Analyzing Computer Security
- Description
- Additional information
Foreword xxiii
Preface xxvii
About the Authors xxxv
Chapter 1: Security Blanket or Security Theater? 2
How Dependent Are We on Computers? 6
What Is Computer Security? 8
Threats 11
Harm 24
Vulnerabilities 30
Controls 30
Analyzing Security With Examples 33
Conclusion 34
Exercises 35
Chapter 2: Knock, Knock. Who’s There? 38
Attack: Impersonation 39
Attack Details: Failed Authentication 40
Vulnerability: Faulty or Incomplete Authentication 41
Countermeasure: Strong Authentication 47
Conclusion 64
Recurring Thread: Privacy 67
Recurring Thread: Usability 69
Exercises 71
Chapter 3: 2 + 2 = 5 72
Attack: Program Flaw in Spacecraft Software 74
Threat: Program Flaw Leads to Security Failing 75
Vulnerability: Incomplete Mediation 77
Vulnerability: Race Condition 79
Vulnerability: Time-of-Check to Time-of-Use 82
Vulnerability: Undocumented Access Point 84
Ineffective Countermeasure: Penetrate-and-Patch 85
Countermeasure: Identifying and Classifying Faults 86
Countermeasure: Secure Software Design Elements 90
Countermeasure: Secure Software Development Process 97
Good Design 103
Countermeasure: Testing 114
Countermeasure: Defensive Programming 122
Conclusion 123
Recurring Thread: Legal—Redress for Software Failures 125
Exercises 128
Chapter 4: A Horse of a Different Color 130
Attack: Malicious Code 131
Threat: Malware—Virus, Trojan Horse, and Worm 132
Technical Details: Malicious Code 138
Vulnerability: Voluntary Introduction 155
Vulnerability: Unlimited Privilege 157
Vulnerability: Stealthy Behavior—Hard to Detect and Characterize 157
Countermeasure: Hygiene 158
Countermeasure: Detection Tools 159
Countermeasure: Error Detecting and Error Correcting Codes 166
Countermeasure: Memory Separation 170
Countermeasure: Basic Security Principles 171
Recurring Thread: Legal—Computer Crime 172
Conclusion 177
Exercises 178
Chapter 5: The Keys to the Kingdom 180
Attack: Keylogging 181
Threat: Illicit Data Access 182
Attack Details 182
Harm: Data and Reputation 186
Vulnerability: Physical Access 186
Vulnerability: Misplaced Trust 187
Vulnerability: Insiders 189
Vulnerability: System Subversion 191
Recurring Thread: Forensics—Tracing Data Flow 193
Vulnerability: Weak Authentication 194
Failed Countermeasure: Security through Obscurity 194
Countermeasure: Physical Access Control 196
Countermeasure: Strong Authentication 198
Countermeasure: Trust/Least Privilege 202
Conclusion 204
Recurring Thread: Forensics—Plug-and-Play Devices 205
Exercises 207
Interlude A: Cloud Computing 210
What Is Cloud Computing? 211
What Are the Risks in the Cloud? 213
Chapter 6: My Cup Runneth Over 216
Attack: What Did You Say That Number Was? 217
Harm: Destruction of Code and Data 218
Vulnerability: Off-by-One Error 230
Vulnerability: Integer Overflow 231
Vulnerability: Unterminated Null-Terminated String 232
Vulnerability: Parameter Length and Number 233
Vulnerability: Unsafe Utility Programs 234
Attack: Important Overflow Exploitation Examples 234
Countermeasure: Programmer Bounds Checking 244
Countermeasure: Programming Language Support 244
Countermeasure: Stack Protection/Tamper Detection 247
Countermeasure: Hardware Protection of Executable Space 249
Countermeasure: General Access Control 261
Conclusion 272
Exercises 274
Chapter 7: He Who Steals My Purse . . . 276
Attack: Veterans’ Administration Laptop Stolen 277
Threat: Loss of Data 278
Extended Threat: Disaster 278
Vulnerability: Physical Access 279
Vulnerability: Unprotected Availability of Data 279
Vulnerability: Unprotected Confidentiality of Data 279
Countermeasure: Policy 280
Countermeasure: Physical Security 280
Countermeasure: Data Redundancy (Backup) 282
Countermeasure: Encryption 286
Countermeasure: Disk Encryption 325
