Algebra Foundations
- Description
- Additional information
Objective: Guided Learning
The Bittinger Worktext Series recognizes that math hasn’t changed, but students–and the way they learn math–have. The new Bittinger All in One, Developmental Mathematics: Basic Math, Introductory Algebra, & Intermediate Algebra, offers everything needed to teach the full developmental math sequence in one flexible course solution.It continues the Bittinger tradition of objective-based, guided learning, while integrating timely updates to proven pedagogy. It has a greater emphasis on guided learning and helping students get the most out of all of the resources available, including new mobile learning resources, whether in a traditional lecture, hybrid, lab-based, or online course.
Teaching and Learning Experience
This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience for you and your students. Here’s how:
- Improve results: MyMathLab® delivers improving results in helping students succeed and provides engaging experiences that personalize learning.
- Guide students’ learning: The Bittinger team helps today’s math students stay on task by guiding them to understand what to do and when.
- Reinforce study skills: The Bittinger program is equipped with tools and resources to help students develop effective study and learning habits that will help them in their college careers and beyond.
- Provide an All in One solution with print support:The course is a complete All in One MyMathLab solution with everything needed for Basic Math, Introductory Algebra, and Intermediate Algebra. Additionally, the MyMathGuide is available for additional learning support and a printed version of the text can be ordered via Pearson Learning Solutions.
1. Whole Numbers
1.1 Standard Notation
1.2 Addition
1.3 Subtraction
1.4 Multiplication
1.5 Division
Mid-Chapter Review
1.6 Rounding and Estimating; Order
1.7 Solving Equations
1.8 Applications and Problem Solving
Translating for Success
1.9 Exponential Notation and Order of Operations
Summary and Review
2. Fraction Notation: Multiplication and Division
2.1 Factorizations
2.2 Divisibility
2.3 Fractions and Fraction Notation
2.4 Multiplication and Applications
2.5 Simplifying
Mid-Chapter Review
2.6 Multiplying, Simplifying, and Applications
2.7 Division and Applications
Translating for Success
Summary and Review
3. Fraction Notation and Mixed Numerals
3.1 Least Common Multiples
3.2 Addition and Applications
3.3 Subtraction, Order, and Applications
Translating for Success
3.4 Mixed Numerals
Mid-Chapter Review
3.5 Addition and Subtraction Using Mixed Numerals; Applications
3.6 Multiplication and Division Using Mixed Numerals; Applications
Translating for Success
3.7 Order of Operations, Complex Fractions, and Estimation
Summary and Review
Cumulative Review
4. Decimal Notation
4.1 Decimal Notation, Order, and Rounding
4.2 Addition and Subtraction
4.3 Multiplication
4.4 Division
Mid-Chapter Review
4.5 Converting from Fraction Notation
to Decimal Notation
4.6 Estimating
4.7 Applications and Problem Solving
Translating for Success
Summary and Review
Cumulative Review
5. Ratio and Proportion
5.1 Introduction to Ratios
5.2 Rates and Unit Prices
5.3 Proportions
Mid-Chapter Review
5.4 Applications of Proportions
Translating for Success
5.5 Geometric Applications
Summary and Review
Cumulative Review
6. Percent Notation
6.1 Percent Notation
6.2 Percent Notation and Fraction Notation
6.3 Solving Percent Problems Using Percent Equations
6.4 Solving Percent Problems Using Proportions
Mid-Chapter Review
6.5 Applications of Percent
Translating for Success
6.6 Sales Tax, Commission, and Discount
6.7 Simple Interest and Compound Interest; Credit Cards
Summary and Review
Cumulative Review
7. Data, Graphs, and Statistics
7.1 Averages, Medians, and Modes
7.2 Interpreting Data from Tables and Graphs
Mid-Chapter Review
7.3 Interpreting and Drawing Bar Graphs and Line Graphs
7.4 Interpreting and Drawing Circle Graphs
Translating for Success
Summary and Review
Cumulative Review
8. Measurement
8.1 Linear Measures: American Units
8.2 Linear Measures: The Metric System
8.3 Converting Between American Units and Metric Units
Mid-Chapter Review
8.4 Weight and Mass; Medical Applications
8.5 Capacity: Medical Applications
8.6 Time and Temperature
8.7 Converting Units of Area
Translating for Success
Summary and Review
Cumulative Review
9. Geometry
9.1 Perimeter
9.2 Area
9.3 Circles
Mid-Chapter Review
9.4 Volume
9.5 Angles and Triangles
9.6 Square Roots and the Pythagorean Theorem
Translating for Success
Summary and Review
Cumulative Review
10. Introduction to Real Numbers and Algebraic Expressions
10.1 Introduction to Algebra
10.2 The Real Numbers
10.3 Addition of Real Numbers
10.4 Subtraction of Real Numbers
Mid-Chapter Review
10.5 Multiplication of Real Numbers
