43 Ways to Finance Your Feature Film
John W. Cones has updated his now classic 43 Ways toFinance Your Feature Film: A Comprehensive Analysis of Film Finance with a substantially reorganized and expanded third edition. An essential…
Angels in the American Theater
Angels in the American Theater: Patrons, Patronage, and Philanthropy examines the significant roles that theater patrons have played in shaping and developing theater in the United States. Because box office…
How to Get the Part…Without Falling Apart!
How to Get the Part…Without Falling Apart! is the answer to every actor’s audition prayers. Acting coach Margie Haber has created a revolutionary phrase technique to get actors through readings without…
On Broadway
At a critical, transitional moment in the history of Broadway—and, by extension, of American theatre itself—former Broadway stage manager Steven Adlerenlists insider perspectives from sixty-six practitioners and artists to chronicle…
The Feature Film Distribution Deal
John W. Cones, whose real goal is to stimulate a long-term film industry reform movement, shows how the financial control of the film industry in the hands of the major…
The Feature Film Distribution Deal
John W. Cones, whose real goal is to stimulate a long-term film industry reform movement, shows how the financial control of the film industry in the hands of the major…
The Music Never Stops
An engrossing and insightful memoir by Peter Shapiro, the best known and most influential concert promoter of his generationPeter Shapiro is perhaps the most notable independent concert promoter since Bill…
The Music Never Stops
An engrossing and insightful memoir by Peter Shapiro, the best known and most influential concert promoter of his generationPeter Shapiro is perhaps the most notable independent concert promoter since Bill…
The Regal Theater and Black Culture
Chronicling over forty years of critical changes in African-American expressive and popular culture, covering diverse forms of music, dance, and comedy, the Regal Theater (1928-1968) was the largest and most…
Why Docudrama?
When the 1990 English docudrama Who Bombed Birmingham? cast serious doubt on the guilt of six men convicted of bombing two British pubs in 1974, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher declared…