches


Thinking Skills


Functional Skills

Adaptive Behavior

Daily Living Skills



Chapter Four

Students with Emotional Disturbance

Chapter Outline


Historical Perspective

Definition and Identification

Issues and Concerns

Levels of Emotional Disturbance

Prevalence of Emotional Disturbance

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder






Disturbed or Disturbing

Ecological Model





Social Adaptive

Positive Behavior Support

Integration of Treatment Approaches

Cultural Diversity



Chapter Five

Students with Learning Disabilities

Chapter Outline


Early Research

Brain Research

Causes of Learning Disabilities

Definition and Identification




Mental Processing





Teaching Approaches

Psychological Model

Behavioral Model

Cognitive Model

Young Adults



Chapter Six

The Inclusive Classroom

Chapter Outline

Least Restrictive Environment

Court Cases

Organizing Inclusion Programs


Characteristics of Collaboration

Inclusion Models

Consulting Teacher


Co-Teaching Plan

Co-Teaching Tips

Collaborative Instruction

Peer Tutoring

Cooperative Learning

Common Ground

Teacher Expectations

Classroom Organization

Standardized Tests



Chapter Seven

Learning and Teaching

Chapter Outline

Today’s Schools

Student Perception

Child and Adolescent Development

Student Centered Learning

Brain-Compatible Instruction

Emotions and Learning

Multiple Intelligence

Instructional Models

Direct Instruction

Multi-Sensory Instruction

Differentiated Instruction

Task Analysis

Precision Teaching

Learning Strategies

Instructional Scaffolds


Assistive Technology

Functional Curriculum

Comprehensive Teaching



Chapter Eight

Instructing Students with Mild Disabilities

Chapter Outline

Best Teaching Practices

Time Management

Academic Learning Time

Selecting Instructional Materials

Teacher and Student Communication
Graphic Organizers

Student Organization

Student Performance

Instructional Accommodations, Modifications, and Strategies

Accommodations Using Technology

Testing and Grading Accommodations

Test Taking Skills

Testing Accommodations

Curriculum Based Assessment

The Educator’s Tool Kit



Chapter Nine

Classroom Management

Chapter Outline

Discipline: An Overview

Proactive Discipline

Teacher Values

Teacher Needs

Know Your Students

Classroom Organization

Positive Behavior Support

Functional Behavior Assessment

Managing Student Behavior

Behavior Modification

Nonverbal Interventions

Verbal Inteventions

Managing Conflict Situations

Life Space Crisis Intervention

Discipline and IDEA


Theory into Practice



Chapter Ten

Teaching Social Skills

Chapter Outline

Emotional Intelligence

Teaching Social Skills

Selecting A Curriculum

A Sample Social Skills Curriculum

Impulse Control

Assessment of Social Reality

Managing Group Situations

Stress Management

Solving Social Problems

Character Education

Moral Development


A Functional Model for Problem Behavior



Chapter Eleven

Building Family Partnerships

Chapter Outline

America’s Children

Family Members and Teachers: Valuable Partners

Understanding Families


Family Unit

Support for Families

Emotional Support


Government Programs

Teacher-Family Communication





IEP Meeting



Book has been re-organized to present the overview of mild disabilities earlier in the book (now chapter 2).  This chapter includes new information on Asperger’s Syndrome, pervasive developmental delay and non-verbal learning disabilities, as well as expanded information on ADHD.


Response To Intervention (RTI).  New information on RTI and how it creates opportunities for general education reading specialists to establish preventive reading programs for at-risk students.  Included is specific scientifically based reading strategies identified by the National Institute for Literacy (Chapter 5)


Contains updated information on IDEA ’04 and No Child Left Behind with an emphasis on how these laws affect teaching, assessing and managing the behavior of students with mild disabilities


New information on using technology with students with mild disabilities.


Expanded sections on teaching approaches including differentiated instruction, graphic organizers, multiple intelligence, and testing accommodations.


Increased emphasis on preventive discipline and positive behavior supports.


A new feature occurs in every chapter called “Speedbumps.” Speedbumps break up lengthy sections of text with concise comments, humor or questions to keep reader interest.  There are approximately 10 speedbumps interspersed throughout each chapter.


Includes discussion of new guidelines established by the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities for identification of students with mild intellectual disabilities.  Throughout the text new terminology, “students with mild intellectual disabilities” is used insted of the term,  “mild mental retardation.”