Conclusion 326
Exercises 329
Chapter 8: The Root of All Evil 332
Background: Operating System Structure 333
Attack: Phone Rootkit 337
Attack Details: What Is a Rootkit? 338
Vulnerability: Software Complexity 347
Vulnerability: Difficulty of Detection and Eradication 347
Countermeasure: Simplicity of Design 348
Countermeasure: Trusted Systems 353
Conclusion 364
Exercises 365
Chapter 9: Scanning the Horizon 368
Attack: Investigation, Intrusion, and Compromise 369
Threat: Port Scan 370
Attack Details 371
Harm: Knowledge and Exposure 374
Recurring Thread: Legal—Are Port Scans Legal? 375
Vulnerability: Revealing Too Much 376
Vulnerability: Allowing Internal Access 376
Countermeasure: System Architecture 377
Countermeasure: Firewall 378
Countermeasure: Network Address Translation (NAT) 397
Countermeasure: Security Perimeter 399
Conclusion 400
Exercises 402
Chapter 10: Do You Hear What I Hear? 404
Attack: Wireless (WiFi) Network Access 405
Harm: Confidentiality–Integrity–Availability 412
Attack: Unauthorized Access 414
Vulnerability: Protocol Weaknesses 414
Failed Countermeasure: WEP 418
Stronger but Not Perfect Countermeasure: WPA and WPA2 422
Conclusion 426
Recurring Thread: Privacy—Privacy-Preserving Design 427
Exercises 429
Chapter 11: I Hear You Loud and Clear 432
Attack: Enemies Watch Predator Video 433
Attack Details 434
Threat: Interception 437
Vulnerability: Wiretapping 441
Countermeasure: Encryption 448
Countermeasure: Virtual Private Networks 452
Countermeasure: Cryptographic Key Management Regime 456
Countermeasure: Asymmetric Cryptography 459
Countermeasure: Kerberos 464
Conclusion 468
Recurring Thread: Ethics—Monitoring Users 471
Exercises 472
Interlude B: Electronic Voting 474
What Is Electronic Voting? 475
What Is a Fair Election? 477
What Are the Critical Issues? 477
Chapter 12: Disregard That Man Behind the Curtain 482
Attack: Radar Sees Only Blue Skies 483
Threat: Man in the Middle 484
Threat: “In-the-Middle” Activity 487
Vulnerability: Unwarranted Trust 498
Vulnerability: Failed Identification and Authentication 499
Vulnerability: Unauthorized Access 501
Vulnerability: Inadequate Attention to Program Details 501
Vulnerability: Protocol Weakness 502
Countermeasure: Trust 503
Countermeasure: Identification and Authentication 503
Countermeasure: Cryptography 506
Related Attack: Covert Channel 508
Related Attack: Steganography 517
Conclusion 519
Exercises 520
Chapter 13: Not All Is as It Seems 524
Attacks: Forgeries 525
Threat: Integrity Failure 530
Attack Details 530
Vulnerability: Protocol Weaknesses 542
Vulnerability: Code Flaws 543
Vulnerability: Humans 543
Countermeasure: Digital Signature 545
Countermeasure: Secure Protocols 566
Countermeasure: Access Control 566
Countermeasure: User Education 568
Possible Countermeasure: Analysis 569
Non-Countermeasure: Software Goodness Checker 571
Conclusion 572
Exercises 574
Chapter 14: Play It [Again] Sam, or, Let’s Look at the Instant Replay 576
Attack: Cloned RFIDs 577
Threat: Replay Attacks 578
Vulnerability: Reuse of Session Data 580
Countermeasure: Unrepeatable Protocol 580
Countermeasure: Cryptography 583
Conclusion: Replay Attacks 584
Similar Attack: Session Hijack 584
Vulnerability: Electronic Impersonation 588
Vulnerability: Nonsecret Token 588
Countermeasure: Encryption 589
Countermeasure: IPsec 593
Countermeasure: Design 596
Conclusion 597
Exercises 598
Chapter 15: I Can’t Get No Satisfaction 600
Attack: Massive Estonian Web Failure 601
Threat: Denial of Service 602
Threat: Flooding 602
Threat: Blocked Access 603
Threat: Access Failure 604
Case: Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital Systems Down 605
Vulnerability: Insufficient Resources 606
Vulnerability: Addressee Cannot Be Found 611
