A Child Alone with Strangers
“Fracassi’s novel hits me like a cross between McCammon and ’80s King. Might be one of them summer blockbusters readers love.” —Laird Barron, author of Worse Angels”A Child Alone with Strangers starts…
Almost Perfect Moment, An
In Brooklyn, in the Age of Disco, Valentine Kessler — a sweet Jewish girl who bears a remarkable resemblance to the Virgin Mary of Lourdes — has an unerring gift…
An Ambush of Shadows
An Ambush of Shadows is the fifth book in the classic series of postapocalyptic novels about the people of Pelbar. Despite the tentative peace established in the eleven hundred years…
Anything You Say Can and Will Be Used Against You
This riveting debut collection of short fiction about women cops comes from the author’s real–life experience as a Baton Rouge police officer. In an entirely fresh and unique voice, these…
Chore Whore
I have been used, abused, lied to, and cheated on, blamed, shamed, screamed at, and ridiculed. I’ve been scammed and damned, had my ass kissed, my reputation dissed, and my…