Updated demographics and statistics on students with mild intellectual disabilities


Academics expanded to include Put Reading First research.  This research identifies 5 validated scientific reading interventions:  phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency instruction, vocabulary instruction, and text comprehension instruction (Chapter 3)


The terminology“emotional disturbance” used throughout the text in place of “emotional/behavioral disorders;” reflects the federal definition of emotional disturbance in IDEA


New information about ADHD including how schools implement 504 plans for students with ADHD (Chapter two)


 New section on sociometrics and sociograms (Chapter 10)


New section onassistive technology; additional information about story grammar marker; edited technology section (chapter 7)


New information regarding making accommodations in academic areas: reading, language arts, mathematics (chapter 8)


Updated information regarding federal programs to support families (Chapter 11)


Describes the characteristics of students with mild disabilities, and clearly explains the best teaching practices for inclusive education, behavior management, social skill instruction, and modifying classroom instruction for students with mild disabilities, including learning disabilities, mild intellectual disabilities and emotional disturbance.


This new edition includes an elaboration of Response to Intervention (RTI), which since the last edition has become a focal point of research and literature among general and special educators.  This is a dynamic progression of cooperation between general and special education – primarily due to changes in the federal law regarding how students with learning disabilities are identified. 

Major attention given to such topics as collaboration between special and general educators, Response to Intervention (RTI),  meta-cognitive strategies, positive behavioral supports, functional behavioral assessment, classroom management, and instructional accommodations. 


Includes a chapter on family members that highlights strategies for enhancing the school-family partnership (Ch.11).


Appendices include: chronological history of special education, drug side effects, analysis of frequently used tests, and a sample IEP (Individualized Education Program)



Describes thecharacteristics of students with mild disabilities, and clearly explainsthe best teaching practices for inclusive education, behavior management, social skill instruction, and modifying classroom instruction for students with mild disabilities, including learning disabilities, mild intellectual disabilities and emotional disturbance.

This new edition includes an elaboration of Response to Intervention (RTI), which since the last edition has become a focal point of research and literature among general and special educators. This is a dynamic progression of cooperation between general and special education – primarily due to changes in the federal law regarding how students with learning disabilities are identified.

Highlights of the New Edition:

  • Re-organized to present the overview of mild disabilities earlier in the sequence of chapters(now chapter 2). This chapter includes new information on Asperger’s Syndrome, pervasive developmental delay and non-verbal learning disabilities, as well as expanded information on ADHD.
  • Response To Intervention (RTI). New information on RTI and how it creates opportunities for general education reading specialists to establish preventive reading programs for at-risk students. Included is specific scientifically based reading strategies identified by the National Institute for Literacy (Chapter 5).
  • Contains updated information on IDEA ’04 and No Child Left Behind with an emphasis on how these laws affect teaching, assessing and managing the behavior of students with mild disabilities.
  • New information on using technology with students with mild disabilities.

This book describes the characteristics of students with mild disabilities while clearly explaining the best teaching practices for inclusive education, behavior management and social skill instruction. In this completely up-to-date resource the authors provide strategies for of modifying classroom instruction for students with mild disabilities, including learning disabilities, mild intellectual disabilities, and emotional disturbance.


Highlights of the New Edition:

  • Book has been re-organized to present the overview of mild disabilities earlier in the book (now chapter 2).  This chapter includes new information on Asperger’s Syndrome, pervasive developmental delay and non-verbal learning disabilities, as well as expanded information on ADHD.
  • Response To Intervention (RTI).  New information on RTI and how it creates opportunities for general education reading specialists to establish preventive reading programs for at-risk students.  Included is specific scientifically based reading strategies identified by the National Institute for Literacy (Chapter 5).
  • New information on using technology with students with mild disabilities.
  • A new feature occurs in every chapter called “Speedbumps.” Speedbumps break up lengthy sections of text with concise comments, humor or questions to keep reader interest.  There are approximately 10 speedbumps interspersed throughout each chapter.
  • Includes discussion of new guidelines established by the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities for identification of students with mild intellectual disabilities.  Throughout the text new terminology–“students with mild intellectual disabilities”–is used insted of the term “mild mental retardation.”


  • A print text
  • Free shipping

Additional information

Dimensions 43.31 × 271.65 × 358.27 in





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higher education, special education, Vocational / Professional Studies, Teacher Education, Mild / Moderate Disabilities