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German native Armin Meiwes placed this ad in an internet chatroom catering to cannibals. He received 430 responses. Among them was Bernd Juergen Brandes, who arrived at Meiwes’s isolated country home literally to be eaten alive. Escorted to the “slaughtering room”—equipped with meat hooks, a cage, and a butcher’s table—Meiwes assisted Bernd in a gourmet candlelight dinner of his own cooked flesh. Meiwes then stabbed his victim in the throat—bringing the ghastly videotaped ordeal to an end.
From a childhood perverted by unhealthy obsessions to his notorious trial that ended in a stunning verdict, Cannibal discloses for the first time the true story of a real-life Hannibal Lecter and his victim. And with details never before divulged to the public, it takes readers step-by-step through the unspeakable crime that fascinated and revolted the world.

Table of Contents


Title Page

Copyright Page




Chapter 1 – Preparations for Dinner

Chapter 2 – Armin’s Childhood

Chapter 3 – Armin’s Dominant Mother

Chapter 4 – Armin’s Life as a Young Man

Chapter 5 – The Impact of His Mother’s Death

Chapter 6 – Looking for a Well-Built Man for Slaughter

Chapter 7 – The Slaughter Room

Chapter 8 – Bernd, the Meal

Chapter 9 – I Hope You’ll Find Me Tasty

Chapter 10 – The Slaughter Room

Chapter 11 – You Have My Word and My Permission to Kill Me

Chapter 12 – To Test the Limits of Pain

Chapter 13 – Back from the Station

Chapter 14 – The Castration

Chapter 15 – Bernd Continues to Live

Chapter 16 – The Difficult Part

Chapter 17 – The Gein Configuration

Chapter 18 – The Biggest Kick in My Life

Chapter 19 – I Hope I Won’t Be Lonely Anymore

Chapter 20 – Bernd’s Absence Is Noticed

Chapter 21 – Looking for Another Slaughter Boy

Chapter 22 – Franky Boasts

Chapter 23 – Have You Eaten Human Flesh, Mr. Meiwes?

Chapter 24 – Listen, I’m in Trouble

Chapter 25 – The Cannibal of Rotenburg

Chapter 26 – No Signs of Psychiatric Illness

Chapter 27 – A Complicated Matter

Chapter 28 – Manslaughter

Chapter 29 – Appeals

Chapter 30 – Maybe It’s Going to Happen Again

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Copyright © 2005 by Lois Jones


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This book
is dedicated
to Barnaby
and my family
for their love,
and belief
in me.


I would like to thank many for their help in
creating this book.


For their love and support, I thank Barnaby,
my parents and Howard and Gayle. A special
thanks goes to Clive for his eternal encouragement
and daily cheer.


I am also grateful to Flavia, Rachel, Lynne
and Bartlin for their sound advice.


For her careful attention to the manuscript,
professionalism and positive words, I thank
my editor, Allison McCabe.


I am also grateful for the assistance provided
by Frank Thonicke, HNA; Channel Four
and Stern.


All the names in this book are real. The
events in this book are real, or as close to real
as humanly possible. The story that follows is
based on hours of research, interviews and
first-person accounts of the participants.


Preparations for Dinner

The sun shone down on the half-timbered farmhouse, nestling in the rolling hills of central Germany. It was a Friday in March 2001, just before Easter.

The birds were singing, welcoming in the spring. The picturesque hamlet was otherwise silent, apart from the sound of a tractor trundling through the nearby fields. Occasionally a car drove past the farmhouse and down the lane that led through Wüstefeld, a secluded area of Rotenburg an der Fulda in the German state of Hesse. Visitors were few to this country idyll on the edge of nowhere, and the thirty or so inhabitants liked it that way. Families from the six houses in the settlement knew one another’s business, or so they liked to think.

The Brothers Grimm wrote many of their fairy tales in nearby Kassel, populating the thickly forested countryside around the farmhouse with dwarfs, goblins and witches. There is a museum in Kassel celebrating their work. Kassel’s highlights also include the Museum of Death, with its permanent collection of headstones, hearses and death-depicting sculptures.


Additional information

Dimensions 0.6600 × 4.2100 × 6.7500 in









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