10.6 Division of Real Numbers
10.7 Properties of Real Numbers
10.8 Simplifying Expressions;
Order of Operations
Summary and Review
11. Solving Equations and Inequalities
11.1 Solving Equations: The Addition Principle
11.2 Solving Equations: The Multiplication Principle
11.3 Using the Principles Together
11.4 Formulas
Mid-Chapter Review
11.5 Applications of Percent
11.6 Applications and Problem Solving
Translating for Success
11.7 Solving Inequalities
11.8 Applications and Problem Solving with Inequalities
Summary and Review
Cumulative Review
12. Graphs of Linear Equations
12.1 Introduction to Graphing
12.2 Graphing Linear Equations
12.3 More with Graphing and Intercepts
Visualizing for Success
Mid-Chapter Review
12.4 Slope and Applications
Summary and Review
Cumulative Review
13. Polynomials: Operations
13.1 Integers as Exponents
13.2 Exponents and Scientific Notation
13.3 Introduction to Polynomials
13.4 Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials
Mid-Chapter Review
13.5 Multiplication of Polynomials
13.6 Special Products
Visualizing for Success
13.7 Operations with Polynomials in Several Variables
13.8 Division of Polynomials
Summary and Review
Cumulative Review
14. Polynomials: Factoring
14.1 Introduction to Factoring
14.2 Factoring Trinomials of the Type x2 + bx + c
14.3 Factoring ax2 + bx + c, a ≠ 1: The FOIL Method
14.4 Factoring ax2 + bx + c, a ≠ 1: The ac-Method
Mid-Chapter Review
14.5 Factoring Trinomial Squares and Differences of Squares
14.6 Factoring Sums or Differences of Cubes
14.7 Factoring: A General Strategy
14.8 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
14.9 Applications of Quadratic Equations
Translating for Success
Summary and Review
Cumulative Review
15. Rational Expressions and Equations
15.1 Multiplying and Simplifying Rational Expressions
15.2 Division and Reciprocals
15.3 Least Common Multiples and Denominators
15.4 Adding Rational Expressions
15.5 Subtracting Rational Expressions
Mid-Chapter Review
15.6 Complex Rational Expressions
15.7 Solving Rational Equations
15.8 Applications Using Rational Equations and Proportions
Translating for Success
15.9 Variation and Applications
Summary and Review
Cumulative Review
16. Graphs, Functions, and Applications
16.1 Functions and Graphs
16.2 Finding Domain and Range
Mid-Chapter Review
16.3 Linear Functions: Graphs and Slope
16.4 More on Graphing Linear Equations
Visualizing for Success
16.5 Finding Equations of Lines; Applications
Summary and Review
Cumulative Review
17. Systems of Equations
17.1 Systems of Equations in Two Variables
17.2 Solving by Substitution
17.3 Solving by Elimination
17.4 Solving Applied Problems: Two Equations
Translating for Success
Mid-Chapter Review
17.5 Systems of Equations in Three Variables
17.6 Solving Applied Problems: Three Equations
Summary and Review
Cumulative Review
18. More on Inequalities
18.1 Sets, Inequalities, and Interval Notation
Translating for Success
18.2 Intersections, Unions, and Compound Inequalities
Mid-Chapter Review
18.3 Absolute-Value Equations and inequalities
18.4 Systems of Inequalities in Two Variables
Visualizing for Success
Summary and Review
Cumulative Review
19. Radical Expressions, Equations, and Functions
19.1 Radical Expressions and Functions
19.2 Rational Numbers as Exponents
19.3 Simplifying Radical Expressions
19.4 Addition, Subtraction, and More Multiplication
Mid-Chapter Review
19.5 More on Division of Radical Expressions
19.6 Solving Radical Equations
19.7 Applications Involving Powers and Roots
Translating for Success
19.8 The Complex Numbers
Summary and Review
Cumulative Review
20. Quadratic Equations and Functions
20.1 The Basics of Solving Quadratic Equations
20.2 The Quadratic Formula
20.3 Applications Involving Quadratic Equations
Translating for Success
20.4 More on Quadratic Equations
Mid-Chapter Review
20.5 Graphing f(x) = a(x – h)2 + k
20.6 Graphing f(x) = ax2 + bx + c
Visualizing for Success
20.7 Mathematical Modeling with Quadratic functions
20.8 Polynomial Inequalities and Rational Inequalities
Summary and Review
Cumulative Review
21. Exponential Functions and Logarithmic Functions
21.1 Exponential Functions
21.2 Composite Functions and Inverse Functions
21.3 Logarithmic Functions
21.4 Properties of Logarithmic Functions
Mid-Chapter Review
21.5 Natural Logarithmic Functions
Visualizing for Success
21.6 Solving Exponential Equations and Logarithmic Equations
21.7 Mathematical Modeling with Exponential Functions and Logarithmic Functions
Translating For Success
Summary and Review
Cumulative Review
A. Synthetic Division
B. Determinants and Cramer’s Rule
C. Elimination Using Matrices
D. The Algebra of Functions
E. Distance, Midpoints, and Circles
Improve Results With MyMathLab®: the Bittinger courses include all of MyMathLab’s robust features, plus these additional highlights.
