71101-14 Field Abnormal Operating Conditions Trainee Guide

71101-14 Field Abnormal Operating Conditions Trainee Guide


SKU: 09780133754681


Describes how field personnel recognize, properly react to, and properly report about abnormal operating conditions (AOCs) that may occur during pipeline operations. Covers federal regulations and agencies governing the operation of gas and liquid pipelines. Module 67107-13

Describes how field personnel recognize, properly react to, and properly report about abnormal operating conditions (AOCs) that may occur during pipeline operations. Covers federal regulations and agencies governing the operation of gas and liquid pipelines. Module 67107-13

Describes how field personnel recognize, properly react to, and properly report about abnormal operating conditions (AOCs) that may occur during pipeline operations. Covers federal regulations and agencies governing the operation of gas and liquid pipelines. Module 67107-13


Instructor Supplements

Instructors: Product supplements may be ordered directly through OASIS at http://oasis.pearson.com. For more information contact your Pearson NCCER Sales Specialist at http://nccer.pearsonconstructionbooks.com/store/sales.aspx.   

  • Instructor Package Print Copy: 9780134163338.  Provides access to Instructor Resource Center at  www.nccerirc.com. Downloadable instructor resources include PowerPoints, Lesson Plans, Test Questions, and TestGen software.


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Dimensions 0.20 × 8.30 × 10.80 in






higher education, Employability, Industry Associations, NCCER, NCCER Other