Vulnerability: Exploitation of Known Vulnerability 613
Vulnerability: Physical Disconnection 613
Countermeasure: Network Monitoring and Administration 614
Countermeasure: Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems 618
Countermeasure: Management 630
Conclusion: Denial of Service 633
Extended Attack: E Pluribus Contra Unum 635
Technical Details 638
Recurring Thread: Legal—DDoS Crime Does Not Pay 643
Vulnerability: Previously Described Attacks 643
Countermeasures: Preventing Bot Conscription 645
Countermeasures: Handling an Attack Under Way 647
Conclusion: Distributed Denial of Service 648
Exercises 649
Interlude C: Cyber Warfare 652
What Is Cyber Warfare? 653
Examples of Cyber Warfare 654
Critical Issues 656
Chapter 16: ’Twas Brillig, and the Slithy Toves . . . 662
Attack: Grade Inflation 663
Threat: Data Corruption 664
Countermeasure: Codes 667
Countermeasure: Protocols 668
Countermeasure: Procedures 669
Countermeasure: Cryptography 670
Conclusion 673
Exercises 674
Chapter 17: Peering through the Window 676
Attack: Sharing Too Much 677
Attack Details: Characteristics of Peer-to-Peer Networks 677
Threat: Inappropriate Data Disclosure 680
Threat: Introduction of Malicious Software 681
Threat: Exposure to Unauthorized Access 682
Vulnerability: User Failure to Employ Access Controls 683
Vulnerability: Unsafe User Interface 683
Vulnerability: Malicious Downloaded Software 684
Countermeasure: User Education 685
Countermeasure: Secure-by-Default Software 685
Countermeasure: Legal Action 686
Countermeasure: Outbound Firewall or Guard 688
Conclusion 689
Recurring Thread: Legal—Protecting Computer Objects 691
Exercises 704
Chapter 18: My 100,000 Nearest and Dearest Friends 706
Attack: I See U 707
Threat: Loss of Confidentiality 708
Threat: Data Leakage 709
Threat: Introduction of Malicious Code 710
Attack Details: Unintended Disclosure 711
Vulnerability: Exploiting Trust Relationships 721
Vulnerability: Analysis on Data 722
Vulnerability: Hidden Data Attributes 722
Countermeasure: Data Suppression and Modification 724
Countermeasure: User Awareness and Education 729
Countermeasure: Policy 733
Conclusion 734
Exercises 736
Afterword 738
Challenges Facing Us 739
Critical Issues 741
Moving Forward: Suggested Next Steps for Improving Computer Security 742
And Now for Something a Little Different 746
Bibliography 749
Index 773
“In this book, the authors adopt a refreshingly new approach to explaining the intricacies of the security and privacy challenge that is particularly well suited to today’s cybersecurity challenges. Their use of the threat–vulnerability–countermeasure paradigm combined with extensive real-world examples throughout results in a very effective learning methodology.”
—Charles C. Palmer, IBM Research
The Modern Introduction to Computer Security: Understand Threats, Identify Their Causes, and Implement Effective Countermeasures
Analyzing Computer Security is a fresh, modern, and relevant introduction to computer security. Organized around today’s key attacks, vulnerabilities, and countermeasures, it helps you think critically and creatively about computer security—so you can prevent serious problems and mitigate the effects of those that still occur.
In this new book, renowned security and software engineering experts Charles P. Pfleeger and Shari Lawrence Pfleeger—authors of the classic Security in Computing—teach security the way modern security professionals approach it: by identifying the people or things that may cause harm, uncovering weaknesses that can be exploited, and choosing and applying the right protections. With this approach, not only will you study cases of attacks that have occurred, but you will also learn to apply this methodology to new situations.