- Two MyMathLab course options are now available:
- Standard MyMathLab courses allow instructors to build their courses their way, offering maximum flexibility and control over all aspects of assignment creation.
- NEW! Ready to Go courses provide students with all the same great MyMathLab features, but also make it easier for instructors to get started with pre-built AND pre-assigned assignments. The Ready to Go courses also feature a new four-step Learning Path: 1.) Learn the Skills and Concepts, 2.) Check Your Understanding, 3.) Do Your Homework, 4.) Review and Test Your Understanding.
- Coverage of skill-building, conceptual, and applications exercises, as well as assignable Guided-Solution exercises, Skill Checks, and Reading Checks.
- Active Learning Figures, available for key concepts, foster conceptual understanding and are especially helpful for visual and tactile learners. Instructors can create media assignments with the figures.
- Bittinger Video Program includes To-the-Point Objective Videos and Chapter Test Prep Videos. To-the-Point Objective Videos include Interactive Your Turn Exercises, where students solve exercises and receive instant feedback on their work. The videos also can be used hand-in-hand with the MyMathGuide workbook.
- MyMathGuide: Notes, Practice, and Video Path is an objective-based workbook (available in print and in MyMathLab) that provides guided, hands-on learning. It offers vocabulary, skill, and concept review–along with problem-solving practice, where students can fill-in the steps to guided solution problems. It can be used together with the To-the-Point Objective Video program—and students can fill-in steps as they watch the videos, listen to the instructor lecture, or read the textbook. This loose-leaf workbook offers plenty of space to show work, write notes, and can serve as a good foundation for a hybrid or self-paced course notebook or lecture notes. MyMathGuide is incorporated into the Learning Path of the Ready to Go courses.
- Accessibility Enhancements continue Pearson’s commitment to make products accessible to as many students as possible. This latest course release is compatible with the JAWS screen reader enabling print-disabled students to access and interact with numerous problems as noted by an icon within the assignment manager. The course also works with the ZoomText enlarger, and includes an HTML eBook that is compatible with JAWS and other Windows screen readers, allowing all students to access the same text, at the same place, and at the same price. Additionally, all videos include closed captioning.
Guide Students’ Learning–Students are encouraged to use Your Guide to Success in Math, a four-step Learning Path and checklist available in the MyMathLab course and incorporated into the Ready to Go MyMathLab courses. The guide will help students identify the resources in the textbook, supplements, and MyMathLab that support their learning style.
- Step 1: Learn the Skills and Concepts–Students have several options for learning and practicing the math concepts.
- Skills Checks: In the Learning Path for Ready to Go MyMathLab courses, each chapter begins with a brief assignment on the prerequisite skills needed for the chapter, giving students the chance to refresh and practice.
- The Textbook / eText is a great starting point for students to learn the material. It includes the hallmark Bittinger pedagogy with Skill to Review exercises at the start of each section, and Margin Exercises, plus NEW! Guided Solutions. The Guided Solution exercises are select margin exercises within the text that allow students to fill-in the blanks to learn how to work through the problem. These problem types are also assignable in MyMathLab, where the exercises are broken down into smaller steps for students to fill-in as they work through the problem.
- To-the-Point Objective Videos and MyMathGuide: Notes, Practice, and Video Path workbook are also the perfect resources for helping students learn the material.
- Step 2: Check Your Understanding–Students have frequent opportunities to check their work and confirm that they understand skills and concepts before moving on:
- NEW! Reading Checks at the beginning of each set of section exercises in the text ask students to demonstrate that they understand the material. They are incorporated in the Ready to Go Learning Path in MyMathLab and assignable in MyMathLab.
- NEW! Active Learning Figures are also a great resource to help students understand the concepts.
- Step 3: Do Your Homework–The text and MyMathLab course have a wealth of proven and updated exercises, including the assignable exercises in MyMathLab described above.
- Step 4: Review and Test Your Understanding–Students have a variety of resources to check their skills and understanding along the way and to help them prepare for tests.
- In the text, Mid-Chapter Reviews, Chapter Summary and Review, and Chapter Tests, offer students regular, comprehensive review and reinforcement. Chapter Test Prep Videos are also available to show worked-out solutions to all the end-of-chapter tests. These are accessible in MyMathLab and on YouTube.
- In MyMathLab, instructors can assign prebuilt tests or create paper tests using TestGen® Software.
Reinforce Study Skills–Developing solid time-management, note-taking, test-taking, and other study skills is key to student success in math courses (as well as professionally and personally). Instructors can direct students to related study skills resources as needed.
- Studying for Success: Checklists of study skills–designed to ensure that students develop the skills they need to succeed in math, school, and life–are integrated throughout the text at the beginning of selected sections.
- Student Success Module in MyMathLab: This new, interactive module is available in the left-hand navigation of MyMathLab and includes videos, activities, and post-tests for these three student success areas:
- Math-Reading Connections, including topics such as Using Word Clues, and Looking for Patterns.
- Study Skills, including topics such as Time Management and Preparing for and Taking Exams.
- College Success, including topics such as College Transition and Online Learning.
- Instructors can assign these videos and/or activities as media assignments, along with pre-built post-tests to make sure students learn and understand how to improve their skills in these areas. Instructors can integrate these assignments with their traditional MyMathLab homework assignments to incorporate student success topics into their course as they deem appropriate.
This All in One Algebra Foundationshas everything for Basic Math, Introductory Algebra, and Intermediate Algebra in one easy-to-use solution. In addition to a full eText in MyMathLab, two printed options are available to provide additional support.
- MyMathGuide is available in print and in MyMathLab, and can be packaged with a text or MyMathLab code.
- A complete eText, is included in the MyMathLab course. Instructors who want to provide a printed book for their students can order this through Pearson Learning Solutions.
The Bittinger Worktext Series recognizes that math hasn’t changed, but students–and the way they learn math–have. The new Bittinger All in One, Developmental Mathematics: Basic Math, Introductory Algebra, & Intermediate Algebra, offers everything needed to teach the full developmental math sequence in one flexible course solution.It continues the Bittinger tradition of objective-based, guided learning, while integrating timely updates to proven pedagogy. It has a greater emphasis on guided learning and helping students get the most out of all of the resources available, including new mobile learning resources, whether in a traditional lecture, hybrid, lab-based, or online course.
ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson’s MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, including customized versions for individual schools, and registrations are not transferable. In addition, you may need a CourseID, provided by your instructor, to register for and use Pearson’s MyLab & Mastering products.
Access codes for Pearson’s MyLab & Mastering products may not be included when purchasing or renting from companies other than Pearson; check with the seller before completing your purchase.
Used or rental books
If you rent or purchase a used book with an access code, the access code may have been redeemed previously and you may have to purchase a new access code.
Access codes
Access codes that are purchased from sellers other than Pearson carry a higher risk of being either the wrong ISBN or a previously redeemed code. Check with the seller prior to purchase.
Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyMathLab does not come packaged with this content. MyMathLab is not a self-paced technology and should only be purchased when required by an instructor. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyMathLab, search for:
0133930211 / 9780133930214 MyMathLab for Bittinger Algebra Foundations: Basic Math, Intro and Intermediate Algebra — Access Card — PLUS MyMathGuide
Package consists of:
0133930211 / 9780133930214 MyMathLab for Bittinger Algebra Foundations: Basic Math, Intro and Intermediate Algebra — Access Card — PLUS MyMathGuide
0133861384 / 9780133861389 MyMathGuide: Notes, Practice, and Video Path for Algebra Foundations: Basic Math, Introductory and Intermediate Algebra
0321757378 / 9780321757371 MyMathLab CourseCompass Integrated Course Sequence — Standalone Access Card
Additional information
Dimensions | 2.50 × 8.85 × 11.70 in |
Imprint | |
Format | |
ISBN-13 | |
ISBN-10 | |
Author | |
Subjects | mathematics, higher education, Developmental Math, Combo: All in One |