The book covers “hot button” issues, such as authentication failures, network interception, and denial of service. You also gain new insight into broader themes, including risk analysis, usability, trust, privacy, ethics, and forensics. One step at a time, the book systematically helps you develop the problem-solving skills needed to protect any information infrastructure.
Coverage includes
- Understanding threats, vulnerabilities, and countermeasures
- Knowing when security is useful, and when it’s useless “security theater”
- Implementing effective identification and authentication systems
- Using modern cryptography and overcoming weaknesses in cryptographic systems
- Protecting against malicious code: viruses, Trojans, worms, rootkits, keyloggers, and more
- Understanding, preventing, and mitigating DOS and DDOS attacks
- Architecting more secure wired and wireless networks
- Building more secure application software and operating systems through more solid designs and layered protection
- Protecting identities and enforcing privacy
- Addressing computer threats in critical areas such as cloud computing, e-voting, cyberwarfare, and social media
- Introduces computer security the way today’s practitioners want to learn it: by identifying threats, explaining the vulnerabilities that cause them, and presenting effective countermeasures
- Contains up-to-date coverage of security management, risk analysis, privacy, controls, forensics, insider attacks, human factors, trust, and more
- Includes 273 problems and 192 illustrations
Dr. Charles P. Pfleeger, an independent computer and information security consultant, provides threat/vulnerability analysis, design review, training, expert testimony, and security advice to clients worldwide. He was master security architect at Cable and Wireless and Exodus Communications, and professor of computer science at the University of Tennessee. Dr. Pfleeger is coauthor of Security in Computing, Fourth Edition (Prentice Hall, 2007), today’s leading college computer security textbook.
Dr. Shari Lawrence Pfleeger is Director of Research for the Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection at Dartmouth College, a consortium working to protect the U.S. cyber infrastructure. The Journal of Systems and Software has repeatedly named her one of the world’s top software engineering researchers. Dr. Pfleeger is coauthor of Security in Computing, Fourth Edition (Prentice Hall, 2007), today’s leading college computer security textbook.
A fresh new approach to computer security by the authors of the 20-year best-selling classic Security in Computing
- Introduces computer security the way today’s practitioners want to learn it: by identifying threats, explaining the vulnerabilities that cause them, and presenting effective countermeasures
- Contains up-to-date coverage of security management, risk analysis, privacy, controls, forensics, insider attacks, human factors, trust, and more
- Includes 273 problems and 192 illustrations
“This is a must-read book for any budding Security Architect and also makes a great professional reference. I’d recommend this book to any IT architect or specialist wishing to enter the field of security architectures, as well as to anyone who already has that title and wants a good quality reference book.”-John Hughes, InfoSec Reviews
In this book, the authors of the 20-year best-selling classic Security in Computing take a fresh, contemporary, and powerfully relevant new approach to introducing computer security.
Organised around attacks and mitigations, the Pfleegers’ new Analyzing Computer Security will attract students’ attention by building on the high-profile security failures they may have already encountered in the popular media. Each section starts with an attack description. Next, the authors explain the vulnerabilities that have allowed this attack to occur. With this foundation in place, they systematically present today’s most effective countermeasures for blocking or weakening the attack. One step at a time, students progress from attack/problem/harm to solution/protection/mitigation, building the powerful real-world problem solving skills they need to succeed as information security professionals. Analyzing Computer Security addresses crucial contemporary computer security themes throughout, including effective security management and risk analysis; economics and quantitative study; privacy, ethics, and laws; and the use of overlapping controls. The authors also present significant new material on computer forensics, insiders, human factors, and trust.
Additional information
Additional information
Dimensions | 1.30 × 7.10 × 9.30 in |
Imprint | |
Format | |
ISBN-13 | |
ISBN-10 | |
Author | |
Subjects | cybersecurity, professional, hacking, higher education, COM053000, Employability, IT Professional, W-60 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING |